Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 1071 Book 16: Payback part 1

Chapter 1071 Book 16: Payback part 1

Yoruichi came rushing through the door and saw Kisuke smiling at her. Sighing in relief, she slowly walked towards him and wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly as if she was very afraid of losing him.

"This isn't like you," Kisuke muttered in her ear while returning the hug.

Yoruichi tightened the hug and said, "Shut up. This is for both of us. Both of us became cowards."

Kisuke chuckled, "I guess that's true... I wonder how Soifon would react if she saw us like this."

"She'd probably treat us as completely different people. But now that you mentioned that, it seems that you've made up your mind." Yoruichi then released Kisuke while also turning to the door, "Let's talk about that later. For now, you have to entertain them."

From the door, girls that are always with him, were waiting.




After a few hours, Kisuke managed to get away from the clamoring girls and came to take a break at a certain spire located at the corner of the academy. Before leaving, they finally told him how long he had been out, 'Three days, huh? I recovered pretty fast considering my state this time.'

[Are we finally going 'home'?]

On Benihime's question, Kisuke didn't immediately answer. There were many reasons why he wanted to return even if he's already pronounced dead on that side, but the main reason was probably attachments. He did everything to protect that world even if it cost him his life and knowing that there was still a ticking time bomb waiting to explode, he couldn't sit still.

Another reason is he wanted to know the secrets behind the Hougyoku, not how it was made, but why something like this was allowed to be made if the creator of Souls was carefully watching everything.

And the final big reason, he wanted insurance.

"If I'm going to do it, I have to do it now while we still have time." Kisuke briefly answered Benihime.

[Isn't this another trip to a 'strange' world? Why are you making it sound like it's any different?]

"Because it is different. The fact that it's very similar to the world where we reincarnated makes it very different from your usual travel."

Tiamat didn't really want to get in the conversation but after seeing Benihime's confused expression, she couldn't help but butt in, [If it's a similar world, including the history, language, and culture, it's not a world within this universe. More likely, it's a world from an alternate reality.] Thanks to her experience crossing worlds countless times, her words have some weight behind them. Although she was interested in their 'home' which seemed to be different from where they came from, she's not interested enough to ask. Updated chapters at

"What Tiamat said is true. It's similar enough that we won't be able to find it within this universe no matter how much we tried if the multiverse theory is true. If not for the trace that we left behind, I wouldn't be able to find it. And if you think we'll be able to use Le Fay's Teleportation Magic to circumvent the distance and go back and forth, you'd be wrong since the prerequisite of that Magic is to be in the same plane of existence."

A few seconds later, Kisuke disappeared and soon, people started coming to the spot where Sona was standing to ask her what was going on.




Stralit doesn't know how long she has been running within this network of tunnels under the surface of the planet nor she doesn't have any energy to count such a useless thing. What's important for her right now is the number of enemies approaching her and the capsule that still contained the sleeping beauty.

With all the dirt, grime, and tattered clothes on her, even her closest friend wouldn't be able to recognize her for a few seconds of meeting her.

And more importantly, she was already beyond her limit. After the failed attempt of waking up 'John Smith' from his deep slumber, she has been severely depleted due to the weird occurrence where she saved an unknown man that looked like her little friend.

Stralit wanted to leave him in some corner where he wouldn't be found and hope that he'd wake up before someone found him, but because of that instance, he was currently emitting heavy traces of her own energy.

Even then, she was not regretting what she had done as she had just followed the principle of her clan which is treasuring their successors.

'My brother must be looking for me since he'd figured out that they are lying about me... But without any evidence or leads, he won't be able to confront them and could only look for me in secret.'

But while thinking of a way out of this predicament, Stralit suddenly felt something running through her stomach and when she looked down, she saw an iron spear sticking out of her belly, '...Huh?'

The iron spear then left the way it went in and due to its barbed tip, it hooked some flesh and innards.

The sudden pain made Starlit lose her posture and ended up tossing what she was holding as she fell forward, "Ugh!!!"

She hurriedly looked back and saw a familiar man with a nasty smile emerging from the ceiling of the tunnel, "Found you~!"


AN Sept. 03, 2023:

And thus the end of Volume 15. I hope you enjoyed it. The next volume/arc will be another world transfer and after all the clues I dropped through various chapters, I think you guys already know where we are going next. Please look forward to it~!

If you liked my work, please consider supporting me through pat reon . com/ goyya00 and get access to advance chapters.

Thank you very much.

Have a good day~!

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