Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 1234 Mad Dragon part 3

Chapter 1234 Mad Dragon part 3

With Kunou and Tanis running away, the group of Shinigami first looked at each other before hurriedly following them with nerve-wracking expressions, except for Zaraki, of course, who seemed to enjoy the situation and wanted to try cutting the black ball. And as they followed the girls who were making their way toward Batsu'unsai's barrier, they listened to their conversation.

"Kunou... Do you think Lith-chan is safe," Tanis muttered while turning her head back.

"I asked Phi-chan about this hypothetical scenario and she reassured me that Lith-chan won't disappear as long as she's alive so let's trust her on this." Kunou also turned her head toward Ophis' back, "But the fact that she was forced to absorb Lith-chan back might have triggered her."

"You don't say! She's going ballistic!" And just as Tanis said that another chunk of Hell evaporated into nothing.

Furoufushi got close to the two and asked, "Say... How long can she do that?"

The Shinigami around her were curious about the same thing because they didn't believe she could keep up that kind of output without tiring out.

Kunou and Tanis looked at each other before the former answered, "If you have unlimited water on hand, how long do you think you can keep spitting?"

"Err..." Furoufushi thought about it for a second before answering, "Essentially forever as long as I don't get tired?" She wondered what it had to do with her question but when she looked back to her eyes which exuded seriousness, she realized why, "...What!?"

Some Shinigami almost tripped on their feet and Furoufushi herself stopped moving for a few seconds before catching up, "You mean that's just her spitting!?"

Tanis nodded and said, "As Kunou said earlier, Phi-chan is technically a God."

Chika also came beside them and asked, "Then Lilith is also a God?"

Kunou shook her head, "No. Due to some incident a few years ago, Lith-chan was spawned from the power that was stolen from Phi-chan. Because of the concept behind Phi-chan's power, her strength was dramatically reduced."

The entire group reached the barrier where Batsu'unsai was still fighting. Kunou then placed her left hand on it while her right hand took out several talismans from her pocket and threw them into the air.

Naturally, she saw the confusion on the Shinigami's face so she continued, "Phi-chan is the [Dragon God of Infinity]. When Lith-chan was stolen from her, she essentially became fractured, or in other words, [Finite]. But now that she's complete, she, once again, became the personification of [Infinity] and one of its facets is an unlimited energy source."

"Then let me tell you this. Ophis-chan over there is an extreme outlier. You guys are also very strong with your unique abilities." Serafall stopped so everyone else also stopped, "But because of your very rigid system, it's hard to find countermeasures against that. From where we came from, Ophis can't act like that since there are few groups of people that can seal her for almost an eternity if she's not careful."

"From where you came from, huh?" Yamamoto talked under his breath, "By the way, where did Kirinji go?"

"You mean the hot spring guy? He went away after I told him I wouldn't stop him if he wanted to help his boss." Serafall looked around the rest of the group as she answered, "Alright. Who wants to hear the full story? With Ophis-chan guarding this dimension, no one would be able to leave so we might as well sit down for now and have a cup of nice tea."




When they arrived at the hideout, the group could see the flattened mountain with a wounded Ouetsu sitting on top of it, "Yo~ You guys returned... And with a lot of guests, I see." He greeted them while fixing his broken sunglasses.

Thankfully, the log mansion not far from it was relatively intact.

"She did a number on you, huh?" Serafall also greeted him while Tanis ran up to him to heal him.

Ouetsu thanked Tanis before saying back, "That gal is horrifying, you know? You probably didn't feel it because of that amazingly talented little girl, but she trapped me in her Bankai and I almost didn't survive."

"How's the lab?"

Ouetsu stood up and dusted himself, "It's safe thanks to Kisuke-kun's protection spells, but it'll require some time to open them again." With a quick sweep of his eyes, Ouetsu figured that almost all of their guests were just riding the wave and didn't really know what was going on, "I'll fix it up and get it ready so you do all the talking you can with a peace of mind."

Since Tanis was already able to close his bigger wounds, Ouetsu soon walked off to do the work he was entrusted with.

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