Please answer Naruto

Chapter 54 Probation Period

The wind blew over and picked up a few leaves on the ground.

The courtyard was already deserted. Yu Xiaobai stood in the wooden corridor facing the courtyard, surrounded by silence. Obito and Zetsu's visits seemed to be just an illusion. They left just as quickly as they came.

Yu Xiaobai controlled the chakra flow all over his body in detail, and felt the "foreign objects" hidden deeply on the surface of his body. They were the "spores" left on his body. In this way, his actions were reflected in Xiao's eyes. It will be clearer.

Yu Xiaobai agreed with Obito to join Akatsuki, and Obito, who had completed a task, took Zetsu with him and immediately went to the more important Uchiha side.

The killing unfolds as in the original work. It is only some Uchiha people who rebel, but the remaining innocent people, old and young, will also die tonight.

After Yu Xiaobai finished washing, he was not sleepy at all. He lay on the tatami for a while, thinking about things. A lot happened tonight.

Not long ago, when he said "how to calculate the salary", the atmosphere was silent for an instant. Although Obito's expression under the Uzumaki mask could not be seen clearly, it was absolutely wonderful. Not to mention the stunned Bai Zetsu, he was silent from the beginning. The corners of Hei Jue's mouth twitched.

Obito and Zetsu even looked at each other, why is Konoha's remuneration so poor? Obito couldn't help but doubt his life. He didn't have to go through so much trouble to recruit a shadow-level expert. He could just pay the money directly?

This was just a joke after all. Obito understood what Yu Xiaobai meant, but he also explained in an extremely awkward manner. Although he was not sloppy when recruiting people, he didn't know how to talk about work benefits, salary settlement, etc.

"Every month, the organization will pay money...and the share of task entrustment will be high..."

"Oh, do you have the three insurances and one fund, as well as accommodation and meals when not going out?"

"..." Obito was stunned on the spot, speechless.

"Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything." Yu Xiaobai saw Obito's frozen look, which made him want to use his words for a moment. He felt secretly happy, and put on a look of disgust and reluctance, "That's more or less the same. "


No longer bullying, Yu Xiaobai ended this topic for the time being, and the next part was the focus.

"Are you going to Uchiha?" After confirming to join Akatsuki, Obito and Zetsu finished their instructions and were about to leave, Yu Xiaobai suddenly spoke.

Obito turned back meaningfully, "It seems that you also know, what's wrong?"

"It's okay, just ask." Yu Xiaobai felt complicated. He might be a little worried about Itachi, but he also thought that he might become Itachi's teammate in the future. Hey, it seems like I just said the sad words of "take care" tonight.

Bai Zetsu laughed at the side, "It seems that Asana Yubai knows a lot of information in Konoha, and also knows that Uchiha Itachi will exterminate the clan, so cooperating with the organization's intelligence in the future will be smoother."

Obito nodded, but in his heart he was more concerned about Yu Xiaobai's calmness after knowing the news.

"Okay, let's go." Yu Xiaobai seemed a little annoyed with Bai Jue. Even though he was ugly, he always felt awkward when he spoke.

"Don't forget the mission of the organization." Bai Jue said after leaving spores on Yu Xiaobai's body, and left with Obito, disappearing into the night in a few jumps.

Yu Xiaobai put his hands behind his head and looked at the ceiling. He joined Akatsuki. He originally thought that he would follow Itachi and leave Konoha after tonight to follow him and start doing things in Xiao's current "money making" stage. Yu Xiaobai was still wondering if he would He would form a team with Itachi, but unfortunately what Obito said next was different from what he expected.

"You continue to stay in Konoha. No one knows your identity at the moment. Everything is business as usual. Just deliver the information on time."

Obito wanted to use Yu Xiaobai's advantage in Konoha to get more information about Konoha. Yu Xiaobai couldn't help but roll his eyes after hearing this. In the end, he still had to face Gen's trouble. Of course, there was absolutely nothing he could do in the village. He was a qualified and powerful Anbu after all.

As for whether it was Pain or Obito who ordered him to stay in Konoha, Yu Xiaobai could only obey it, and he didn't say how long he would stay.

"Send some confidential matters of Konoha back to Akatsuki..." Yu Xiaobai turned over, and he seemed to be about to do some uncomfortable spy work.

Personality cannot be changed overnight. Although he has joined Xiao, the sky is high and the emperor is far away. There are policies from above and countermeasures from below. Yu Xiaobai is not a crazy fan, and the reality is clearer, so he is not very enthusiastic about the work tasks assigned by Xiao. , there are many beautiful things in Konoha, Xiao sees Konoha as a future opponent, why is Yu Xiaobai working so hard and performing so well, there is no such thing as fighting bravely and dedicating himself to the other party's great cause.

This may also be Xiao's "trial period" for him, but Yu Xiaobai doesn't care, and it's not like he is a real graduate applying for a job in the company.

"Rebel." Yu Xiaobai muttered softly, but no matter what, his current identity is no longer the same as before. One day, he will also walk with this name.

While Yu Xiaobai was still tossing and turning, Konoha Village became faintly noisy in the second half of the night. With his excellent hearing, Yu Xiaobai could hear a lot of people moving around, and even the sound of ninjas flying around on the eaves.

Something big happened to the Uchiha clan, and soon many people knew about it.

When the next day began, when ordinary people and ninjas entered their daily lives, a piece of news spread like the wind throughout the entire Konoha Village.

Although the top management deliberately suppressed it and no one dared to publicize it wantonly, the news that nearly all the Uchiha clan members died overnight, leaving only one person alive, gradually became known to the public. It was impossible to hide the empty mansion.

Uchiha Itachi, this genius boy will also bear all the charges, become a traitor with extremely bad nature, escape from Konoha and live in another way.

Regardless of the discussions among the uninformed (accounting for 99% of Konoha), a few days later, Yu Xiaobai passed by Uchiha's former grand mansion. A white cloth was hung at the door, wreaths were laid out, and the ground was unusually scattered. People who had been friends with Uchiha in the past few days had all come to pay their respects, and the cries of true love or falsehood lingered around. What was ridiculous was that several high-level officials of Konoha who had caused all this also came to pay their respects.

Nowadays, the gate of Uchiha has become deserted, the heat has faded, and with Konoha's deliberate actions, people will eventually not care about this sensational incident.

Except for the only surviving boy.

Uchiha Sasuke should still be kneeling in the mourning hall, right? Yu Xiaobai didn't know if he should go in, he allowed these deaths to happen.

The scene he saw with his own eyes was better than the black and white pages of the manga and the animation on the screen. Itachi chose a path that he thought had the best of both worlds. It was also true. The Uchiha were not a rebellious clan. They still had glory and glory, and the peace of Konoha was also As it continued, coveting neighboring countries found no opportunity to take advantage of it.

Why is the author of Naruto called Kishimoto? Yu Xiaobai clenched his fists and lowered his eyelids.

Taking another look before leaving, Yu Xiaobai remembered promising Itachi to guide Sasuke, but now Sasuke was still in grief and collapse. Itachi wanted his brother to grow up with hatred. Yu Xiaobai sighed, speechless and Sympathy, Itachi, you are really a pervert.

Thanks to My Yuluo, Azuyo, Shuangwei, Book Friends 149****84, Zhi Zhi Zhi Ze, Chen Jia Lizi, Book Friends 1****01 for the rewards~

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