Please answer Naruto

Chapter 53 How to calculate salary

"The name of the court is Yu Bai, are you interested in joining Xiao?"

When Obito said this, Yu Xiaobai was really surprised. Obito invites him to join Akatsuki? At this time, Payne still knew the boss, which showed that this proposal was approved by Payne.

Akatsuki is a member of Naruto's top group, extremely popular among fans, and the "junior threshold" is also high. Even if you are not an S-class rebel nin, you would be embarrassed to say that I am hanging around here. In his memory, the aura of the Akatsuki organization had more or less influenced Yu Xiaobai, which was why he was extremely fearful when he received the commission to go to Yuren Village to spy on the intelligence of the Akatsuki organization.

This influence also caused him to neglect himself, and now he is standing at a higher level.

"This is the intelligence chief of our organization, 'Zetsu'." Obito pointed at White Zetsu, who was half exposed to the moonlight and half melted in the darkness. "The organization has been paying attention to you in the past two years. You His performance exceeds that of elite jounin in various A-level and S-level missions."

Obito paused and glanced at Yu Xiaobai's right hand, which was the place where the Chidori Lightning bloomed in his memory, "And your Thunder Release is already at the Shadow level, right? The speed and power under the increase are no longer a A mere jounin can reach it."

"Being low-key and not wanting to be in the limelight may make those rigid old men in Konoha pay less attention to you, but the organization is very aware of this."

Yu Xiaobai recovered from the news of being recruited into Akatsuki, and Obito's next words made him look a little serious.

He was actually being stared at by Xiao... His strength was measured in detail. Yu Xiaobai didn't know whether to feel honored or scared. He glanced at Jue who was standing next to him. Hei Jue looked on coldly, while Bai Jue spread his hands innocently... It seems that Yu Ninja Village went a little too far when he broke through. Fortunately, Akatsuki's intention didn't seem to be malicious.

"But Payne really wants to get me to join the gang? I once caused trouble in the opponent's territory." Yu Xiaobai did not speak, but thought in his heart. He was forced by the situation and killed many rain nins.

However, Itachi will also join Akatsuki, and for the sake of the illusory peace in his heart, Payne will consider everything before.


When Obito saw that Yu Xiaobai had not expressed his position or even said a word, he felt a little unhappy. Damn, you didn't even react when I talked so much.

However, Obito could see that Yu Xiaobai's silence meant there was something interesting. Because there was no direct objection, the corners of his mouth under the whirlpool mask curved. Konoha, Konoha, a recorded "elite jounin" could actually Hesitating about the olive branch offered by foreign forces, Obito thought of the three Gens who were lurking around him at the beginning, and said: "And I see that your life in Konoha is not going well. The famous murder department 'Gen' He's actually spying on you, haha... Danzo is not easy to deal with."

There was a hint of schadenfreude in Obito's tone, and Yu Xiaobai pursed his lips, having nothing to say in reply.

To be honest, since he drove away two people that day, they actually monitored him, even if they only knew where he was roughly in order to avoid being discovered, this made him very annoyed.

Obito sarcastically said from an outsider's perspective that Yu Xiaobai felt very humiliated after working for Konoha for so many years.

"So what, I'm in Konoha, and my life will naturally be good." Yu Xiaobai had already sent greetings to Danzo's family in his heart, but he didn't show much, and sneered. He couldn't lose his momentum on the scene.

"Really?" Obito asked softly.

Yu Xiaobai's eyes flashed with doubts, but he suddenly realized within a few seconds, those few roots!

But there were three Gens who disappeared without a trace during the mission of monitoring him... Yu Xiaobai suddenly fell silent. Obito and Zetsu came uninvited. Although they helped him solve the trouble by chance, they killed him. The pot of three roots seemed to fall on his head.

Yu Xiaobai held his forehead, feeling helpless.

He and Gen have always disliked each other, but they are both on a certain line. This time the disappearance of three Gens is blamed on him, so it is not a small matter. Even if there is no problem with Jue's aftermath, Gen will definitely remember him. "Chaoming Yubai found out the clues and killed three Gen members..." is a completely reasonable and convincing conclusion. . At this rate, I won't be able to openly use the knife in the future, and there will definitely be trouble.

"Thank you very much." Yu Xiaobaipi said with a smile. Now he really felt unsettled in Konoha.

"It's really just a coincidence." Obito said sincerely, and it was true, but Yu Xiaobai just felt uncomfortable hearing it, "Do you want to consider joining Akatsuki?"

Obito asked again: "We are not afraid of Danzo at all, and we are usually very free, as long as you complete the tasks ordered by the organization."

After saying that, he paused for a few seconds, as if waiting for Yu Xiaobai's answer. Obito took a step closer, and Yu Xiaobai could faintly see the Sharingan under the hole in the mask.

"And, are you really only satisfied with Konoha Village and tied to the status quo?"

Yu Xiaobai's expression froze.

Obito thought that he had hit the key point, and he became more confident, "It doesn't matter if I tell you, although our organization is hidden in the Rain Ninja Village and tries to avoid the eyes of major countries, we are well prepared and will stand in front of the stage sooner or later. Then. …”

"Unify the entire world, change the status quo of the ninja world, and achieve peace!" Obito's expression under the Uzumaki mask showed a trace of invisible fanaticism. Although what he said was the path that Payne wanted to take, his idea of ​​inheriting Madara's will was similar. , the last meaning.

Yu Xiaobai's eyelids twitched after hearing this. If the atmosphere didn't allow it, he would really complain. The lines are too mediocre.

However, Yu Xiaobai, who has read the original work, understands in his heart that the originally innocent Payne and Obito have distorted idealism.

It's a pity that Obito thought wrong after all, whether it was his own goal or his thoughts about Yu Xiaobai.

The night was getting dark, and only the leaves occasionally sang. From then on, different paths emerged in front of Yu Xiaobai. When Obito left here, a killing that had nothing to do with him also ushered in its bloody performance.

A lot of things flooded into his mind at once. Yu Xiaobai had already figured it out a long time ago. He didn't need to toss a coin, what he needed was a firm belief. He had no intention of staying longer in Anbu, and the root matter became more complicated. Reason, although that is what he does not want to see. Join Xiao? Inevitably, some unrelated things also appeared, the joy of climbing a tree and treading water for the first time, the wonder of holding the lightning and moving forward at an extremely fast speed, the sudden loss of high school life, how old is Xiaobai and still watching anime... …

Obito's talk was completely useless to him. There was no surprise. Maybe he could really live in peace. However, although Obito was wrong, in another direction, Yu Xiaobai also had a reason to leave here. Xiao didn't think much about it at first, but the situation changed in front of him. There are so many masters in Xiao, so it would be a good choice, right?

"...It doesn't matter whether you agree with the purpose or not, let's get what each other needs..." Obito was still talking conscientiously.

After a long time, Yu Xiaobai breathed out, "Mask Man, I want to ask you a question."

"Ah, what?" Obito was interrupted and said in shock.

"How do you calculate your salary?"

Thanks to book friend 160806110***, Masked Smile, and Butterfly Hao for the reward~

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