Then the Shadow Beast grabbed Oberst’s paw and threw it out.

   As for Abenagar himself, floating in the starry sky, he didn't even move.

  Aerion saw this scene, and his heart sank to the bottom. It couldn't take care of that much anymore, and pulled out a Tier 10 star weapon, the gun of evil sin, which was inlaid with the eyes of the devil and made from unknown bones. The entire body of the bone gun is densely covered with numerous dents, and black blood is flowing in it, full of evil aura.

   He let out a low growl, injecting power frantically.

   "Soul Eater Strike!"

   Ya Erion threw the spear of evil in his hand fiercely.

   The spear of devil's sin turned into a jet of black light that ran towards Abenagar, and Abenagar still didn't dodge anything. At the moment when everyone thought he was going to be hit, he stretched out his right hand and forcibly grasped the spear of evil. The spear of Devil's Sin was buzzing frantically, but it was held tightly by Abenagar.

"How can it be!"

   Ya Erion was not calm, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes. He knew that Abenaga was strong, but he didn't expect that he could be so strong.

   Davilleris waved the angel wings behind her, and if the light rushed towards Abenagar as fast as the light, she lifted her archangel sword and slashed it down.

   "God's verdict!"

   Yabenaga raised his left hand for a moment.

   "The Darkest Shield!"

   A thick black shield emerged, Davilleris’s archangel sword slashed on it, and the whole sword sank slightly.

   St. Marucci ignored her injuries, raised her scepter in her hand, and chanted complicated spells.

   A holy magic circle emerged under his feet, and the phantom of the **** of light reappeared behind it. The hands of the huge phantom were closed, and the brilliance of the entire starry sky gathered one after another.

   At this moment, Abenagar snorted and threw the spear of demon sin towards Saint Maruch with his backhand.

   Saint Marucci saw an expression of horror on the face of the attacking spear of evil, so she hurriedly stopped casting the spell.

   Davilleris' expression changed drastically, she withdrew the angel's sword, and waved her wings behind her back to help St. Marucci block the attack.

   But how could Abenagar give Davilis a chance, his dark pupils shrank.

   Behind the shadow fierce beast opened its mouth wide, and spheres bursting out with black thunder light accumulated in its mouth.

   I only saw the black thunder spheres, as if they were self-conscious, blasting towards David Liss from different trajectories.

   Davilleis swept the archangel sword in her hand and swept across.


   Every sphere that is split bursts open to form a small cavity. Its coverage is not very large, but its destructive power is amazing.

   Davilleris rushed out of the hollow in embarrassment, before she had time to go crazy.

   There was a terrible scream on the side of Saint Marucci.

   Davidris turned her head to look over, and saw that Saint Marucci’s stomach was pierced by the Gun of Sin. She waved her hand at Santa Marucci in anger, and a ball of pure light enveloped her, trying to help her.

   It's a pity that Abenaga intends to kill her first, and here is Saint Marucci's weakest. And she was injured by Timani, so she didn't kill anyone first.

   Abenagar took a step and plunged into the darkness, and appeared behind Santa Marucci in the next second.

   Infinite darkness immediately enveloped Saint Maruch.

   Santa Marucci turned her head tremblingly to look at Abenagar, she couldn't figure it out till now. The same is 11 stars, why is the power gap so big, I feel like a baby in front of Abenagar.

   David Lis waved the angel wings behind her, and rushed up in shock and anger.

  Aerion's face was so gloomy that it could drip out, and it rushed up without hesitation. It's not that he wants to save Saint Maruch, but if Saint Maruch is killed if he meets in this way, then they will die next.

   The soul fire in Oberster's eyes burned violently, and it stretched out its huge bone claws. Directly penetrated into the void, the next second, covering the sky and the earth, bone claws appeared on top of Abenagar's head out of thin air, and patted down.

  Obster's idea is very simple, he knows that his attack will not have much effect on Abenagar. But as long as you stop the opponent for a little while, Davilis and Arian can be there.

   Yabenaga's proud face, he didn't put everyone in his eyes at all, he said.

   "Everything ends here, infinite darkness!"


   Abenagar burst out with terrifying power, and the dark black aura spread.

  Obster’s bone claws, touching the dark black aura, as if touching magma with a hand, they instantly retracted.

   The shadow fierce beast behind Abenagar lifted up the terrifying shadow claws and shot directly at Saint Maruch.

"Do not!"

   Davilleris shouted in despair.

   Unfortunately, reality is often cruel.


   The ball of light covering Saint Maruch's body shattered directly.

   Blood is splashing all over!

   Saint Marucci fell directly on the spot, falling towards the dark starry sky.

   This scene also made everyone stunned.

  Shen Ye even had a ridiculous thought, could he be the final boss? Because it looks alike no matter how you look at it.

   And this time Abenagar made this shot, there was no room left. Everyone has to die today, and when he finishes cleaning up these guys, he will clean up the following ones with his backhand.

   "Master Patriarch!"

The first thousand and fifty-three chapters counterattack

   The angels present burst into tears when they saw this scene. They couldn't believe it, the patriarch of their clan had just fallen.

   Suddenly an angel desperately wanted to rush to the battle.

   "Fight with them!"

   Saint Malo tremblingly shouted.

   However, the new alliance and alliance government personnel present will not give them a chance to make trouble. Although it is impossible for them to pose a threat to the Yabenaga people, if they commit suicide attacks in spite of everything, they might be able to delay a little bit of time.

   At this time, the demon patriarch Kaisamiduo's expression changed, and he no longer hesitated, and said.

   "We also go up, destroy the gang of humans and the new alliance, and share some pressure on the ancestors."

   Void Patriarch Kimigafa replied in a deep voice: "Go!"

   And Yuanling Patriarch Ka Yuansi can only bite the bullet. Although it has no ancestors, if the Demon Race and the Void Race are defeated, its fate will not be much better. Now they are all grasshoppers on a set of ships.

   Xi Yayi snorted coldly: "Looking for death! All follow me, stop them, and wait for the ancestors to vacate their hands, it is their death date!"

   "Yes! Kill them!"


   Whether it is human or the personnel of the new alliance, the scene is in a state of fanaticism. The enemy has killed an ancestor suddenly, and the scales of victory are tilted towards them infinitely.

   Shen Ye watching the battle in the distance was also shocked.

   "The power of this ancestor is not at all comparable to those below. If there are no checks and balances, it is estimated that one race can be destroyed by one person."

   "You are right, but this is only your wishful thinking. If it is not necessary, no ancestor is willing to do it casually."

   Lingling replied lightly. It seemed that it was about to achieve its goal, and it began to become very active.


   Shen Ye asked very puzzled.

"I told you before that the power used by the ancestors is completely different from yours. They use the power of chaos, which is actually the same power as the star swallowing beasts. This is why only the power of the ancestors can hurt the swallow. Star beasts. The existence of Chaos Power is extremely rare, and it needs to be absorbed by special methods with Star Power. It is also very difficult to absorb. This is why the cultivation base of these ancestors is not high. Moreover, Chaos is consumed too much. It takes a lot of time to absorb and recover the power. At the same time, when the power is vacant and cannot be replenished, the vitality will flow away quickly, which is equivalent to the loss of life in disguise."

   Of course, what Zero tells Shen Ye is only the surface, in fact, there is still a little zero that zero tells Shen Ye, the power of Chaos and the Star-Swallowing Beast are both suppressed by it, so only the power of Chaos can hurt it. That's why, it must sink to the eleventh star, or die of all its ancestors.

   At this moment, Shen Ye was taken aback. He felt that his injury was recovering at an extremely terrifying speed, and his zero strength was soaring.

   He suddenly reacted, and Ling was silently absorbing the star power of all the dead people in this starry sky. It's just that the absorption speed is so concealed that even Shen Ye himself didn't notice it.

   Shen Ye swallowed hard, and he even had a hunch if he hit the end. If these ancestors don't fight, maybe the zero will pop out, hit them all at once, and send them to the west.

   At this moment, Eve Yueya interrupted Shen Ye's thoughts.

   "Shen Ye, let's go back."

"What's wrong?"

   Shen Ye also asked slightly in a daze.

   "We seem to be targeted."

   Shen Ye was also taken aback, what it was like. There are still people who are staring at themselves, who is so innocent?

   Then Shen Ye looked over, but also speechless.

   It turned out that Hackedolun, the deputy chief of the demon clan, was killing it towards this side, and all the people who blocked it were killed by him. This guy's strength is much stronger than before, and it seems that he has successfully advanced to the ten-star stage.

   Its purpose is very simple. It wants to take down him while he is seriously injured and seek a talisman for himself. It is now also worried about the defeat of the ancestor, and the starry sky has been blocked in disguise, and it is impossible to escape.

   In fact, it calculated very well, except that it did not calculate that Shen Ye's injuries are recovering quickly. Under normal circumstances, a ten-star person is seriously injured, not for decades, or even for hundreds of years.

   Shen Ye shook his head slightly, and said to Eve Yueya: "It's okay, there's me!"

   He is still a little struggling to play Beloga in his current state, and it is easy to clean up a newly promoted Hackedorun.

   "But the injury on your body."

   Xiaoya asked a little worried.


   Shen Ye replied with certainty.

   At this time, Hakdoron rushed over, raised the devil's claws, and directly attacked Shen Ye and Eve Yueya.

   "Shen Ye dog thief, die!"

   At this time, Shen Ye, who looked half-dead, flashed a glimmer of cold light in his eyes, lifted the Ming Chakra with his right hand, and the entire Chakra burst into brilliant light, sweeping across the world with a light of extinction.



   Sticky black blood sputtered out, and Huckdoran let out a cry of pain, and a shocking wound was cut on the paw of his right hand, and its face was full of shock.

   Shen Ye didn't intend to let Huck'doran be spared, the Heaven Selection Sword instantly manifested in Shen Ye's hand, and his backhand cut and swept away a sword full of destructive power.

   "God strike!"

   Hackedolun instantly activated the power of the strange stone in his body.

   "The shield of life guard."

   A blackened life shield emerged.


   Shen Ye’s charged blow was abruptly blocked, and Huckleton took advantage of this gap and turned and fled directly. Shen Ye was also very surprised, this guy's ability is actually guardian? And it looks like it was forcibly dyed black.

   Eve Yueya saw that Shen Ye was still so strong, she asked incredulously.

   "Shen Ye, are you hurt?"

   "Ahem, no, it scared him."

   Shen Ye quickly pretended to be very painful, staggering backwards, Xiaoya quickly stepped forward to support Shen Ye.

   "Boss, let me try it too, I don't know how it feels yet." Xiaofa asked curiously, seeing Shen Ye enjoying himself very much.

   "Go away, ask your mother to try it yourself." Shen Ye spouted unceremoniously.

   "Woo! (.-ω-)zzz stingy!" Xiaofa replied with a bitter expression on his face.

   At this moment, there was a sudden rush of heat in Shen Ye's ear. Xiaoya lowered her head slowly and asked softly.

   "Do you want me to unbutton it?"

   "Okay!" Shen Ye replied instinctively.

   But when he said something, he found that he had said something wrong, and he couldn't help but glanced at Xiao Ya with an embarrassed look, and then said.

   "Ahem! Forget it, this is the battlefield."

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