Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 1070 End of Book 15: Pitiful End

Chapter 1070 End of Book 15: Pitiful End

Benihime, who fell first, transformed into her humanoid form and caught the already unconscious and bleeding out Kisuke.

After covering his wounds with her strings, she sent one of them to his heart to help it keep beating. But despite that, the signs of life were rapidly leaving Kisuke's body.

Benihime was gritting her teeth when she heard someone banging on the barrier. When she turned, she saw Yoruichi shouting, "Benihime! How is he!?" As much as Yoruichi wanted to enter, Negacion doesn't just strengthen the space it is protecting but also disrupts its real location so any space warping and teleportation isn't doable in the short term. She could use Le Fay's teleportation but that required the target to be awake.

"Not good." Benihime answered shortly before looking up at the eyeball stabbed by a longsword, "We can only hope that she'll be able to do it fast."

[Tiamat!!! You! How are you alive!!!?] The eyeball screamed in panic while trying to get away from the longsword.

From the exquisite handle, appeared a flawless hand, and from that, a young girl with light blue hair, a small chest, pink eyes with star-like pupils, and prominent horns manifested. She wore a small blouse with two long sleeves that covered her hands and as she swung the longsword in her hand, the previously invulnerable Chaos was cut, [AHHHHH!!!]

A pain that was unimaginable for the invincible 'Father' of all Deities and crushed his fantasy that he was eternal, [Tiamat!!! No!!!] Just as he mentioned earlier, there are only two beings that could hurt him and those two are his masters that he slowly poisoned for eons using his own body for his own ambitions.

The young girl, Tiamat, didn't listen to his words and further cut him up into multiple pieces before skewering each and every part into the longsword. As someone who came close to Chaos' existence to save herself, Tiamat was also able to be on the same wavelength as him and hurt him, [AHHHHHHHH!!! IT HURTS!!!! STOP!!!] Despite his current state, Chaos was still alive and well.

Still, Tiamat didn't listen to his pleas and opened her mouth before taking a bite at the diced-up eyeball, [AHHH!!! STOP!!! STOP IT NOW!!! TIAMAT!!! PLEASE!!! MASTER!!! FORGIVE ME!!!]

Hearing him call her master after eons invoked memories of the past in Tiamat when she was still traveling through various worlds with her precious twin sister, Null. Their adventure was full of ups and downs and lasted for an uncountable number of generations. But all in all, it was a fun and fulfilling experience and that made the sister want to nurture a world too. ViiSiit novelbi/n(.)c/(o)m for latest novels

However, their misfortune began when the naive sisters trusted a being that promised would help them in managing the said world after threatening them that most of the creators fail on what they do and only ended up creating a dead world.

Kisuke hurriedly sat up while enduring the aching body and looked around in panic. The first thing he saw was a room with a single bed, cabinet, window, and nothing else. To his right side is his cane and to his left is a wakizashi, a knife that you'd find in yakuza movies.

[...You're pretty energetic for someone who just came back from death.]


[...What's with you? Why are you panicking? Oi, Tiamat! Something went wrong! You said you returned everything, but what's this!?]

[I did what I had to do and there shouldn't be any problems. Perhaps something went wrong that I'm not aware of?] Another young-sounding voice answered Benihime.

[What was that!? Weren't you very confident earlier to the point that your ugly horns were about to fly?]

[!? My horns are heavy but they are not ugly! What about you?! You're too smelly with all that blood on you! Get away from me!]

[What was that, you old hag pretending to be young!?]

[Still better than someone pretending to be a proper lady!]

It looks like the two blades were about to cut each other so Kisuke said something, "Looks like the two of you are getting along rather well."

Immediately after saying this, Kisuke could feel the heat from the two blades but he only sighed in relief after feeling Yoruichi and the other's aura rushing towards him, 'That's one problem solved, but I have a feeling that there are more coming my way...' He's especially worried about his future with these two beside him.

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