At the same time, a batch of inhumane aircraft were also loaded onto the vehicle.

However, this batch of inhumane aircraft was only the original version, and there was no improved version of the swarm inhumane aircraft that Li Yaodong installed radar and intelligent systems later.

After all, Florian, the drunkard, had stood him up before, and it was impossible for him to give him the latest inhumane aircraft just because he acted pitiful.

He was not so easy to fool.


At the gate of the Osder Machinery Factory, Florian thanked Li Yaodong again and again, and all of us inhumane aircraft would thank you.

"Then I'll leave first. Come to our Ruscia when you have time, and I will find the most beautiful beauty to entertain you, Mr. Dong Shu."

After saying these words, Florian followed the convoy.


Because this batch of all-terrain old man's music or small high-mobility all-terrain vehicles, they inhumane aircraft needed it urgently, so they did not ship it by sea, but by air.

Soon after, several large transport planes that Florian had transferred through his connections took off from the nearest international airport. On the same day, this batch of small high-mobility all-terrain vehicles was deployed on the battlefield.


In fact, although the performance of the batch of "crafts" imported by Florian from the Dragon Country official was significantly different from Li Yaodong's all-terrain old man music, it was still very strong compared to the same type of products.

However, since Okayi had gradually adapted to the performance of this batch of "crafts", Ruscia and Okayi entered a stalemate.

However, after this batch of small all-terrain vehicles with more powerful performance, higher mobility, larger load capacity, and the ability to install weapons platforms with greater firepower were deployed on the battlefield, the stalemate that Okayi had finally achieved was directly broken.

Okayi was directly confused.

Moreover, these all-terrain old man music of Li Yaodong have more advantages than those "crafts" of the Dragon Country official.


Another more important advantage is that Li Yaodong's all-terrain old man music is cheaper than those official crafts of Longguo.

The former is 50,000 Longguo currency, while the latter is up to 1 million Longguo currency. This is actually the preferential price given by Longguo to Florian.

Compared with the latter, the price of the former can really be said to be a bargain.

After the "crafts" of Longguo were blown up, the drunkards of Florian's side would definitely feel heartbroken.

But the all-terrain old man music that costs 50,000 Longguo currency was blown up, and they would not feel heartbroken.

After all, it is a bargain.


Besides, because of the bargain price, the drunkards of Florian's side also began to use these all-terrain old man music to launch suicide attacks.

Specifically, the drunkards who drove these all-terrain old man music saw the right opportunity and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, or directly fixed the accelerator with a small trick.

Then, he jumped out of the car and fled, letting these all-terrain old man music with high-intensity explosives rush directly into the enemy's position.


This kind of all-terrain old man music with a bargain price can be said to have brought out the toughness of the fighting nation of Jiumengzi to the fullest.

Before, they didn't dare to do this, but now they can.

On the other hand, Okaiyi was dumbfounded by the opponent's seemingly free fighting style.

One sentence after another was swearing by the front-line commander of Okaiyi's side, angrily scolding these shameless bastards, saying that they didn't live a good life? How dare they use such a free fighting style.


Among them, there is also the cooperation of Wu Renji.

With the blessing of many advantages, the battle line continued to advance towards Okaiyi.

The commander of Okaiyi's side was also directly screwed.

"Boss, we got a small all-terrain vehicle that was blown up by the opponent."At this time, the door of the frontline commander's office was knocked, and the commander's adjutant ran in and said excitedly.


After hearing his adjutant's words, the frontline commander was also excited.

"After transporting it, check whether there are any Dragon Country characters on this small high-mobility all-terrain vehicle."

Then he spoke.

His words were also full of uncontrollable excitement.


You know, they have always suspected that it was Russia that was officially funded by the Dragon Country, but before, Russia's fighting style was not as coquettish as it is now - it was like it didn't cost money - so they didn't get any wreckage at all.

After all, the price of the "crafts" that Florian got from the Dragon Country was also very favorable, but it was also worth one million Dragon Country coins. According to the current exchange rate, it was equivalent to 12 to 13 million rubles on their side.

Originally, their expenses were not sufficient, so they were naturally very careful when using those "crafts".

But now it's different.


Li Yaodong naturally didn't know this.

The next day, he came to the Osder Machinery Factory again in the morning.

After all, Florian had stood them up, and he actually had a low degree of trust in them.

He came here to see if there was anything wrong, such as the other party terminating the order after just shipping a batch.

Fortunately, there was no such problem.

When he came here, Li Yaodong also turned on the live broadcast throughout the whole process and interacted with the netizens in the live broadcast room.

"Everyone, don't say I'm a Junhuo merchant in the future." Li Yaodong said with a smile.


(The 36th round of power generation 1524, when there are still a few hundred points left before adding more, I hereby ask my dearest fellow countrymen for a free love power generation.)

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