Please answer Naruto

Chapter 59 Teachers and Students

The current teaching method of Konoha Ninja School is more gradual. It is not difficult to see from the original work that the atmosphere in the ninja school we saw was relatively relaxed during class and recess.

This is also related to the general environment. Four years later, the group of twelve Xiaoqiang were twelve years old and had just become genin. Looking forward, Itachi graduated at the age of seven, was promoted to chuunin at the age of ten, and became the captain of the ANBU within a few years. Kakashi was even more powerful. He graduated at the age of five, became a chuunin at the age of six, and was already a jounin at the age of twelve. According to Konoha records, comparing the two, the gap between a rocket and a snail is the same.

In the Fourth Generation, Kakashi's era, wars continued, and within a few years the major powers were going to war. As a result, the ninja villages had to have new combat capabilities quickly. The children at that time were trained and hurriedly sent to the battlefield. Combat exploits and growth through killing were the main reasons for the rapid advancement of ninja levels at that time. The level of teaching in ninja schools during the war years was different from that of today. The cruelty and harshness undoubtedly rose to more than one level.

People born in Konoha at this time are lucky. Over in Kirigakure, the graduation exam is still a model where the whole class is thrown into the wild to kill each other. The genin are the ones who survive. Zabuza is so ruthless. Look at it this way, Konoha The children are living in heaven.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Konoha will be more stable if it is like this. People who come out of the ninja school are mentally normal. Kirigakure's kind is amazing. There are only two or three people in each class, and everyone has mental illness. , Yu Xiaobai stayed away from this.

Sasuke has enough talent, and his mentality is not as laid-back as other Xiaoqiang. The teaching method of the ninja school does not suit him, and Yu Xiaobai is also wondering whether he can make Sasuke less paranoid while taking the time to train Sasuke.

"Hey, that's enough for one run, stop." At the door of the yard, Yu Xiaobai helplessly pulled the sweaty Sasuke. After hearing the instruction, the other person's body went limp and he sat on the ground, gasping for air.

It was too difficult to make Erzhuzi less paranoid, or it was a contradictory mess. Yu Xiaobai handed over a bottle of water. Sasuke subconsciously wanted to refuse, but the feeling of thirst made him take the water and drink it.

Yu Xiaobai didn't have the kind of care and level to moisturize things silently. Besides, Itachi's hatred for Sasuke was engraved in his heart. It was useless for anyone to say it. Even if Sasuke wasn't so paranoid, wouldn't Itachi's "all the hard work" have been in vain? No, all the blame has been wasted.

Although he was powerless, it turned out that it was extremely painful to help others. Yu Xiaobai shook his head and thought it would be better to torture Er Zhuzi first to feel better.

Sasuke came to Yu Xiaobai very early the next day. After thinking about it, Yu Xiaobai thought it would be better to start from the basics, so he waved his hand and asked Sasuke to run laps.

When Sasuke heard this, he suddenly felt that it was very unreliable. It was different from the cool and noble training method he imagined, but there was no way. Yesterday, Yu Xiaobai, the half-teacher, had already recognized it and could only obey his orders.

"Don't sit still after strenuous exercise. Stand up and walk." Yu Xiaobai's words were like a reminder. Seriously, there was no room for rejection in his words. Sasuke reluctantly stood up. He had never tried it before in Konoha Village at a constant speed. , now I walk a little drifting.

"Do you know ninjutsu?" Yu Xiaobai stood on the side, took out a bun from the breakfast he had bought before and gnawed on it, making Sasuke's eyelids jump.

"Yes." Sasuke replied, still out of breath, and with his chest puffed out, he added, "I know how to use fire escape."

"Oh, it's not bad, that's okay." Yu Xiaobai ate something with his mouth, his tone was vague, and he felt there was no sincerity.

In fact, Yu Xiaobai's praise was not false. Sasuke added that fire escape means more than a simple three-body technique. It also changes the nature of chakra. Which child of this age can do it?

"The Uchiha family's talent for fire escape is not in vain."

Sasuke's expression turned grim. This means that your fire escape mainly depends on your bloodline. There is nothing to be proud of. Well... although it has a slight relationship, Sasuke thought unhappily.

Yu Xiaobai guessed that Sasuke must have mastered the art of fireball, which was mentioned in the original work.

"Then start training chakra now, remember to use the properties of fire escape." Yu Xiaobai gnawed on another bun and said.

Sasuke flashed, he had just finished a marathon and hadn't had much rest yet, so let him concentrate on using chakra?

Seeing Yu Xiaobaipi leisurely eating steamed buns, no matter how much he looked at it, Sasuke knew that he couldn't beat him, so he could only grit his teeth and use up the little chakra he had.

Even when he is in bad shape, he must be able to mobilize chakra to continue fighting. There will be more bad conditions in the future, and Yu Xiaobai is not just teasing Er Zhuzi. Half an hour later, Sasuke's breathing gradually stabilized, and Yu Xiaobai waved his hand, "It's almost done, let's go for another lap."


Sasuke was holding a leaf - this was the method Yu Xiaobai told him. His mood was unstable, and the flames almost burned his sleeves. Amid the burning smell, Sasuke's inner competitiveness did not weaken, and he simply ran out with a cold face.

Yu Xiaobai is not worried that Sasuke will be lazy, but it is possible for Naruto to be naughty now.

While waiting, Yu Xiaobai went out to buy ingredients and practiced fire escape.

After almost three poles, Sasuke came back step by step. Yu Xiaobai knew that it was almost done. He was young and too much training now would be counterproductive. After letting Sasuke rest, it was time for lunch. Yu Xiaobai went to the kitchen in the house. Cooking is done.

"Come in and eat."

Sasuke was still leaning against the door to catch his breath. When he heard what Yu Xiaobai said out of the blue, he was stunned. He had no plans to eat when he came.

But Yu Xiaobai didn't give him a chance to refute, he just said one sentence and ran away.

The aroma of food wafted over, and Sasuke moved his nose and stood up reluctantly.

Before entering the door, he washed off his sweat and frowned at the wet clothes. Just when he was about to bear it and put them on, a set of clothes was thrown on his head.

"What I wore before, change into it and come in."

If Sasuke comes to train at home from time to time, there will definitely be many things that need to be changed, such as food and clothing, which Yu Xiaobai had thought about the night before.

"Excuse me, sorry..."

During the meal, Sasuke was quite reserved. Yu Xiaobai tried to persuade him but it had no effect. There was nothing he could do. After all, the two of them were not familiar with each other yet, so he had to eat and go out first.

After the afternoon break, he continued training. At first, he wanted to practice concealed weapon throwing, but seeing Sasuke showing off his hands, Yu Xiaobai knew that the skills inherited from his family were really strong. In order not to let the other side neglect him, Yu Xiaobai used it to throw a few blocks. Experience and proficiency, shamelessly critical education.

Most of it was physical exercise. While Sasuke was doing a few push-ups, counting one, two, three, four, Yu Xiaobai was doing daily exercises by himself. As mentioned before, a small amount of practice can maintain the standard.

However, this still made Sasuke couldn't help but focus on it. The speed and power at the tip of the iceberg were far inferior to what he saw with his own eyes. Yu Xiaobai's status as a teacher was also slowly established. Because the courtyard is small, Yu Xiaobai hasn't practiced chakra properties changes yet, otherwise Sasuke will be even more surprised.

The two of them stayed for almost a day, and the master-disciple exchange was in a decent manner. However, in fact, Yu Xiaobai and Sasuke just happened to have time, so there would be very little guidance like this in the future. In the evening, Yu Xiaobai announced that that was the end of the day and invited Sasuke to stay for dinner. Sasuke's face was sullen, saying that he couldn't cause any more trouble.

"Now, this is homework, remember to finish it." Sasuke didn't force him to leave. Yu Xiaobai handed over a piece of paper. When Sasuke took it, his expression changed and his small body seemed to look desolate.

"Okay, okay, teacher."

Yu Xiaobai watched Sasuke walk away and smiled. He was used to being alone, and it felt good to feel like this occasionally.

In the following days, Sasuke will continue to go to school, and Yu Xiaobai will deal with Akatsuki's work, and then go on missions from time to time, so they may not be able to see each other several times a week.

Day by day, in this strange way, the relationship between teacher and student builds a weak connection in the summer.

Busy with everything...

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