Timani opened her mouth and regained the power of terror.

   Beloga and others raised their weapons one after another, preparing to fight to the death.

   "Keep away, you are not her opponents."

   Saint Maruch stood up hard, how could she let Beloga and others fall, this is the future of the angel race.

   Then a beam of colorful light blasted over.

   Just when Saint Maruch was about to take it down and attack desperately, suddenly a holy light fell from the sky and directly covered them.


   Timani’s attack was directly blocked by the holy light.


   Timani raised her head and looked at a dark starry sky.

   At this time, the starry sky was distorted, and then an old woman with sixteen-wing angel wings on her back appeared. There was no trace of flesh on her whole face, only skin and bones, and her eyes were gone, replaced by a bottomless, pitch-black cavity, and her face was as scary as it looked.

  The person who came is the ancestor of the angel family, Ovelis (Eleven Stars and Three Stages)

   With her appearance, everything in the starry sky seemed to stagnate, and the invisible coercion made everyone immobile.

   Even a master like Shen Ye with more than ten stars feels extremely uncomfortable.

   Star warriors with nine stars and below are completely immobile, just like the meat on the chopping board.

   Don’t think that Ovelis is only two tiers between the 11-star three-tier and Timani. The difference between these two tiers is simply the difference between heaven and earth.

   "My ancestor!"

   The angels on the scene saw Ovelis appearing, and shouted extremely enthusiastically, the morale that had fallen to the bottom suddenly skyrocketed.

   On the other hand, the morale of the Alliance government and the New Alliance has gone to blood.

   there are expressions of bewilderment on his face.

  Ovelis moved her hand slightly, and the archangel sword in Saint-Malo's hand made a clear resonance as if it had been summoned. Then the whole archangel sword turned into a stream of light and fell into her hand.

   The moment Ovelis gripped the archangel sword, the entire archangel sword flashed a divine halo. When it was used with Saint Malo, it was completely different.

   Saint Marucci saw Ovelis coming out, her face full of sorrow.

   The body of the ancestor is already very pessimistic, and leaving the customs at this time is also a serious injury to him.

   Timani saw Ovelis appearing, not only was she not afraid, but her fierceness broke out completely, her eyes turned extremely scarlet, and her strength aura climbed wildly.

   The strongest ancestor of the angel race has come out, if you do everything to injure him severely before his life falls.

   Then Abenagar doesn't need to come out.

   "Oh, you want to defeat me? Since you want to die so, I will fulfill you. It's been a long time since I slay the dragon."

   Ovelis raised the archangel sword in her hand.

   Timani roared angrily, and countless gray lifelessness accumulated towards her mouth.

   "Death Breath!"

   A deadly beam of light rushed towards Ovelis.

   Ovilis didn't mean to dodge, raising her withered left hand, countless holy lights gathered in her hand. With a wave of her hand, a pure beam of light greeted her.

   "Holy shock!"

   Two beams of light, one white and one gray, collided, and the two completely different powers began to twist, and finally entangled.

   The hearts of everyone present were raised one after another.

  Especially Xi Yayi and others, their faces are full of anxious expressions.

   The gray-white sphere created by the collision is moving towards Timani.

  In other words, Timani is not an opponent at all in the collision of power. If the off-white ball hits Master Timani, maybe Master Timani will die.

   Timani desperately increased her strength and sprayed into a stronger breath of death.

   But it was still useless, Ovelis' power completely crushed her. She constantly released the power of light, pushing the collision ball towards Timani.


   Ovilis announced very proudly.

   Xi Yayi and others cried out in a daze.

   "Master Timani!"

   Just when Timani was about to be hit, a withered figure suddenly appeared out of thin air and stretched out her hand with a wave. The gray-white sphere that brought together the power of the two bursts instantly, transforming into starlight in the sky.

   illuminates the entire starry sky, very gorgeous.

   Everyone present was dumbfounded, who was so terrifying. It was incredible to be able to easily dismantle the power of the two ancestors' confrontation.

If you look carefully, you can see that he is an old man wearing a vintage star gown. He has no muscles all over his body, but a layer of wrinkled skin encapsulating the bone frame. Even in some places, you can see the exposed crystal bones. . Under his long snow-white hair, his eyes are like black holes, deep and blind, unable to look directly.

  Timani, who had been fiercely outburst, stiffened all of a sudden, her huge body shrank directly and returned to her adult form. With tears on her face, she looked at the old man who was indistinguishable from the dead bones beside her with tears.


   Abenagar Chong stretched out her withered hand, touched Timani's head, and said Chong Dui.

   "Sorry, I'm late. I'm very happy to see you again, and you don't need to worry about the rest."


   "It's nothing, since I've come out. Then I'm destined to be unable to live anymore. Let's stop here."

   Yabenaga said lightly.

   "Abenagar, you are finally able to let go of the tortoise, do you really think how noble you are?"

   Ovilis looked at him bitterly.

Abenagar turned his head to look at Ovelis with his hands behind his back, and said with a very calm expression: "Ovelis, should we take care of the accounts of the older generation? I'll tell you the truth, back then. In the War of the Strange Stars, I killed your lover Booker. You don’t have to say me, I don’t even bother to say you, we are not a good guy, everyone is half a cat. Now that I came out, then All things are destined to end here, and give you a peaceful day, but you don’t have to live it, and you don’t have to hide!"

Chapter One Thousand and Fifty One

   Yabenagar suddenly raised his right hand and waved, and the starry sky on the right suddenly shifted, and countless dens of demons and other monsters such as the void aliens appeared.

   has two heads, one is an old man wearing ancient noble costumes, with a red bow tied at the neckline, meticulously combed hair, evil face, blood-red eyes.

   This is exactly the ancestor of the demon race, Ariane (Eleven Stars).

   On the other side, there is the body covering half of the starry sky, the whole body is made up of white jade bones, and countless souls are wrapped around the body. The ancestor of the void alien race, Oberster, is burning with pale soul fire.

  Aerion and Oberst both have ugly eyes. They have been watching the battle from the outside, and now they have been transferred in without warning. How strong is this old guy?

   All the clans present were shocked when they saw the demons and others who were transferred in!

Shen Ye couldn't help cursing secretly: "It is said that human beings are the most cunning, and these guys are sinister and cunning. Don't tell me that they have assembled so many troops and come here to watch the battle. This is obviously to wait for both sides. The fight hurts both sides, and then the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind, and the game is super slippery."

   Beluga and other angels were also surprised and angry.

   Even stupid people know that they are being used as guns.

   In fact, all of this was promoted by demons and other races in disguise from beginning to end. They have been pushing behind the scenes, wanting to make the new alliance, the alliance government, and the angels fight to the death. In this way, they can finally finish.

   Yaerion let out a jittery laugh, and said to Abenagar: "As expected, it is Abenagar, it is really tough."

   "Oh, then you guys can catch it without loosing your hands?"

   Yabenaga said indifferently.

   "Arrogant, I think he is just the end of the crossbow, just pretending to be. His life span has reached the limit, it is better for us to take advantage of his illness, kill him, and do it."

  Obster opened his mouth wide, accumulating a pale beam of terrifying light and blasted towards Abenagar.

   Yaerion also launched an attack without hesitation. He folded his hands together, accumulating a tyrannical energy ball full of evil power, and blasted it at the same time.

   Yabenagar was expressionless, raised his left hand, and a dark force greeted him.

   instantly swallowed the attacks of Oberst and Aerion without a trace.

  Obster and Aerion’s hearts suddenly sank to the bottom.

   If I had a fluke before, I would like to test the opponent to see if it is the end of the battle. So now, this hope is completely lost.

   Ya Erion said with a wicked smile: "It's amazing, so easily blocking our attack, you really are the strongest existence among us."

Abenagar glanced at Aerion and said, "Aerion, you don’t need to cause trouble. Let me tell you the truth. The reason why I made you so arrogant and arrogant is all In order to make you feel relieved to come in boldly. Now you are all in, and the galaxy array has been repaired. To put it bluntly, you are the birds in the cage. You can all go together. I will deal with all of you alone. Don’t leave today. Stay here for me!"

   Abenagar's power broke out in an instant, and an unparalleled aura swept away, instantly suppressing the power of the four Eleven Star Ancestors present.

   At the same time, the entire galaxy array was completely activated.

   All hostile targets in the entire array are fully suppressed, and everyone's strength is immediately blocked.

   Yaerion's faces were ugly, they knew that Yabenaga was the strongest, but they didn't expect it to be strong enough to despise everyone.

   Of course, no matter how annoyed they are, they can still recognize reality.

Ariane turned to look at the ancestor of the Angel Race Ovelis, and said, "Although we are enemies for generations, you can see the situation now. If we don’t cooperate, we might die here. How about we just work together temporarily and kill that old guy first?"

   Ovilis' expression changed for a while, she gave a cold snort.

   "You are not a good bird, wait till you clean up Yabenagar, I will clean up you later!"

   After listening, Ya Erion showed a penetrating smile, no matter what, the temporary alliance was reached.

   Of course, if there is a choice, it will not fight with that disgusting group of angels.

   Shen Ye saw this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he thought to himself: "This ancestor of Abenagar is crazy, and he doesn't clean up one by one. He is planning to have a pot, is it too big?"

   At this moment, Zero's voice sounded again.

"He is not crazy. There are four ancestors of the Angel, Demon, and Void Alien races. The corresponding cultivation bases are 11-star three-stage, 11-star one-stage, 11-star one-stage, and 11-star two-stage. However, Abenagar’s cultivation is eleven stars and three stages. Although the cultivation is similar, the purity of his strength is far worse. Abernagar’s power is the most pure, and he has the most refined mastery of the power of chaos. Based on this, he has no problem with two opponents of the same level, let alone strange stones. Everyone in this world thinks that the light stone is the strongest strange stone, but it is not, the dark stone is the strongest. Saying that the whole angel clan shares a stone of light, then Abenagar himself uses a stone of darkness. In addition, he can mobilize the power of the entire galaxy and suppress the power of everyone. Can you say he can Win?"

   Shen Ye suddenly realized after listening, he asked curiously.

   "Then they won't run away?"

"How to escape? You forgot how the aliens were moved in? Yabenagar, who is in charge of the galaxy array, can completely trap everyone here. Anyone who wants to escape can easily. Pulling it back, this cage is worthy of the name. In other words, all of them have stepped into Abenagar's trap."

"I see."

   Shen Ye took a deep breath.

   "Your mission is complete, you just have to stand in place and watch the battle obediently, and you are definitely not allowed to intervene in this battle."

  Zero said calmly.

   Shen Ye was dumbfounded when he heard Zero's words, but then he reacted.

   Yabenaga only needs to kill four ancestors, and then he himself will live soon. At that time, people with a cultivation base of more than eleven stars and alien races will no longer exist. Then in this world, it seems that oneself has become the strongest, that is, zero has become the strongest existence. No one can threaten it anymore, it's really impossible. If you absorb the star power of those who died, it will be directly invincible.

   But Shen Ye couldn't be happy anyhow, a bitterness arose in his heart. He was a little uneasy at first, wondering what would happen in the end.

   But Zero is too high to see himself, this level of battle, he can't even intervene even if he wants to, let alone interfere.

The first thousand and fifty-two chapters fall

  Zero seemed to be able to see through Shen Ye's thoughts, and then he said, "If you didn't intend to suppress me, and would not follow the path I planned. Now you don't have to stand here to watch the battle, but go up and kill."

   After Shen Ye finished listening, his heart shook, and he quickly stopped thinking about it.

  Ling Jian Shen Ye did not say a word, and did not say much, it returned to silence again.

   As long as Shen Ye doesn't intervene in this battle, everything else doesn't matter.

   At this time, the four ancestors of David Lis surrounded from different directions, preparing to besiege Abenagar together. They have all seen Abenagar's power, but they don't foolishly think that they can solve him alone.

   Timani saw that everyone was about to besiege Abenagar, so she wanted to fight alongside him.

   Abenagar reached out to stop Timani, smiled calmly and confidently, and said, "It's good to watch them by the side, and see how I clean them up."

  Timani's tears fell drop by drop, and she nodded while holding back her grief. The moment Abenagar came out, his life was destined to have come to an end.

   "Arrogant, Claw of Nothingness!"

  Obster made a trembling sound, and took the lead in launching an attack on Abenagar. The huge bone claws entangled countless spirits and slapped him.

   Yabenagar narrowed his eyes, and the shadow behind him became huge. Like an extremely terrifying beast, I saw the shadow beast, reaching out and directly catching Oberster's charged blow.

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