Lilija said with a smile at this time: "Master, those who came in to rescue have all been besieged according to your instructions, and none of them have been killed."


   Robosolo took a sip of the red wine and said with a smile on his mouth.

   "Although I did a good job, it still caused a certain degree of backlash."

   Anderton said calmly.

  Robosolo shook the wine glass and replied indifferently.

"Are you talking about the rats that came in again? Don't worry about that, I will arrange a good show. Let them settle everything here smoothly and leave contentedly. These are small things, really important things, It's the top-grade star stone vein you mentioned."

   "Don't worry, this is the biggest treasure of our sea thorn country. There will be no problems. According to the progress of the excavation, it can be mined in two days."

   Anderton explained calmly.

"Anderton, you did a good job. If you really do as you said, mine out a lot of the best star stones. You can rest assured that I will never treat you badly. I will help you resurrect your wife at that time. "


   Anderton, whose expression didn't fluctuate at all, showed excitement on his face, and his body trembled a little.

   "When did I lie to you? I think you were chased and killed in desperation and jumped off the cliff. Didn't I save you? And helped you kill those people, and helped you get the throne?"

   Robuso replied lightly.

   "Thank you, sir. As long as you can resurrect Nata, sir, I will not hesitate even if you are shattered to pieces."

   Anderton said tremblingly.

   "Don't worry, as long as my purpose is achieved, you will get what you want and do what you should do."


   Anderton retreated excitedly.

   Li Liga smiled and said to Robosolo: "Congratulations, master, as long as you dig out this top-grade star stone vein and honor your father, the Lord of the Devil, you will definitely be praised."

   "I'm not happy, it's just a high-grade mineral vein, just to make up for the star power lost by this migration, and strengthen a part of my power by the way. But this is not the most important thing, just an extra meal."

Chapter 864 Dissatisfaction

   "What the master said is, but this human area is really rich. It is incredible that a second-tier country has such top-level starstone veins."

   Li Liga said this, also very shocked.

   "Know the horror of human beings. Everyone has extreme selfishness. Just ask who will bring out good things."

   I saw a figure wearing a cloak out of the corner.

   "Hey, you are here. I suddenly thought of a question. As a noble cosmic nobleman, I ran to the devil's lair. If this thing spreads out, I don’t know how many people’s jaws will be shocked."

  Robosolo showed an evil smile.

   The man in the cloak in front of him stretched out his hand and slowly took off his hood, revealing his appearance.

   This person is no one else, it is Kraut Milan!

He replied with a twisted face: "Man died for money, and birds died for food. This is a truth that has not changed since ancient times. What about me as a cosmic aristocrat? Besides, I now feel that this cosmic aristocratic identity has long existed in name only. , Since ancient times, our cosmic nobles have been the masters of the human world. Look at the present, are we the masters? Everywhere, even if I want a woman, I can’t get it, and I dare to despise me. If you change it to tens of thousands Years ago, who dared to offend our cosmic nobles? But now I can’t do anything. Killing a person depends on the expressions of others. It’s really useless."

   "Tsk tsk, but you are not afraid of being known by the elders in the family, will you be cleaned up?"

"Don't mention those stubborn old guys to me. The most hateful thing is that old Piff council leader. He sticks that he is the first family, the elders of the families, occupy that position, and have no bottom line to please the lower group. The ants are still madly checking and weighing all of us. They are extremely stupid, and the heart of the Virgin is overflowing. And the gang of old immortals in the family have to worry about brotherhood and are willing to be chained. Even in the end, they are too full to eat. , I can only go to the alien territories in despair to find food, you say it's ridiculous? Haha, the most ridiculous thing is that I don't have my share in this way, so why should I care about them?"

   Kraut's face was completely distorted.

   "Tsk tsk, don’t be so excited, I’m just chatting with you casually. Don’t worry, as long as our cooperation is successful this time, you won’t have to look at those old undead faces again."

   "Let’s talk about the content of the cooperation first."

   Kraut looked at Robosolo coldly, he didn't trust these people that much either.

"It's very simple. As long as you help us win the alliance government's strange stone reserve, the benefits are absolutely indispensable to you. At that time, you can pick the top strange stone in the reserve. And you can also gain the friendship of our demon race, and we will help You climb to a higher position and help you get everything you want."

  Robosolo's words are full of extreme temptation.

   Kraut replied.

   "How do you want me to help you."

   "It's very simple. You tell us the location of the alliance government's Kistler Library and related information, and then you can assist us in seizing the Kistler Library from the side."

"Huh, the Alliance government also has two reserves of strange stones, one is in Creation Star, and the other is in Xia Zhixing. Among them, the strange stone reserve of Creation Star is the best, but the defense is also the most terrifying. But. Even the strange stone library hidden in Xia Zhixing is extremely tightly guarded. It's up to you? Let's forget it."

   Kraut is not optimistic at all.

"Just rely on me, of course it won't work. But in this operation, my father, brothers and sisters are all present. Isn’t this not enough? If it’s not enough, plus Xu Clan and Yuan Ling What about them?"

  Robosolo replied with a smile.

   Kraut's expression is constantly changing, and it seems to be very tangled. You know this is a way of no return, if you do, there is no chance of regret.

  Robosolo naturally saw Kraut's hesitation, and he continued to bewitched.

"Claut is actually a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you. It doesn't matter whether the alliance government Kishoku is lost or not. In addition, we will do this beautifully, and it will never involve you. You can be bold and rest assured. Cooperate with us. When things are done, you can sit back and relax! Another thing is that we have known cooperation for decades, and you also know the credibility of our demons. As long as we promise, we will definitely do it."

   Kraut sneered: "You will indeed achieve everything in accordance with the contract, but you have to pay a price. If the price is not enough one day, it will be uglier than anyone else to die."

   "Don't say that, there is nothing in this world that does not require a price, free things are the most expensive."

   "Okay, I promised this. You guys wait for my news."

   "Very good, I hope we can cooperate happily."

  Robosolo's smile grew brighter.

   Kraut put on his hood again, turned and left without looking back.

   Looking at the back of Kraut’s departure, Lily Jia asked softly: "Master, is this guy reliable? After all, he is a cosmic nobleman. Will he change his hands and sell us."

   "Don't worry, I saw in him extremely deep obsession, greed, resentment, his soul has already fallen, we just waited for the opportunity quietly."


   The five maids present smiled and replied.

   In Red Shell City, Shen Ye had already surveyed the entire southern area of ​​the city. There was no gain, so he silently flew to a dead branch on the edge of the central city lord mansion. He stared at the city lord mansion in front of him, and his heart sank slightly.

   The entire city lord’s mansion was shrouded in a blood-red enchantment that was invisible to normal people.

  Occasionally, a little bird flew over. At the moment of touching, the blood-red enchantment would grow a distorted human face, opened its mouth, and swallowed the little bird directly.

   Shen Ye was a little overwhelmed in his heart, and he was really hit by the crow mouth of Ethan.

   There really is a problem here.

   is definitely not an ordinary demon occupying this area, the level should be very high.

   Shao said it should also be a seventh-order high-level demon.

   But there is one thing that makes Shen Ye very puzzled, such a powerful demon occupying this area, is completely capable of doing it seamlessly. But it made movement that shouldn't have been made, and even made the Three Musketeers Maomao send out a request for help, which is a bit unconventional. You must know that the Three Musketeers Maomao are only four-star strength.

   Shen Ye squinted his eyes to observe, and didn't mean to rush in, because it would make too much movement.

   At this time, a team of fully armed, expressionless guards walked out of the city lord's mansion.

   These guards walked towards the North City.

  In Shen Ye's eyes, the faces of these guards, with scarlet eyes and extremely ugly faces, were all disguised by demons.

   Shen Ye touched his chin, thinking, in this direction, wouldn't it be Kaze Raiyi who was discovered? It shouldn't be!

   Forget it, the investigation time is almost up, go back and join them first.

   Shen Ye waved his wings, turned and flew away.

Chapter 865 Clues

   Soon after, Shen Ye returned to the meeting place, only to see that Bai Fu had returned.

   Shen Ye fell in front of her.

   "Beiyu, you are back, are there any gains."

   "No, I went through the entire southern part of the city, and every house was closed, and I had broken into the homes of several people. But I found that they were all like puppets, mechanically repeating things like eating, drinking, and Lhasa."

   Shen Ye shook his head and explained.

   "My situation is roughly the same as yours, and I haven't found any valuable information."

"However, after I did not find any clues in the south of the city, I ventured to the City Lord’s Mansion in the center of the city to observe it. I saw many patrols walking out of the City Lord’s Mansion. The breath of those patrols was not right, and I felt very dangerous. Did not dare to approach."

   "You are so courageous, you dare to go to the city lord's mansion, under normal circumstances, that is the other side's nest."

   Matt jumped down.

   "Okay, don't make a fuss, have you found any clues?"

   Bai Fu asked angrily.

   "Who am I, how could I get nothing, look at what I found."

   Matt picked up a mobile phone whose screen was broken.

"This is?"

   Bai Fu quickly picked it up.

   "You don't have to work in vain, this phone is completely broken. But I checked the built-in phone card inside. This is the phone of the Three Musketeers Mao Mao."

   Matt explained.

   "Where did you find it."

   "An area on the east side, there is a trace of fighting over there, but unfortunately I have searched around N times, but I haven't found it, Three Musketeers Mao Mao."

   Matt replied helplessly.

   "It doesn't matter, this is also a clue. When Mr. Kasawa Raiyi returns, we will go to the area to search."

   "Is Mr. Kasawa Raiyi not here yet? I thought she had already returned, but she was invisible, as if the agreed time was approaching."

   Matt picked up the phone and checked the time.

   "Wait a minute, there should be nothing wrong, sister Kasawa Raiyi is the strongest of us."

   Bai Fu tried his best to keep himself calm.

   Time passed by, just five minutes before the appointed time.

   Xiangze Laiyi suddenly appeared, she still carried a person in her hand.

   "Sorry, I'm late."

"This is?"

   Shen Ye carefully looked at the person in Xiangzelai's hands, he was a middle-aged man in a panic and unconscious.

   Bai Fu took a closer look, with a joyful expression on his face.

   "This is Zando, one of the second batch of people who came to the rescue. Where did you find him, Xiangze Laiyi, is he okay?"

"I found him in a rich family, and that family was all deceived by the devil. This fellow Zando should have been yin, tied directly to an inverse cross, and was about to perform a blood sacrifice. Fortunately, I arrived in time. Just rescued him, but encountered some trouble in the middle and wasted some time."

   Kaze Laiyi explained.

   When Shen Ye heard this, he immediately reacted. It's no wonder that the devil in the city lord's mansion was alarmed, and the feelings were caused by her.

   "We have to find a way to wake him up quickly, so that we can know the situation, do you have a way?"

   Matt asked quickly.

   Bai Fu shook his head and replied: "Don't look at me, I am not a therapist."

"Let me do it."

   Shen Ye volunteered to say at this time.

   "Are you still a doctor?"

   Xiangze Laiyi looked at Shen Ye very unexpectedly. The capable doctors are all guests everywhere. They are very popular. Few would participate in such dangerous tasks.

   "I am not a doctor, but there is a way to wake him up."

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