Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 743 Liaodong Cavalry

Fu Zonglong, the governor of Henan, waited for two days, but did not wait for any movement from the nearby rebels. Zuo Liangyu only besieged Li Xin's camp for two days, but did not make any progress.

After receiving Zuo Liangyu's report, Fu Zonglong couldn't help but frowned and murmured to himself: "What on earth are the thieves waiting for? Is he really so confident that he can withstand Zuo Liangyu's Changping with just one battalion?" Soldier’s attack?”

Although the Changping soldiers are not elite soldiers like Ji Liao, they are still elite border troops, and they are not something that ordinary peasant troops can easily resist.

Fu Zonglong's main military experience was fighting against the rebel troops of the southwestern chieftains, and he did not realize how powerful Zhang Shun was.

The famous Lu Xiangsheng and Hong Chengchou fell into Zhang Shun's hands before they had time to show off their military talents, causing him to despise the rebels.

Fu Zonglong seemed to have remembered something and couldn't help but ask his staff: "Where is the governor of Huguang now? Why didn't he see any movement from them?"

"We have arrived in Yuzhou. He personally led two battalions of Zhang Yingchang and Xu Chengming to take charge. There is also a battalion of You Zhaiwen who have occupied Luyang Pass and can surprise the thieves at any time!" The staff quickly sent Tang Hui, the governor of Huguang, to Report the situation to Fu Zonglong.

"Okay, okay, okay!" Fu Zonglong couldn't help but shouted three times, and then said with a smile, "You can close the net!"

"Hurry and prepare pen, ink, paper and inkstone with me. I want to write a letter to Tang Hui, the governor of Huguang, asking him to send troops to Ye County immediately to attract the main force of the traitors."

"After the main force of the thieves is entangled by the governor of Huguang, I plan to personally lead the Biao battalion to exterminate the thieves in Jiaxian County. Then I will seize Ruzhou and cut off the thieves' escape route. Finally, I will join forces with the governor of Huguang, Tang Hui, to annihilate the Shuns besieged in Ye County in one fell swoop. thief!"

Upon hearing this, the staff on the left and right couldn't help but clapped their hands and praised: "Except for those who obey the thieves, it must be the military sect. Now is the time for the imperial court to use troops. When the time comes, the military sect will be promoted to generals and prime ministers based on this merit, leaving a name in history!"

"Hey, where, where! I don't dare, I don't dare!" Fu Zonglong was quite pleased with himself when he heard this, so he said a few words of modesty.

Everyone was in high spirits and wanted to make a fuss. Suddenly I heard a courier shouting in a loud voice: "Report~emergency military situation!"

Fu Zonglong quickly suppressed his smile and said coldly: "Send it up!"

Not long after, the messenger ran in panting, took out the letter from his backpack, and presented it respectfully.

When Fu Zonglong received the letter, he saw that the paint was still there, so he opened it with confidence.

Unexpectedly, he saw that it didn't matter, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Junmen, what's wrong?" The staff asked quickly after seeing this.

"Read it for yourselves!" Fu Zonglong handed the letter down and sat there with an ugly face.

When everyone saw it, they couldn't help but turned pale and shouted: "What? Mi County has been lost!"

The front lines of Zhengzhou, Mi County, and Yuzhou are the defense lines of officers and soldiers. The pre-selected battlefields here have not yet started full-scale fighting, but the defense lines have collapsed on that side?

"Junmen!" These staff could not care less about flattering, and quickly reminded, "Mi County is not far from Zhengzhou. If Zhengzhou is lost again, Zhou Fan will be in danger. Even if Junmen eliminates the traitors, the merit will not be worth the loss. , is also a great sin!”

How could he not know Fu Zonglong? It's just that now the arrow is on the string and has to be fired.

Fu Zonglong, who had just been praised by them, couldn't help but blush for a while, then turn pale for a while, and then he made up his mind after a while: "Zu Kuan listened to the order and immediately led your Liaodong cavalry to recapture Mi County for me. If it cannot be done, then... I am assisting Chen Yongfu in guarding Zhengzhou City. I must not let anyone rush to Kaifeng City, otherwise you are the only one to ask!"

"The last general takes command!" Zu Kuan waited for a long time and finally got the chance to fight. He couldn't help but be ecstatic.

He comforted Fu Zonglong and said: "Don't worry, military. Our Liaodong cavalry invades like fire and is as fast as the wind. We will definitely make these mud-legged people look good!"

"Go!" Fu Zonglong waved his hand feebly, feeling a little anxious now.

Originally, he planned to use Zu Kuan's three thousand cavalry as a weapon, and use them to break the rebel formation at the critical moment.

But now that the thieves' use of troops was unexpected, he had to release Zu Kuan's cavalry in advance. But since then, the only mobile force in his hands is the Biao Battalion under his command.

Fu Zonglong suffered from a lack of troops. Although he created a proactive situation, he was defended by Zhang Shun and Niu Jinxing, and they were able to take the opportunity to catch him off guard.

At this moment, Li Jiyu, Shen Jingbang, Wang Sheng, Zhang Ding, and Ji Zhiying were in the Mi County government office, each holding a woman in his arms, drinking wine from a large bowl, and eating meat from a large bowl.

When they were almost done eating, Zhang Ding couldn't help but remind him a little uneasily: "King Shun is very strict in his rule. Now that we have occupied several wives, will we be punished by him?"

These people are originally thieves and bandits. When Ji Zhiying heard this, she couldn't help laughing and said: "What about King Shun? He only has one arm and one head, but he can control a lot? Brothers, just eat and drink, and make sure he doesn't know anything!"

Li Jiyu frowned when he heard this. In fact, he was somewhat afraid of Zhang Shun.

Then he ordered: "Ji Zhiying, please stop drinking now and lead your troops to patrol in case the officers and soldiers come for reinforcements. If we accidentally lose the city we just won, King Shun will really not be able to spare us!" "

Ji Zhiying was a little unhappy, but he had to bow his head under the eaves. He had no choice but to curse and go, and the others suddenly no longer wanted to drink.

Originally, they had some conflicts, but with Li Jiyu's win over, they became much closer.

Seeing that there was no one around him, Shen Jingbang couldn't help but ask: "Why is my brother afraid of him? Wasn't it because he tried so hard to win over us in the first place that he could stand on his own?"

"Now that our brothers have returned home, will my brother become a loyal minister?"

"You don't understand! Li Jiyu shook his head and said, "Originally I thought the same as you, but now looking at King Shun's achievements, they are really beyond our reach! "

"We and the brothers' support can only gather a battalion of troops. The weapons, armor and officer training are all supported by King Shun."

"But the original King Shun already had tens of thousands of troops. He dared to open up a battle with the officers and soldiers, beat the gongs and drums in front of them, who among us can do it?"

"I'm afraid that if we become independent, before the officers and soldiers and King Shun come to attack, the world will have already changed our surname to Zhang. Wouldn't it be an injustice?"

The other three people were speechless when they heard this. Zhang Shun was in such a state of decline at the beginning, and how prosperous he is now.

Apart from Li Jiyu among everyone, Zhang Ding was also the one who saw it with his own eyes. How could anyone not believe it?

Just when everyone was silent, a loud shout suddenly broke the tranquility of the Yamen.

"Oh no, the officers and cavalry are attacking and are massacring Director Ji's patrol team outside the city!"

Li Jiyu and others couldn't help but stood up when they heard the words, and they were mostly awake from the wine.

"Quickly lock the city gate and beware of officers and soldiers attacking the city! Li Jiyu hurriedly walked out and gave the order.

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