Shen Ye said modestly.

   "Sure, I underestimate you."

   Matt's evaluation of Shen Ye immediately rose by one level.

   Xiangze Laiyi put the person on the ground.

   Shen Ye observed for a while, looking very solemn.

   Bai Fu and the three of them watched quietly. At this moment, only Shen Ye raised his hand and slapped his face heavily.


   Zhan Duo felt a tingling pain, and slowly opened his eyes, still a little confused.


   At the side of Xiangze Laiyi, Matt and Bai Fu were a little dumbfounded, and their eyes looked unnatural at Shen Ye.

   Matt pulled Shen Ye into the blacklist silently in his heart, and even if he turned his head back, even if he was injured, he would not be able to let this guy be cured. Otherwise, there was still half of his life, maybe the last half of his life was gone.

  Of course they didn't know that Shen Ye's slap was not a casual slap. He had observed Zhan Duo. He should have been subjected to a similar hypnotic illusion, and he was also given a sleeping potion. Shen Ye's slap is not only an illusion that breaks hypnosis, but also contains the power of nature to dissolve the remaining pharmaceutical ingredients in the body.

   So naturally woke up.

   "Who are you? Why am I here?"

   Zhan Duo looked at the four people who appeared before him suspiciously.

   "We are a member of the National Mutual Aid Group, I am Bai Fu, this is Matt, Bei Yu. If you are not familiar, you should have heard of Mr. Coriander, she rescued you."

   "Lord Cilantro, thank you for saving me."

   Jando reacted immediately and shouted in surprise.

   You can see how popular coriander is in the group.

   "No thanks, the situation is in crisis now, you can tell us the specific situation."

   Xiangzelai Yi cuts to the topic simply and neatly.

   Chanduo explained in shame.

"We are responding to the help of the Three Musketeers, Mao Mao, and the second group came in to support. But we came one after another and scattered in. I was the last to come in, so as soon as I entered Red Shell City, I followed the three. Swordsman Mao Mao lost contact. Then I accidentally ran into a soldier disguised as a demon. In order to avoid searching, I was in a hurry and hid in a well-decorated house with a wealthy family hiding in the house. They started Seeing me, I was shocked, and after repeated explanations, I dispelled their worries. Then they enthusiastically entertained me. I didn't know that this normal family was also deceived by the devil, and caught them inadvertently. The way. And when I woke up, I was tied to the cross and tortured by them."

"And they are following the bewitching of the devil and are planning evil sacrifice rituals. Those who are bewitched will offer themselves as tributes, and then the entire city will become a giant sacrifice circle composed of countless small sacrifices. Array."

   After hearing Zhando's words, several people in Shen Ye felt very tricky, and Bai Fu asked quickly.

   "How long is it until the sacrifice circle is completed."

   "It didn't take long, but it was completed in one day at most."

   Chanduo explained.

   "Time is too tight, it is too late to ask for help."

   Matt said painfully.

   "There is no need to ask for help, we can solve it by ourselves. Now that we have roughly figured out the other party's purpose, let's start acting and call in all the people waiting outside."

   Xiangze Laiyi said very decisively.

Chapter 866 Cooperation

   "Okay, I'll call someone, where shall we meet?"

   Bai Fu asked.

   Xiangze Laiyi stretched out his finger to an inconspicuous house not far away, and said simply: "Just that house, I can perceive that there is no one in that house."


   Bai Fu turned around and left quickly.

   Immediately after Shen Ye, several people followed Xiangze Laiyi and went to hide in the humble house in front.

   There are a lot of old furniture on display in this house, which is covered with dust. It seems that it has been idle for a long time.

   Matt was still a little worried, so he checked again, but in the end it was confirmed, there was nothing here.

   Xiangze Laiyi said to the two Shen Ye: "Let's take a break, maybe it will be a fierce battle next."


  Shen Ye several people directly sat on the ground.

   Time passed, Matt was bored, so he tried to chat with Shen Ye to ease his heavy heart.

   "Hey brother, where are you from?"

   "Actually, I can't tell where I am, and it doesn't make much sense to say it."

"Oh why?"

   "Actually, I am a star hunter. I often accept various tasks and travel around the world."

   "Did I guess right before that you took this task just for the high bounty?"

   "Uh, this."

   "Don't be embarrassed to say that, in fact, half of the people who come here are for high rewards. After all, there are still more laymen in this world."

   Matt started to get acquainted with Shen Ye.

   Shen Ye could only helplessly reply without a word.


   Kaze Raiyi looked at Shen Ye from time to time, and she herself was a little wondering why she cared about this junior so much. The other party always has a sense of inability to see through, and even a ridiculous illusion, that the young man in front of him must be extraordinary. She showed a trace of self-deprecating smile, she was too nervous as expected, a four-star star warrior could be a master herself.

   At this moment, the door was pushed open, and a group of figures flashed in very quickly.

  All the members of this mission have arrived.

   "Kazawa Rai-sama, here we are."

   Everyone at the scene spoke one after another.

   "Very good guys, are you all aware of the specific situation here?"

   Kasawa Raiyi asked very decently.

   "The general situation, Master Bai Fu has been explained to us on the way."

   "The situation is urgent now. We only have 24 hours. We must stop this sacrifice, save everyone in the Red Shell City, and avoid the situation from getting out of control."

   Xiangze Laiyi said simply and neatly.

   "It's all under your command, Mr. Kasawa Raiyi."

   There was no hesitation in reply from everyone present. Here, Kasawa Rai was the strongest and the most experienced. Of course, she listened to her.

   Xiangze Laiyi picked up his mobile phone, projected the thumbnail of the entire Red Shell City on the ground, and said to everyone.

"The devil is a very cunning existence. We only have one mobile phone meeting. If we fail, we will be in a very passive situation. Since the other party adopts a small sacrifice and merges it into a large sacrifice, it must be the main focus, and Link points, what we have to do is to destroy these link points first."

   "Then specific, those are the link points."

   Shen Ye asked curiously.

   But it's hard to find a link point outside.

   Xiangzelai waved his clothes and sixteen enclosed areas appeared in the entire Red Shell City.

"I have prepared this for a long time. When I came to perform the mission of Red Shell City, I discussed the blood sacrifice with Lord Ethan. Lord Ethan circled the most classic blood sacrifice method of the demon race according to the city distribution map of Red Shell City. The node prediction area of ​​the formation. Although not all accurate, as long as half of the sixteen link nodes are correct and successfully destroyed, the entire city blood sacrificial array is estimated to be invalid. At that time, it will guard the city lord’s mansion, which is the formation. The blood curtain in the eye area will be disintegrated!"

   "That's great. With clear goals, our success rate will be greatly improved."

   Matt said excitedly.

"Zhando stay here to rest, everyone else chooses an area. One more thing, everyone should be aware that after destroying the node, they will definitely anger the demons in the city. They will definitely find us crazy. , All hid. However, we waited for the opportunity to disintegrate the devil's minions a little bit, and finally we still gathered here to besiege the city lord’s mansion together."

   Kasawa Raiyi made a plan.

"no problem."

   Everyone nodded in response, but Shen Ye was also very optimistic about the plan. If all goes well, there should be no problem.

   "Then get started."

   Kaze Raiyi replied.

   Then everyone chose an area and set off.

   After a while, Shen Ye came to the designated area in the south of the city, and he squinted his eyes to observe carefully. Because it is a rough forecast area, the coverage area is a bit large.

   But after focusing on Shen Ye, he still noticed something strange.

   He turned into a shadow and moved towards the strange area.

   Not long after, Shen Ye came to the basement of a shopping mall. The entire spacious basement was covered by a magic circle stained with blood.

  The corpses piled up like a small hill in the center of the magic circle, and these corpses all retained the painful and desperate face before death. At the same time, darkened blood constantly seeped out from the corpse mountain, and continued to flow into the center of the magic circle.

   The entire blood array faintly wailed in pain.

   In front of the magic circle, a demon with red skin, copper bell-like eyes, black horns, and a dry body guarded here.

   From the point of view of cultivation, at least he has the strength of five stars and eight stages.

   Shen Ye didn't do it right away, because he knew he had found the node too soon. If it is destroyed now, it will soon cause a large-scale commotion. The devil in this city will be awakened, and it will be difficult for others to do it. So when the others succeed, he destroys this place again.

   Shen Ye waited in the shadows for more than an hour, then heard a violent explosion from the outside world, and someone succeeded.

   The time was almost ripe, and Shen Ye emerged from the shadow of the demon behind him, and drew out the Tier 8 Star Tool·Dead Jing’s Spear and directly penetrated the demon's heart.

   The demon's eyeballs all protruded, and his expression was frozen, until he died, he didn't figure out what was going on.

   Shen Ye drew out the Spear of the Dead Jing, raised his left hand and pulled out the star power from the body of the dead demon.

   He looked at the Gun of Death Jing swayed, this gun is a good weapon, but unfortunately he is not used to it, but it's okay to use it for a joke.

   After killing Beloga, he ignored his injuries and picked up the weapon for the first time. Xiaoya was even despised for this. But the only pity was the energy dissipated by Beloga's body after his death. I don't know why it hasn't become an ownerless state, I can't absorb it, and there is still a bit of evil. That is, after Beloga died, nothing was left except this spear, the body was completely dissipated, as clean as it was necessary.

Chapter 867: Statement

   Shen Ye then raised the Spear of Death Jing in his hand, and directly destroyed the magic circle here with one shot.

   After finishing his work, Shen Ye put away his weapons. At this time, ugly demon soldiers rushed in.

   Shen Ye turned his head to look at these miscellaneous soldiers, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and the small mosquito legs are meaty.

   Originally calmed the Red Shell City, it was like pouring a basin of cold water into hot oil, and it was completely exploded.

   The system is ugly, demons with bat wings rushed out of different houses, and they swept towards the attacked location frantically.

   It's a pity that when I arrived, the basic people had already run away.

  Of course, there are exceptions. Then, on the side of Shen Ye, he didn't escape at all. When a demon came, he slaughtered one, a typical wait for a rabbit.

   Shen Ye was very happy to absorb it. Of course, his behavior also helped other people relieve a lot of pressure.

   But there are side effects. The elite demon guards who ran out of the city lord's mansion were attracted.

   But after the demon captain rushed into the basement and saw the corpse of the demon on the ground, his expression suddenly changed, and a chill rose from the bottom of his heart. He turned his eyes and was about to flee!

   Unfortunately, it was still too late, and Shen Ye appeared at the exit behind them.

   "Where are you going? I didn't expect to catch a big fish."

   "Damn human being."

   Seeing that the Demon Captain could not escape, his face began to become more and more ferocious, and then his body began to swell, and the clothes on the surface of his body were cracked. A hideous demon with a height of three meters, burning hot flames and breathing yellow mist appeared.

   The subordinates behind him also transformed one after another.

   Shen Ye's eyes and pupils shrank, and countless shadows immediately entangled all the demons in front of him.

   The demon captain hadn't reacted yet, and was directly bound. It struggled desperately, but to no avail, it couldn't move at all, and its face suddenly became very disturbed.

   "How could it be possible! My sixth-stage and third-stage cultivation base was so easily controlled?"

   "Nothing is impossible, you **** it."

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