Playing With Other Supernaturals

Chapter 1235 Return to the Spirit King Palace

Chapter 1235 Return to the Spirit King Palace

At the same time that Ophis started her rampage, keeping the Zero Division occupied, Kisuke, still in his Hollowfied form and with an incomplete name, arrived at the roofless 1st Division Barracks.

While leaving through the crack of space, he felt Ophis' outburst and immediately thought that she might have been forced to fuse back with Lilith. Kisuke knew that this was the most likely outcome, that's why he didn't want her to face Ichibei.

But in hindsight, Ophis was also the best match against Ichibei, not because of her sheer destructive power, but because of another facet of her [Infinity] which is True Shapeshifting.

Sure, pure destructive power might overwhelm Ichibei, but if he's an immortal in Hell, it won't be long before he finds a way around it. Ichibei's true nemesis was Ophis' True Shapeshifting ability.

Ichibei's True Strike Naming works by branding its target a name and subsequently changing the target's existence itself to match the branded name. Truly a terrifying ability that can only be resisted by a few things. And one of those things was Ophis' ability. Ichibei may be able to name Ophis whatever he wants, but Ophis will just declare and shapeshift herself back as 'Ophis, the Dragon God of Infinity', rendering his ability useless.

Kisuke also predicted that the other members would come to assist Ichibei but he's not too worried since Tenjirou, while capable of great healing, his only other ability is a destructive one. To a nigh-invulnerable Ophis, he's just a sitting duck.

Senjumaru, on the other hand, was somewhat unknown to Kisuke and he was sure that her ability wasn't just illusions and suspected that she may even have some fate-altering ability. But even if that's the case, Ophis herself could not be affected by fate-altering thanks to her status as a Transcendent, at least not of Senjumaru's level.

His basis? It's his own ability to 'weave'. Benihime's ability is altering reality itself so he could guess to some extent what his fellow weaver could do and he knew for sure that Benihime doesn't work on Ophis.

Benihime might have worked on Chaos but only on the body he created to interact with the world. Chaos' real body might have been the void itself and if he added that to the equation to mind, he's also pretty sure that Benihime wouldn't work. It's only through killing Chaos' mind or essence using Tiamat that he could stand where he is now.

Naturally, not all worries left his mind because there are still many things that he doesn't know regarding Ichibei, 'I don't know how he'll utilize Hell itself so I have to hurry... Not to mention, those maggots... I'm still not sure where they stand in this situation.'

Kisuke cleared his occupied mind and looked around more to investigate and the first thing he noticed was Flanna standing still in her Dragonoid Human form.Th.ê most uptodate novels are published on n(0)velbj)n(.)co/m

"Boss! You're here!" Flanna waved her hand to him but she didn't move from her spot.

"It was just her image. Though you're correct to assume that she's one of the reasons." Kisuke looked up and confirmed that the barriers were starting to close up, albeit, slowly, "I'll get going. Knowing Kirio-san, I'm sure she prepared something for me."

Kisuke lowered his body and prepared to launch himself upwards.

"W-wait! Urahara!" Kyouraku tried calling out to him but the latter only turned to Mayuri and said before disappearing, "I'll leave it to you."

Mayuri scoffed while looking up and said, "Couldn't even be bothered to give more information."

"Forgive the guy, science man. You know he's busy. If it's answers that you want, I'll give you some while I'm resting."

"Hmmm... That's a good alternative, I guess." Mayuri snapped his fingers and the shackles on Shinji and Soifon unlocked and dropped down, "Follow me to my lab. I'll listen to you while preparing the necessary things."

"As long as you keep your hands off me, we're good," Flanna replied while shaking off the dust that had fallen on her and returning to her Human form.




A few minutes of flying later, instead of the Royal Cities and Palace, Kisuke saw a large 'hairy' ball in its place. And as he got closer, it became clear that it wasn't a hairball but a giant sphere made out of countless lively roots and branches, 'She covered the entire place with this? This won't be easy.' Kisuke thought while feeling that some of his vitality was already being sucked even before he got near the area.

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