The office of the Post·A plan is located on the eighth floor of the office building of the southern exhibition area.

It uses the chapped green as the main decorative element.

The people present are all senior executives of the southern exhibition area.

As chapped people, they are all full of blood and vigor. Even in the cold weather, they are more resistant to cold than ordinary people.

However, the heating in the office is very high at this time.

After all, there are two old men, Mr. Liu Wenwu and Mr. Zhao Xiangyang.

However, under this situation, there is still a low pressure in the office of the Post·A plan, and everyone's heart is a little cold.


Because at this time, they have determined that the prevention and control of wild boars mentioned by this dangerous uncle Dong is definitely not really the prevention and control of wild boars.

At this time, the dangerous uncle Dong Li Yaodong in the live broadcast screen, under their gaze, turned the gear of the radar.

Suddenly, all the senior executives present felt a little cold all over, and their scalps were a little numb.


You know, Li Yaodong said before that the detection range of the second-level radar has been expanded to ten kilometers.

In this case, they will definitely be able to scan out their soldiers hiding in the mountains.

Sure enough, the next second they saw the radar scan on Li Yaodong's laptop showing dense red dots.

Seeing this scene, their hearts were shocked again.

The original situation was that the enemy was in the dark and we were in the light, but now they were directly exposed.

Moreover, the difference was that they did not bring a radar for the crackdown.

In other words, the current situation has become that the enemy can see through them clearly, while they are in a fog.


At this time, in the sanatorium.

Li Zonghui was also stunned.

He himself does not have intensive phobia, but when he saw the dense red dots on the laptop of their uncle Dong Li Yaodong, he was shocked and got goose bumps.

'Is this the official crackdown team? ’

Such a thought suddenly popped up in his mind.

“It’s over, this is a big misunderstanding.”

At this moment, his face was a little pale.


Uncle Dong said before that this radar was used to control wild boars, but now it scanned out the official crackdown team.

In the official view, Uncle Dong Li Yaodong’s statement about controlling wild boars must be nonsense.

Moreover, if you put yourself in the official perspective.

Then why did Uncle Dong Li Yaodong scan out the official crackdown team?

The more he thought about it, the more numb Li Zonghui felt.


Looking at the dense red dots on the radar scan on the computer screen, Li Yaodong was also stunned.

“So many wild boars?”

He said so subconsciously.

Isn’t this too much?

This really didn’t make him think of it.

"Wow, so many wild boars?"

Yao Haipeng's eyes fell on the dense red dots on the laptop, and he rubbed his eyes subconsciously: "How much crops will be destroyed?"

There were also wild boars in his hometown when he was a child, but he had never seen so many wild boars?


Destroying crops? Wang Mingjie was also stunned. Hearing his leader's words, he was speechless.

But then, this speechless emotion was replaced by the horror that surged from the depths of his heart.

This is definitely not a wild boar?

What is it?

'Is it an official crackdown? '

He quickly came to this conclusion in his mind.


In the crackdown, he also learned how to read radar charts.

With such a general look, he can roughly judge the density of these small red dots and the number they represent.

There are at least a thousand of them.

After coming to this conclusion, his scalp tingled again.

One thousand? This is alreadyThe number of a regiment.


Before, he thought that Li Yaodong, the village chief of Ta Village, must be a dangerous person.

However, although he understood these, he felt that the other party should not make any waves in the country.

Even afterwards, he still felt that those Middle East villagers came to buy "Junhuo" because the government was using them to subsidize the Middle East villagers, or to supply them with weapons.

Such a dangerous person used by their official is naturally not so scary.


After all, if the official dares to use it, it is fully confident that it can control the other party.

However, now seeing the dense red dots representing a regiment on the radar scan map, he directly overturned his previous conclusion.

If the official can really control this dangerous person easily, it is impossible to send a regiment of people like a big enemy?

Moreover, he still remembered that there were several factories under the dangerous Li Yaodong, and those factories must also be controlled by people.

So, how many people are needed to cover so many places?

And this dangerous man, Li Yaodong, must also know his situation, but now he is so confident that he directly scans it out using the active phased array radar.

‘He... this dangerous man, what on earth has he done? ’

Thinking about it, his face turned pale.


At this moment, Li Qisheng, who felt that he was the most capable subordinate of Uncle Dong Li Yaodong, also felt a tingling sensation on his scalp.

He was just an ordinary person, so he naturally had not learned how to read radar maps, and naturally could not tell how many people these densely packed red dots represented.

But looking at the dense number, he knew that these people must be quite a lot.

Even at this moment, looking at the densely packed red dots on the radar map, he felt that his intensive phobia had occurred.

Just now, when their Uncle Dong said that there were several gears, he vaguely felt that Uncle Dong would definitely scan out the people ambushing around his own village.

However, after scanning it out, he suddenly thought of a problem that he had just ignored.

‘Uncle Dong, why did he scan out these official people under such circumstances?’

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