After Emperor An You put on the blindfold.

Under the guidance of Hua Tuo and Bian Que, he took off his clothes and slowly groped his way to lie on a bed.

Emperor An You twisted his body and felt very comfortable. The bed fit his body perfectly.

He felt that all the places he wanted to support were supported, and the angles of the places he wanted to relax were just right.

It seemed as if it was tailor-made for him.

He sighed in his heart, it really deserves to be the bed of the immortals.

Space is tight in space, and many equipment are highly integrated.

In addition to surgery, this medical bed can also serve as a massage chair to help employees and customers relax their body muscles.

It is many times more advanced than the home massage chairs that ordinary people buy on the market, so it is naturally comfortable.

While Emperor An You was drowsy in the medical cabin, Zhang Tian was nervously operating the instrument at the console.

Zhang Tian has received relevant training on the use of the medical cabin.

But after all, he is not a medical professional, and he is still a little nervous when arranging treatment for people for the first time.

The first step is the simplest.

Zhang Tian only pressed the button for full-body check.

Various instruments in the medical cabin began to check Emperor An You from head to toe, and even scanned the internal organs and bones.

In a few minutes, a lot of data was presented on the control panel.

Zhang Tian looked a little overwhelmed, and he couldn't understand many parameters.

Seeing that most of the options showed "normal", there was no need to look at them, just skip them.

There were two abnormalities.

One was the calf bone of Emperor An You's left foot, which showed signs of fracture and healing, but it seemed that the healing was not perfect.

It seems that Emperor An You was defeated in the Northern Expedition and fled, and there was no opportunity for treatment.

When he fled back to the rear, the wound was bumpy, secondary trauma, and missed the best time, so it was inevitable that there were some defects.

Zhang Tian took a look and skipped it.

These will at most cause some rheumatism and bone pain on rainy days in the future, which is not a problem.

The real trouble is the lower part of Emperor An You.

The screen showed his male parts, with a piece of flesh and blood that was different from that of an ordinary person, and the blood vessels, muscle fibers, tissues, etc. were all fuzzy.

It should be the place where the horse stepped on it.

There was no obvious stitching scar on it, so it should be that the muscles and blood vessels inside were crushed after being stepped on.

But this dynasty did not have the medical level for surgical treatment.

It is estimated that it was treated by applying medicine and conditioning.

After the most painful stage, the muscles, blood vessels, tissues, etc. inside did not deteriorate.

But it also grew into a lump and lost its original function.

If you press it with your hand, you will probably feel a hard area under the lower abdomen.

Zhang Tian remembered that Emperor Anyou said that there was no problem with his male function.

Then the problem must be the vas deferens, seminal vesicle and other parts.

Zhang Tian checked the seminal vesicle and other parts, and the control screen showed green, showing: "Healthy".

Then the problem is about to come out.

The fuzzy piece of flesh and blood just includes the vas deferens.

Although the seminal vesicle can produce sperm, male hormones, etc., it cannot be transported outside the body.

In this era, there is no artificial conception technology, and it is almost an incurable disease.

Zhang Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

Mark this area, and then press the "Repair Treatment" button.


The system feedback: "Non-fatal damage, the system does not recommend repair. It is recommended to transfer to a qualified medical institution for treatment."

Zhang Tian pressed a few more times, and the system further responded: "It cannot be repaired in full-automatic mode!"

"If you want to operate further, please switch to semi-automatic mode or manual mode."

"Warning: Semi-automatic mode and manual mode have safety hazards. It is strongly recommended to send non-fatal injuries to the hospital for treatment."

Zhang Tian sighed slightly.

He was mentally prepared for this.

The fully automatic mode of the medical cabin is generally used in space, and it gives priority to repairing fatal injuries of the human body.

Like broken blood vessels, fractures, trauma, etc.

"Non-fatal problems" like this have already healed will not be executed in automatic mode.

Medical AI is not as good as human doctors. If it performs surgery randomly, it may hurt humans.

Zhang Tian had no choice but to look at the two buttons of "semi-automatic mode" and "manual mode".

He could only choose "semi-automatic mode".

"Manual mode" is generally used by professional doctors when the full-automatic mode cannot be operated, or by doctors on the ground to control it remotely.

This requires extremely high professional knowledge. Zhang Tian only knows some first aid skills, so he can't count on this mode.

I just hope that the "semi-automatic mode" can solve the current problem.

When switching to semi-automatic mode, some operations that are not allowed in automatic mode can be enforced.

For example, give Emperor An You an anesthetic injection, and then force the operation.

Zhang Tian's forehead was slightly sweaty.

With the cooperation of medical AI, a "copycat" solution was quickly "assembled".

This solution can be forced to proceed in semi-automatic mode, but Zhang Tian cannot judge the result.

Anyway, there are a lot of red warnings on the screen, which makes people feel guilty.

Zhang Tian gritted his teeth. At this point, he had to force the issue.

Even if it fails, it should, may, or perhaps it won't be worse than it is now?

After Zhang Tian made a decision.

In the medical cabin, the voice of "Bian Que" came to Emperor An You's ears: "Son of the Human World, I have checked your body and need surgery to correct the wrongs."

"Before the operation, Brother Yuanhua will give you Ma Fei San, so it won't hurt."

"But... after the operation, it is unknown what will happen to God, or even worse."

"Son of the Human World, do you agree to the operation?"

Emperor An You said: "I agree, both of you can do it."


As Hua Tuo's voice came to his ears, Emperor An You felt a pain in his body and was pricked by a needle.

Then, his consciousness gradually blurred...

Seeing that the system prompted that the anesthesia time was enough, Zhang Tianyi pressed the forced button.

A slight light lit up and slashed towards the bottom of Emperor An You.

In a blink of an eye, the surface of the body was cut open, but almost no blood flowed out.

The laser scalpel had burned and sealed the blood vessels while cutting the body.

As long as the large blood vessels are not cut, the amount of bleeding is much less than that of traditional scalpels.

Zhang Tian is only responsible for providing mandatory commands, and the specific operations are all completed by medical AI.

This is the meaning of "semi-automatic mode", half human and half mechanical.

After the first step is completed.

In the second step, Zhang Tian locates the two ends of the eroded vas deferens and then enforces the removal.

Suddenly, dozens of micro tools extend from the medical cabin, like dozens of tentacles, operating continuously.

The muscles, tissues, and blood vessels around the rotten vas deferens are continuously separated and pushed aside.

After the vas deferens is completely separated, use small scissors to cut off both ends of the vas deferens, clamp it with a clamp, and put it in a container on the side.

This step is not complicated, but the operation took dozens of minutes, mainly to avoid other delicate tissues.

Zhang Tian watched on the screen and felt that he was very energetic, as if he was doing surgery himself.

The third step is replacement.

In this step, Zhang Tian is preparing to use "artificial blood vessels" to replace the vas deferens.

This is the part that Zhang Tian is most worried about and the most unknown part.

The vas deferens is not just a channel.

"Under the action of norepinephrine released by the sympathetic nerves, the smooth muscles of the tail of the epididymis and the vas deferens and ejaculatory ducts contract in a coordinated and rhythmic manner, driving the fluid and sperm in the tail of the epididymis and the vas deferens into the posterior urethra..."

Zhang Tian's scalp tingled when he saw the long medical description above.

Such a thin tube, combined with adrenaline, smooth muscles, nerves, epididymis, etc., can complete the entire human seeding process.

It is connected with "artificial blood vessels", but Zhang Tian can no longer guess what unknown side effects will occur.

This is the first time that the system has encountered the use of "artificial blood vessels" to replace this organ. In addition to a bunch of red warnings, there is no corresponding case.

Now that things have come to this point, Zhang Tian can only bite the bullet and proceed.

I hope that even if the operation is not successful, it will not destroy the last dignity of An Youdi as a man.

As a man, Zhang Tian felt the same way.

Infertility is already a great pain. If you can't get an erection, it's just like being a eunuch. You have no desire to live.

The next docking operation will be more delicate, more troublesome, and more time-consuming...


Just as Zhang Tian was performing the operation in the supply ship.

Outside, there was a sudden alarm.

A scout was covered in blood and rushed from the North Avenue on a fast horse.

While whipping the warhorse desperately, he shouted heartbreakingly: "Enemy attack... Enemy attack..."

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