Please Stop Talking

Chapter 271: Genetic training


At this moment, the big screen in front flashed, and the figure of Xinghai appeared.

"what happened?"

Ye Feng kept moving his hands and asked faintly.

"Boss, find an abnormality, please watch the live broadcast!"

The Xinghai voice fell, and the big screen became a live video.

In the video, on a desert island, a handsome young man brought a wild wolf and met a wild boar in the woods.

But the young man was not afraid at all, but looked at the wild boar with great interest!

"This seems to be what kind of wilderness survives 365 days!"

Gu Qingcheng saw the live broadcast and said in surprise: "This young man is unlucky when he meets a wild boar, but judging by his calm appearance, it's probably a lot of trouble!"

One pig, two bears and three tigers!

The fighting power of wild boars is very powerful. When most people encounter wild boars, they will die if they are not careful!

"Living in the wilderness 365 days?"

Ye Feng frowned, and Xinghai instantly called out the relevant information!

This is a Wilderness Survival Challenge where the global live broadcast platform unites the wealthy of all countries and selects ten thousand lucky ones to go to an island in the South Pacific!

As long as you stay on the island for 365 days, you can get one billion, plus the ownership of that small island!

This directly detonated the world!

Countless people over the age of sixteen and younger than fifty have chosen to sign up for this wilderness challenge!

For nothing else, even if you can't get the final prize of one billion yuan and island ownership, as long as you persist for a month, you can immediately become a millionaire!

And for the first six months, for every month, the bonus will be an additional one million!

After more than six months, the monthly bonus will increase by 10 million!

This is full of fatal attraction to many people, but for Ye Feng it is a live broadcast event, he didn't care at all!

The Xinghai live broadcast platform has also joined it, but this little thing naturally does not need to be reported to him!

This time.

He was busy earning prestige points and did not pay attention to these!

Seeing this now, he still doesn't know where, the young man in the video is probably the owner of the system!

at this time.

This live broadcast room named Su Bai has exploded!

"Fuck! What a big boar!"

"I don't know if Su Shen can subdue this wild boar like he subdued Brother Wolf!"

"What are you thinking upstairs? Is a wild boar comparable to a wild wolf?"

"Su Shen, run!"

"Hey! Dog wild boar, you dare to hurt my male god, my old lady will destroy you!"


One barrage rolled around.

In the video.

The wild boar's legs dig the ground, breathing heavily, ready to charge Su Bai!

Brutal collision!

"This young man is in danger..."

Gu Qingcheng knew that although survival in the wilderness had protective measures, there was no time to rescue him, and he had signed the status of life and death before!

However, before she finished her words, Su Bai in the picture met the wild boar's head and directly raised his fist and smashed it!

Is he planning to hit a rock with a pebble?

Can a fist be harder than a wild boar head?

He thought he was Ye Feng, could he beat a wild boar with one punch?

"Eight steps to catch the cicada?"

"A cannon from the ground?"

at the same time.

Some martial arts masters in the live broadcast room were stunned!

Eight steps to catch the cicada!

A cannon from the sky!

This is the second essence of Bajiquan!

Step on Babuchan, hammer the cannon through the sky, climb the sky one step at a time, and hit the mountain with one punch!

Ye Feng also recognized Bajiquan, and he did the same, and it was not surprising!

This Su Bai may be a systematic pig's foot, let alone Bajiquan, even if he can cultivate immortals, Ye Feng is not surprised!



Su Bai waved his right hand and his fist collided with the boar head!

The next moment.

The huge body of the wild boar flew out!

And Su Bai is like an old pine, motionless and firm as a rock!

Five or six hundred catties of wild boar smashed into the bushes instantly, struggled a few times, and then lost its breath!

The audience in the live broadcast room became quiet at this moment!

After a while, the barrage exploded!

"My God, Su God flew a wild boar with one punch!"

"Kneel! Kneel!"

"My admiration for God Su is like the water of the Yangtze River, endless..."

"My male **** is so handsome, who just said that my male **** is dead?"

"Fuck! This must be Kung Fu. A few days ago I thought Kung Fu was fake, not as good as Taekwondo and Judo. Now it seems that Taekwondo and Judo are simply weak!"

"Yes! One punch to the flying wild boar, can they do it? If you can't, just be your brother!"


"Ye Feng, is he Bajiquan? It feels so powerful that it is difficult for the master of Bajiquan to beat Feiyezhu with one punch, right?"

Gu Qingcheng looked at Ye Feng with her beautiful eyes. It was easy to fly a wild boar with her current strength, but she was no ordinary person now!

As their strength skyrocketed and their intelligence improved, Ye Feng's women began to dabble in martial arts. Although they were not very proficient, they also had some knowledge!

"It's an authentic Bajiquan, but his ability to exert such a strong force is related to his physical fitness!"

Ye Feng could see that Su Bai's physical fitness was much stronger than that of ordinary martial arts masters, and he could be compared to those of extraordinary realm!

"I used to sit in Guantian. I didn't know the size of the world. There are countless capable people and strangers!"

Gu Qingcheng sighed. Since meeting Ye Feng, she has seen another side of the world and discovered that there is another side in this world that ordinary people cannot discover!

There are all kinds of extraordinary and magical powers!

"You are also a capable person now. With your current power, even without the power of thunder and lightning, you can defeat Su Bai with the power of your physical body!"

Although the physical quality of Gu Qingcheng and others is not as good as that of him, it is also over 1,000, one hundred times that of ordinary people!

The horror can be imagined!

"It's all your credit that I can have today!"

Gu Qingcheng turned and rode on Ye Feng's legs, hooked Ye Feng's neck with both hands, leaned over slightly, and kissed Ye Feng on the forehead.

"Do we still need to talk about this? I'll give you a little bit more..."

Ye Feng chuckled, lowered her head and pressed her thin red lips.


Take advantage of the trend to overwhelm her on the sofa!

Gu Qingcheng, the goddess of dreams of countless otaku in Tianhai University!

Perfect body!

Elegant intellectual, quiet and elegant temperament!

Ye Feng's blood boiled with enthusiasm every time, and his fighting spirit was high!

All kinds of king monsters take turns to attack, up and down!

Tiejiabei retreated in a row, foaming at the mouth!

"Big villain, I used to bully Allure here!"

Sun Xiaomeng just walked to the door, heard the movement inside, took a sigh, turned around and left in anger!

An hour later.

Ye Feng walked into the bathroom holding Gu Qingcheng, and the intelligent robot Yan Lingji walked in to clean the battlefield.


at night.

The moon was so scary that Ye Feng left the villa alone and came to a desert island in the South Pacific!

This is the desert island where survival in the wilderness is located for 365 days!

Ye Feng knew the location of Su Bai, and soon came over the Su Bai camp.

at this time.

Su Bai has fallen asleep in the cabin he built by himself!

His wild wolf is lying at the gate of the camp, like a watchdog!


Ye Feng directly fell down with a thunder, Su Bai was directly stunned in his sleep, and the wolf was also stunned together!

"System, swallow!"

Ye Feng's figure fell in front of Su Bai, reaching out to hold his head!

"Ding, discover the original energy and start to devour it!"

"Successful swallowing!"

"Reward a gene cultivation method!"

"The system adds gene training auxiliary functions!"

A gene cultivation method appeared in Ye Feng's mind. This cultivation method is to break the genetic lock of the human body and sublimate the human body!

Practice to the extreme, you can swallow everything in the universe, eternal, immortal, immortal!


I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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