I saw a cavalry, with dust all over the sky, running towards the outside of Xiangyang City.

The scout was about to enter General Guo's defense circle, and suddenly a sharp arrow flew from behind with a "swoosh".

The scout barely supported himself for a few times and was thrown off the ground by the horse.

The warhorse lost control of the person and ran to the side in confusion to avoid the pursuers behind.

"Tap tap tap tap..."

The huge sound of horse hooves was getting closer and closer, and it was increasingly forcing General Guo's defense circle.

Looking around, there were about a thousand people and horses.

General Guo's first reaction was not nervousness, but confusion.

With such a powerful cavalry, it must be the army of Tianjin Kingdom.

But why are they here? Are they going to die?

Although the iron cavalry of Tianjin Kingdom is powerful, it is also dangerous to rely on a thousand cavalry to raid his tens of thousands of troops.

Especially when his side has set up a defensive formation.

As for how this cavalry came, General Guo did not know for the time being.

There was no time to investigate at this time.

If Zhang Tian could find time to look at the information from the balloon satellite, he would be able to see the origin of these 1,000 cavalrymen.

These 1,000 men and horses were scattered in the mountains and forests within a radius of dozens of miles, and they had been lying in ambush for who knows how many days.

Because they were all scattered, if one or two were occasionally discovered by scouts, they would be thought to be spies of the other side.

If they can be dealt with, they will be dealt with, and if they cannot be dealt with, it doesn't matter.

After all, there are too many spies like this on the border between the two countries, and no one can clear all of the spies of the other side.

The main thing is to prevent the other side's army.

It is no longer a secret that the emperor came to Xiangyang City.

Even the time of entering the supply ship cannot be concealed.

Just by looking at when the Xiangyang army in the city will leave, you can make a rough estimate.

If Zhang Tian and the emperor entered the supply ship at seven or eight o'clock, the Xiangyang army would have to be deployed out of the city at least before five o'clock.

The spies outside the city passed the message to the wild mountains and ridges dozens of miles away through a unique communication method, and then passed it down layer by layer among the soldiers who had been ambushed.

Soon, the scattered thousand troops received it.

Then, they appeared from their hiding places one after another.

At first, it was one or two war horses that rushed out of the wild mountains and ridges.

The scouts outside dealt with them in the same way as they met spies, either warning or fighting, and did not notify Xiangyang City.

Gradually, more and more war horses came out of the mountains sparsely like ants.

Like streams, they kept flowing down from the mountains and gradually merged into a torrent.

As soon as they appeared, the iron cavalry ran forward at full speed.

Even if the scouts in front discovered it, the war horses did not run much faster than the Tianjin Kingdom's iron cavalry.

When the news was passed back to General Guo, this iron cavalry was also in sight.

General Guo didn't have time to think so much, and waved his hand, saying: "Mount up the chevaux de frise, and the cavalry are ready!"

The messenger shouted: "Mount up the chevaux de frise! The cavalry are ready!"


The guarding infantry immediately moved the ferocious wooden chevaux de frise frames to the direction of the cavalry's advance and connected them together.

The chevaux de frise were all long sharpened wood, and the warhorses could not jump over them.

There were also soldiers holding spears in the rear, with the tails against the ground and the spear tips slanted forward, forming a second line of defense.

If the Tianjin cavalry wanted to break through the line of defense, they would have to pay a heavy price.

If there were tens of thousands of cavalry, they could pave the way with blood and flesh to break through the infantry formation.

But there were only a thousand men and horses in front of them. After breaking through the chevaux de frise line of defense, I'm afraid there wouldn't be many left.

The remaining infantry could be easily harvested with spears and broadswords.

At the same time, on both sides of the Xiangyang defenders, there was a cavalry of a thousand people, standing out from the crowd, ready to encircle from the flank.

These war horses were captured from the army of Nianhan in the last war.

With such a formation and force comparison, General Guo really couldn't figure out what the other side was up to.

If the emperor was in the central army, he could break through the defense line and kill the emperor regardless of sacrifice.

As long as the emperor died, even if all the thousand cavalrymen died, even if the Xiangyang army was not damaged at all, it would be a huge failure.

Of course, if the emperor was really in the central army, the situation would be completely different.

As long as the Tianjin cavalry broke through the first line of defense, the emperor had to "move".

As soon as the emperor moved, the army would be in chaos, and it might really be possible that a thousand cavalrymen would chase and kill tens of thousands of infantrymen.

Just like the war disaster when the emperor went north twenty years ago.

At that time, the battle was still in a stalemate, but a cavalry from the Tianjin Kingdom forced the emperor to flee in embarrassment.

Not only was the emperor injured in the lower abdomen, he could no longer have children.

Even the army was in chaos because of the emperor's escape from the battlefield, leading to a disastrous defeat.

But now, the emperor is already in the immortal boat, absolutely safe.

So, if the Tianjin Kingdom's cavalry wants to implement the "decapitation" strategy again, it really doesn't seem to have any chance of success.

This is not yetCount Zhang Tian's deterrent power here.

General Guo frowned slightly. He believed that the Tianjin Kingdom's cavalry had the courage, but it seemed that they should not be so reckless.

Sure enough, the other side of the Tianjin Kingdom's 1,000 cavalry suddenly stopped far away, as if they were scared.

Niu Er said: "General, the immortal boat is extremely hard. Even if the steel knife cuts it, there is not even a mark. What do they want to do?"

"Huh?" General Guo glanced at Niu Er, "How do you know?"

"Uh... Last time when the army of Nianhan came, I saw soldiers from the Tianjin Kingdom chopping the immortal boat with knives."

General Guo said: "If you can stop them, stop them. If they rush to the front of the immortal boat, even if the emperor is fine, he will be punished afterwards."


Seeing that the 1,000 cavalry stopped, General Guo was not in a hurry, and responded to all changes with inaction.

If the Xiangyang cavalry was sent forward at this time, it might be a trick of luring the tiger away from the mountain.

If the second cavalry came out from somewhere at that time, it would be dangerous.

Moreover, although they were all cavalry, the Hu people were good at riding.

If the Tianjin Kingdom wanted to escape, they would probably only eat a mouthful of dust if they were chased.

However, the Tianjin Kingdom cavalry then did something that General Guo did not expect.

Everyone suddenly dismounted.

They took out a large bundle from the back of the horse and quickly opened it.

There was a metallic luster inside, which turned out to be pieces of armor.

But these armors were very large and were not worn on people.

The Tianjin Kingdom soldiers were quick and nimble, and quickly put the armor on the horses.

In a blink of an eye, nearly half of the war horses were wearing armor.

General Guo's face changed, and he blurted out: "Armored cavalry equipment?!"

Armored cavalry equipment is the armor worn by horses.

It consists of a "horse armor" to protect the horse's head, a "chicken neck" to protect the horse's neck, a "chest armor" to protect the horse's chest, a "horse armor" to protect the horse's torso, and a "back armor" to protect the horse's buttocks.

Sometimes long feathers are attached to the armor on the horse's buttocks as decoration, which is called "parasitism".

Such a complete set of horse armor protects the warhorse tightly, leaving only the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, limbs and tail exposed.

Coupled with soldiers wearing armor, once they charge, they are unstoppable!

The bows and spears of ordinary soldiers cannot cause any harm to this kind of heavily armored cavalry.

The most typical war in history is the Battle of Shayuan during the Southern and Northern Dynasties.

At that time, the Eastern Wei army of 200,000 attacked the Western Wei in Pujin.

The Western Wei sent Yuwen Tai to meet the enemy, but he had less than 10,000 troops, 10,000 against 200,000, and the situation was precarious.

At the critical moment, Li Bi, who was on the right wing, led the armored cavalry to charge the Eastern Wei army.

With the "sixty cavalrymen" armored cavalrymen, the Eastern Wei army was routed.

Other armies took the opportunity to kill, and more than 70,000 Eastern Wei soldiers were captured, and the commander Gao Huan fled.

There was also Hou Jing, who called himself the "Universe General", who relied on more than 800 heavy cavalrymen to dominate Jiangdong for several years.

From this, we can see how powerful the armored cavalrymen were!

However, after the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the armored cavalrymen gradually declined.

Because people have discovered the weaknesses of heavy cavalrymen.

First of all, it is very troublesome to wear, and you must wear it in advance, otherwise, the enemy will not give you a chance at all.

Like the 1,000 Tianjin cavalrymen in front of you, this heavy armor has obviously been improved and can be worn very quickly.

Even if General Guo sent cavalrymen forward, they calculated the distance and had enough time to wear it before getting on the horse to fight.

Secondly, the disadvantage of heavy armored cavalry is also obvious, that is, it is heavy!

The distance and time of the charge cannot be maintained for too long. Once it is restrained, it will lose the potential energy of the charge and it is easy to be surrounded and killed by other arms.

General Guo naturally knows all the above information.

The cavalry of the Jin Kingdom has improved the armor and equipment, and secondly, it is so bold that they put heavy armor on the horses before arriving at the front.

In order to save horsepower, 500 horses were used to pull the armor to save the other 500 horses.

Obviously, it was for the final blow!

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