Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 742 All thieves bow their heads

"You, you, you..." Liu Hongqi pointed at the "horse kite" Li Fuchen with a trembling finger, and finally did not dare to curse.

The elite warriors in iron armor dealt with these bandits from wild backgrounds just like chopping melons and vegetables.

Whether it was the powerful Guo Sanhai, the ruthless Liu Hongqi, or the chivalrous Shen Wanteng, they were all frightened by Li Fuchen's move.

It's not like they haven't come into contact with the Ming Dynasty's regular army. Because Runing is close to Huguang, the weather is relatively hot, and the rate of officers and soldiers wearing armor is not very high. They have never encountered such an opponent wearing full armor before.

If everyone under King Shun is like this, the world may have to change its dynasty.

Guo Sanhai, Liu Hongqi and Shen Wandeng each support their own side, and there are some conflicts between them.

Now seeing that both Guo Sanhai and Liu Hongqi were defeated, Shen Wandeng continued to fan the flames and said: "King Shun has really elite soldiers and strong generals with many capable men. Especially this young general has extraordinary martial arts. Killing the 'Salt Bandits' is like killing a chicken." generally!"

Liu Hongqi almost broke all his teeth when he heard this, but he still did not dare to say anything rude.

Li Fuchen's decisive cruelty just now and all the previous atrocities about the "Shun Thief" legend had already made him shudder.

Seeing that there was no one to help him get off the steps, he had to find the steps himself. He knocked out his teeth and swallowed his blood, saying, "It's a competition on the spot. Yang Si was not good at his studies and was killed by others. I can't blame others. I have nothing to say."

"It's just that Mr. Niu came all the way here, so he probably didn't come to show off his force to us. I don't know if there's something going on, so I might as well clear a path and we'll follow."

Seeing that they finally knew each other, Niu Jinxing dismissed the "horse kite" Li Fuchen, cupped his hands and said: "I am a scholar, and I have never liked fighting and killing. It would be great if I could explain the truth clearly. of!"

"In recent years, natural disasters have continued, and heroes have appeared everywhere. They have been surrounded and suppressed by officers and soldiers many times. You don't realize that Yuzhou Renchen is so famous. As a result, he was defeated and died, and his whole family was affected."

"Fortunately, King Shun descended from heaven and was generous and benevolent. He sought a way out for all the righteous men and was elected as the 'Leader of the Thirty-six Battalions' by everyone."

As soon as Niu Jinxing said this, Guo Sanhai couldn't sit still. Among the three, Guo Sanhai is the most powerful and wants to command the heroes of Runing. How can he tolerate Zhang Shun's intrusion on Tai Sui's head?

He couldn't help but sternly interrupted Niu Jinxing and said: "We, who are waiting for you in Runing, would rather be the head of a chicken than the queen of an ox. As the leader of the Thirty-sixth Battalion of Shaanxi Province, King Shun still doesn't know how to stop, and wants to order us to attack Runing in Henan Province." Isn’t it human?”

Niu Jinxing couldn't help but laugh after hearing this. After laughing for a long time, everyone looked at each other and looked at Sheng Zhiyou, Liu Hongqi and Shen Wandeng with bright eyes and asked, "Do you think so too?"

Sheng Zhiyou, Liu Hongqi and Shen Wandeng couldn't help but lower their heads and remained silent, apparently acquiescing to Guo Sanhai's words.

Niu Jinxing couldn't help but hold her head high and said: "King Shun's ambition is for the whole world, how can it be divided into Shaanxi and Henan?"

"Under King Shun there were people from Shaanxi, Jin, and Henan; some were demoted, and some were bandits; some were ordinary people, and some were high-ranking officials. They could do anything, and they could do anything, just relying on their ability. There are rewards for merit and punishment for delinquencies. All the heroes in the world have their hearts set on you. Are you alone?"

"Niu is nothing more than Baofeng's one-shot, and he can only survive for a few days on his own. King Shun is a polite corporal and is willing to use my strategy, so he promoted me to the position of military advisor."

"You all have an army on your side, and you know how to use it. Now that the world is in chaos, isn't there an opportunity to make achievements?"

When Niu Jinxing spoke, the eyes of Sheng Zhiyou, Liu Hongqi and Shen Wandeng lit up.

Although they have raised troops and are called "rebels", they are actually just local bandits who have taken over and become kings. How can they dare to compare with the Shaanxi rebels who have roamed several provinces?

It was even more unthinkable for them to think about someone like Zhang Shun seizing a city and separatist territory.

Now their ambition is just to occupy a hilltop and dominate. Now that they heard that Niu Jinxing had taken refuge with Zhang Shun in just a few days, and that he was highly valued, they couldn't help but feel moved.

Guo Sanhai knows his own affairs, how dare Zhang Shun and Niu Jinxing interfere in Runing's affairs?

He couldn't help but sneered: "In that case, when Xuande Shuilong Emperor Renchen was defeated, where was King Shun?"

"Brothers have never traveled far and don't know the way. Brother, I personally went to Yuzhou before and saw Ren Chen's head hanging at the gate of the city, all dried up!"

"Let me tell you, we still have to be cautious about this rebellion..."

"Hahaha!" Niu Jinxing couldn't help but smile and interrupted Guo Sanhai after half-listening, "We are all thieves, so what's the difference in the eyes of the officers and soldiers?"

"Is it true that if you are a thief in Henan Prefecture, you will be beheaded if you fall into the hands of officers and soldiers; if you are a thief in Runing, if you fall in the hands of officers and soldiers, you will be treated as a guest?"

Guo Sanhai was speechless when he heard this. In fact, what he wanted to say was that only I, Guo Sanhai, could make the decision regarding Runing's affairs, and King Shun was not allowed to interfere.

But he didn't have the ability or strength to do this, and he didn't dare to say it in front of everyone. It was inevitable that Niu Jinxing would block him with his words.

In fact, Sheng Zhiyou, Liu Hongqi and Shen Wandeng also knew this very well, and they were happy to see Niu Jinxing blocking this guy's mind.

Having said all that, it's almost time for the showdown.

Shen Wandeng couldn't help but asked: "We all understand the truth, but we don't know what King Shun plans?"

Niu Jinxing chuckled and said: "King Shun is going to grant the three of you the position of commander-in-chief, but you must obey the order of the leader of the alliance!"

In fact, Zhang Shun was not promised the position of chief military officer, it was just to let him actually exercise power.

Niu Jinxing really dared to open his mouth and said with a smile: "Back then, there were two gangsters under Ren Chen's command in Yuzhou. One was named Chen Jindou and the other was named Li Jiyu."

"These two people know God, one becomes Yuan Cong, and the other becomes the commander-in-chief of Songshan Camp, and they are powerful in Songshan."

"But Renchen of Yuzhou had a high self-esteem and refused to succumb to King Shun. The rebel army refused to listen to his earnest advice. Now he has become dried meat."

"If you recognize the opportunity, you can leap over the dragon's gate and get rid of your identity as a bandit in one fell swoop. If you are lucky, it is not difficult to become a founding father."

"This..." Liu Hongqi was afraid that Shen Wandeng would steal the limelight again, so he quickly asked, "How should we be divided among the four of us and the three generals?"

At this time, the position of Commander-in-Chief was still very valuable, almost the ceiling for military general positions. The four of them were very greedy after hearing this.

"It depends on your performance!" Niu Jinxing chuckled, "Now King Shun is really setting up a dragnet, preparing to lure the officers and soldiers into his trap. If you are willing to take advantage of Runing's emptiness, you can do something big. Weapons and Armor , gold, silver and jewels, King Shun also did not hesitate to reward them!"

"Oh? What should we do?" Guo Sanhai saw that Liu Hongqi and Shen Wandeng were thinking about it, and he was afraid that they would leave him alone, so he took the initiative to ask.

"Easy to say, easy to say." Niu Jinxing looked solemn and said solemnly, "While Runing is empty, take Runing City and overthrow Prince Chong's Mansion!"

"This!" Guo Sanhai, Liu Hongqi, Shen Wandeng and Sheng Zhiyou couldn't help but change their expressions upon hearing this, "This is the crime of annihilating the nine tribes!"

"The gold belt for killing people and setting fires, but there are no corpses for building bridges and roads!" Niu Jinxing sneered, "If you want to be rich for a lifetime, don't you expect to be able to work hard at home and farm the land?"

"As long as you do this, not to mention the reward from King Shun, even the wealth of the palace will be enough for you to eat, drink and have fun for a lifetime! Think about the delicate and beautiful girls in the palace, with delicate skin and tender flesh, I'm afraid You haven’t even thought about it!”

The four people's faces suddenly turned red and white when they heard this. After fighting for a long time, the gods and humans couldn't help but gritted their teeth, slapped the table hard, and shouted: "Dry and brewed!"

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