Please answer Naruto

Chapter 58 Guidance

The suffocating thoughts caused Yu Xiaobai to hold the tea cup tightly and take a deep breath. The clock on the wall was still ticking. The color returned, and the tea under the rim of the cup also rippled slightly. Time and space were not pinched. The black and white moment storyboards are just my own unfounded imagination.

Yu Xiaobai's face looked a little ugly. Although he knew that he might have been drawn into a comic, the feeling of being a puppet suddenly came up and was really uncomfortable. Are the small and absurd things just created bit by bit on the manuscript paper and on the digital tablet? Yu Xiaobai couldn't accept it.

What's more, he was originally outside the "comics".

"Asana...san?" Sasuke said carefully. The face of the ninja in front of him turned bad for some reason, which made him a little uneasy, but he still kept his face calm. He is not afraid of adults who put on evil postures.

"Oh, um." Sasuke's reminder made Yu Xiaobai realize that he was talking to someone. He suppressed his uneasiness, thought of Sasuke's request, and forced a smile, "This is a small thing."

When Sasuke heard this, his face lit up with joy, "Really? Thank you so much!" After saying that, he bowed seriously.

"Hey, there's no need to be so grand."

Yu Xiaobai had a calm mind and quickly put down what he was doing just now, playing with people's "caricatures"... He would naturally go there for a while after "going out".

Waving his hand, Yu Xiaobai looked at little Sasuke and said, "I'm just giving some guidance in my spare time. You usually have to go to class, and I also have tasks, so it doesn't take up a lot of time."

Sasuke hoped to let Yu Xiaobai teach him. Itachi had asked him to do it before, and there was no reason to refuse. But the interesting thing is that Sasuke became stronger in order to fuck Itachi, and as Itachi's senior, he seemed to have to send assists to help Sasuke, and in a way, this was Itachi's voluntary...

It feels weird, but I can't help it. Who told Itachi to become a villain himself and be cool all the way to the end.

Confused, Yu Xiaobai thought about the tragic showdown between the two brothers in the future, and what should he change.

Since he was not a formal master and apprentice, he could not spend a lot of time teaching. After Sasuke learned this, his joy dimmed, but this had already reached his expectations.

"Thank you anyway." Sasuke bowed his head again.

Being bowed and addressed with respect by a child all the time, Yu Xiaobai, who didn't have a strong sense of eldership, smiled bitterly and said: "You don't have to call me that raw from now on, just call me Yu Baisang. After all, I and... that one Who, um, you are an old Uchiha friend who has a good relationship, so that’s what you should do.”

This powerful ANBU ninja seemed to be easy to get along with. Sasuke felt more relaxed again and said, "Okay, Teacher Yubai."

As soon as Yu Xiaobai stopped wanting to drink tea, he started to call the teacher, felt pretty good.

Yu Xiaobai pretended to be reserved and immediately accepted Sasuke's title of "teacher".

Kakashi, I'm sorry, I can't refuse either.

"How were your grades at ninja school?"

Later, Yu Xiaobai asked this question. Although he knew a little about Sasuke's level among his peers, he still had to go overboard in order to appear more professional and convincing.

After hearing this, Sasuke usually pretended to be indifferent in front of his teachers and classmates, but now he said it with a hint of pride. He was basically first in everything, except for the guy named Neji from the Hyuga family who could occasionally compete with him.

"Hmm." Yu Xiaobai pondered for a while. As he was familiar with, Sasuke was a top student before graduating. He had a handsome face and ignored the genocide.

Yu Xiaobai thought of Naruto and recalled in his mind the day he met Kakashi at Ichiraku Ramen. Naruto, who had just been bullied by an unknown group of children, opened the curtain energetically and sat next to him.

Yu Xiaobai didn't have that kind of trepidation. He had to follow the original work, for fear that the plot would change and deviate from the ideas he was familiar with. If he had this kind of mentality, Yu Xiaobai wouldn't be able to live that long. Two years ago, in the Rain Ninja Village, he was forced into a desperate situation. He really wanted to kill Kisame and Obito, but he didn't have the determination to continue. The hand in his hand The power wielded by a kunai cannot be overpowering.

Of course it would be better if things follow a well-known track. Being foresight has many advantages, but Yu Xiaobai will not let this "advantage" limit him. If he really wants to do something, he will do it.

Teaching Sasuke how to use chakra or other things in advance may lead to unknown things, but Yu Xiaobai has lived in this world for so long and has so truly felt the reality here. Itachi regarded him as a senior, with his voice and smile, " The weirdness of comics in the "real world" cannot be sorted out, but it makes Yu Xiaobai think that everything in front of him is fake, just a few lines, and he can't do it.

"Naruto, don't blame me if you are bullied by Sasuke. Anyway, you are Kishimoto's biological son, and you didn't know how to make balls at that time, so you are still very good..." Yu Xiaobai comforted himself, got up, and took Sasuke to the yard. space.

Someone like Naruto is bound to be so powerful that he shines.

"Although you have excellent grades in the ninja school, I have no impression of them. Let's take a test first to understand." The two of them were standing in the small yard. Yu Xiaobai said to Sasuke who was standing a few meters away.

Yu Xiaobai never went to a ninja school, and the training he received back then was very rough. It can be said that he was a wild child at the beginning. Of course, with the continuous accumulation of combat experience and the formal establishment of a job in Konoha, he has many connections and is becoming more and more sophisticated. Now, Already mature.

Eight-year-old Sasuke would definitely be fine with a little guidance, as the ANBU captain didn't rely on connections.

Speaking of understanding, the most direct way is to have a fight. Yu Xiaobai waved to Sasuke in a relaxed and comfortable manner, indicating that you are ready. Seeing Yu Xiaobai's casual attitude, Sasuke secretly snorted and rushed over in dissatisfaction. The end result was that he fell down after a few moves.

After several more fights, without exception, Sasuke could not last more than a few seconds before being knocked down. Such achievements made the arrogant Sasuke turn red. When he thought about how big the gap between him and that man was, Sasuke became determined. Wanting to learn from Yu Xiaobai, he gritted his teeth and stood up to prepare for the next round.

"That's almost it." Yu Xiaobai stopped Sasuke who wanted to continue. The little kid was quite cruel to him... There are many geniuses in Naruto. Not only are they talented, but they also work very hard, but it is difficult for outsiders to pay attention to them.

Yu Xiaobai roughly grasped Sasuke's current level. He had never taught anyone before, so in order not to lose face, he still had to think about it a little.

Yu Xiaobai knew what he was doing, but he still checked Sasuke's body just in case.

"No injury... Well, you can go back today and come to my place tomorrow morning." Yu Xiaobai said, "I don't have much free time to teach people experience... To be honest, it's not enough. I'll leave it for you then. Homework, practice on your own.”

"I'll check it out when I get back, you know?"

Sasuke was still thinking that Yu Xiaobai had carefully checked whether he was injured just now. When the words came, he was also very persuasive. Sasuke looked at Yu Xiaobai. The man who was several heads taller than him had a serious look on his face. Hey, he was not satisfied with the fact that he was knocked down easily. There was still resentment, so Sasuke turned away and said coldly: "I know."

The interaction during half a morning was slightly different from what he expected.

Before leaving the house, Sasuke thought of something and said after hesitation: "Goodbye, Teacher Yu Bai."

"Oh." Yu Xiaobai had just returned to the house and walked out quickly, "Be careful on the road."

There was no one at the door.

Thank you monkey~~~, book friend 160828090***, people are not my race, sheep who like to eat wolf meat, book friend 160806110***, book friend 221****37, whatever o0, Misaka Mikoto’s brother, book Friend 122****32, masturbating and shooting cannons, I will work hard in a daze, book friend 228****36, I would rather not know pineapples and apples, where are my fish, a reward from the moon god Yami ~

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