Facing the live camera, Li Yaodong said:

"You see, I have always been an ordinary factory owner."

"I also have a heart of a bodhisattva, but it is completely different from that Junhuo Shang. What is Junhuo Shang? His merits are all negative."

"Look at me, what do I produce? Either the Wuren machine that can drive away pests and wild boars, or the all-terrain Lao Tou Le that can transport fertilizers, seeds, and crops."

"I also helped Jiu Mengzi very hard. Not only did I sell him machines, but I also gave him advice."

"It's just the heart of a bodhisattva, the kind who is afraid of hurting the lives of ants when sweeping the floor."


The number of viewers in Li Yaodong's live broadcast room has always been high. Even in the early morning, after Li Yaodong started broadcasting, many people came to his live broadcast room.

When hearing what Li Yaodong said, countless barrages were also sent out by the folks in these live broadcast rooms.

"Pass it on, Uncle Dong regards human life as ants."

"Pass it on, Uncle Dong has admitted that he is Gatling Bodhisattva."

"Pass it on... um, I don't know how to pass it on, don't embarrass Uncle Dong, Junhuo Shang."

"Hahaha, that's enough, you messed up the anchor's mentality so early in the morning."

"Anchor, you should be more careful, maybe Jiumengzi took those old man music and Wurenji from you, what is he going to do. (dog head)"


Looking at these bullet comments in the live broadcast room, Li Yaodong was speechless.

However, his speechlessness was somewhat performance-oriented.

Because he now naturally knew that the folks in these live broadcast rooms were playing memes with him.

If he was really doing something serious, he would certainly break his defense when he saw these bullet comments, and he would feel that his mentality was messed up by the folks in the live broadcast room, but he knew what was going on.


Beside him, Li Qisheng, who had been accompanying him, was a little hesitant to speak.

As for Florian's identity, he naturally couldn't think that the other party was really from Ruscia's agricultural company.

And it was very likely that he was an official from Ruscia.

So, since yesterday, he has been paying attention to the relevant news.

And just this morning, an international news broke out.


That is to say, last night, Ruscia, who had been in a stalemate with Okayi, suddenly launched an attack. Everyone thought that this time was the same as before, and Ruscia was still clumsy. As a result, Ruscia directly beat Okayi to death.

Combined with the fact that Florian had taken away the batch of small all-terrain vehicles last night, he naturally figured it out.

In other words, his previous guess came true.

After verifying his guess, he couldn't sleep directly.


He really didn't expect that their Uncle Dong had such a high vision.

First he extended his hand to the Middle East area, and now he has extended his hand to the wasteland battlefield.

Moreover, the wasteland battlefield is more important than the Middle East in a certain sense.

After all, when Russia was glorious, it was one of the three poles of the world.

And now, their Uncle Dong can actually influence the wasteland battlefield of Russia and Okayi.


In the sanatorium.

Li Zonghui watched their Uncle Dong's live broadcast and didn't know what to say.

And he also watched the international news.

After watching the international news, he suddenly had an idea.

'Why do I feel that the whole world seems to be pushing our Uncle Dong to develop in a very criminal direction? ’


“Don’t tell me I’m a Junhuo merchant. Do you really want to send me in?”

Li Yaodong was still interacting with the folks in the live broadcast room, with a speechless expression on his face.Color, he is still working on the show effect.

After working on the show effect, he said to the folks in the live broadcast room, please vote for free and generate electricity with love.

"Why are there so many folks in the live broadcast room, but our bonus value has not been growing much?" he said.

The live broadcast room suddenly appeared with countless barrages of "next time, next time, next time".

Li Yaodong was helpless again, saying that you are still my good folks.



While working on the show effect, he exclaimed again.

Turning around, he asked the person in charge of the Ausde Machinery Factory who was also with him, what happened to these trucks?

I saw——

At the gate of the Ausde Machinery Factory, several all-terrain old man's music were loaded on a truck.


When Li Yaodong looked over, the truck driver had already started the truck silently and left.

"Ah, this? This is the customer who placed an order last night." The person in charge of the Osde Machinery Factory said with a smile.

The performance of their Osde Machinery Factory has not been very good.

But now it can be regarded as a liberated serf singing.


Not only did Jiumengzi place an order for 10,000 all-terrain Old Man Le and 20,000 Wu Ren machines in one go, but now some sellers have contacted them one after another.

This is the customer who contacted them last night and came to pay and get the car today. Although there are not many, only a dozen cars, he is also very happy.

"Oh, so that's it." Hearing this, Li Yaodong didn't care. The reason why he specifically asked himself, the person in charge of the Osde Machinery Factory, was because he noticed that the driver of this truck had a very eye-catching temperament.

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