Please Stop Talking

Chapter 272: Crazy breakthrough

"Gene training method?"

Countless information poured into his mind, and Ye Feng was overjoyed. This thing can be said to be what he needs most now, and it can greatly enhance his strength!

He consciously looks at the system:

Big Fish System: Level 4 (0/10000)

Host: Ye Feng

Intelligence: 350

Physique: 5600

Luck: 4300

Reputation: 1.55 billion

Sub-functions: crazy evolution, gene training assistance

Skills: Thunder Fruit Ability, Golden Eyes, Resume of Discovering Others Information, Deadpool Ability, Beast Language, God Level Acting Skills...

"The system has been upgraded, is the biggest benefit of level four is the genetic training method?"

Ye Feng thoughtfully.

Thinking of the genetic training in his mind, he didn't delay, he turned into a thunder and left, and couldn't wait to try the practice!

Back at Fenglin Villa, Ye Feng went to the nobody's bedroom, recalled the training information in his mind, and then began to practice!

The gene training method is similar to martial arts training, mobilizing the blood in the body to strengthen oneself!

Ye Feng's physique has been getting stronger, but he is not very good at using it, just like having Baoshan without knowing its usefulness!

With the practice of genetic cultivation method, Ye Feng's whole person is like an oven, and the majestic energy and blood are mobilized, like the Yangtze River, rushing and rushing!

His flesh and blood and bones are strengthened in an orderly manner under this blood energy!

The thunder and lightning power of the thunder-sounding fruit in his body is continuously integrated into the cells in his body, changing the cell's genes, so that it contains the lightning gene!



Three times!



Ye Feng mobilized the blood in his body to strengthen himself ninety-nine-eighty-one times, and a powerful breath burst out!


Thunder arc beating all over,

level one!

Ye Feng's cultivation has reached Tier 1, but his strength has not increased much, because he originally had Tier 5 strength!

It's just that it hasn't gone through systematic training!

Now it's just consolidating part of his body's strength!

He continued to mobilize the blood in his body to continuously strengthen himself!

Because the blood in the body is equivalent to the fifth stage, he strengthens quickly, without any bottleneck at all!

Second order!

Third order!


Tier 5!

I don't know how long, Ye Feng suddenly opened his eyes, a powerful breath filled out, shaking the bedroom curtain rustling!

He is surrounded by thunder, like the **** of thunder, he has more control over thunder, and he can control it as he pleases!

Big Fish System: Level 4 (0/10000)

Host: Ye Feng

Cultivation: Level 5

Intelligence: 360

Physique: 8500

Luck: 4300

Reputation: 1.55 billion

Sub-functions: crazy evolution, gene training assistance

Skills: Thunder Fruit Ability, Golden Eyes, Resume of Discovering Others Information, Deadpool Ability, Beast Language, God Level Acting Skills...

"Strength has increased by at least 30%!"

Ye Feng stood up, his bones crackled, and the powerful force collapsed in his body. He felt that the power transfer in his body was more like an arm's command!

With a punch at will, there is the power of breaking the mountain and breaking the stone!

"It's dawn!"

Looking up at the sky, Ye Feng faintly heard someone looking for him, and he quickly walked out of the bedroom!

"Ye Feng!"

Seeing Ye Feng, Gu Liying finally let go of her heart!

last night.

Ye Feng was with her, she knew Ye Feng was out in the middle of the night!

Although knowing that Ye Feng's strength is unlikely to be in danger, she will inevitably worry about not seeing Ye Feng all night!

"Sorry, I practiced here for a while and forgot the time!"

Ye Feng stretched out his hand to embrace Gu Liying in his arms, bowed his head and kissed her smooth forehead!

"You are fine!"

Gu Liying hugged Ye Feng's tiger's waist, resting on her strong chest, she felt very at ease!

"Sister, I saw you spread dog food when I got up early in the morning!"

Gu Qingcheng walked out of the bedroom, saw Ye Feng holding Gu Liying, teasing.

At the same time, I was a little puzzled, didn't Ye Feng like morning exercises?

Why did you get up so early today and spill the dog food out of the bedroom?

Gu Liying's cheeks flushed, and she let go of Ye Feng.


After breakfast, the girls all left the villa to work on their careers!

"Boss, early!"

Li Na's big wavy long hair shawl, black hip skirt, revealing two slender long legs, beautiful eyes looking at Ye Feng with a touch of surprise!

As if the sun came out from the west!

"What's the look in your eyes? Do I have a problem with going to bed early and getting up early?" Ye Feng said in a loud voice, his heart frowned upon seeing.

"Early to bed and early to rise?"

Li Na pouted her lips, this word didn't match Ye Feng at all!

Ye Feng is not tossing until the middle of the night, and sometimes he is a night owl, going out to do invisible activities!

In the morning, I sleep until noon!

You won’t get out of bed even if you are in the sun!

"Don't fight for three days, go to the house to reveal the tile!"

Ye Feng stretched out his hand and Li Na's graceful curvy plump body fell into his arms.


Li Na exclaimed, her red lips widened, her white lotus arm hurriedly hooked Ye Feng's neck, and said, "Boss, don't make trouble, people still have to work!"

"Your job is not to serve your boss?"

Ye Feng moved his hand and pointed at the point.

His various skills are already well-established, and there are no extravagant movements, every move is a lore!


Li Na's eyes widened, feeling helpless.

She shouldn't have come to tease Ye Feng, she can't escape now!

Ye Feng practiced for one night, his strength skyrocketed, and his blood was like a dragon.

The vigorous energy finds a vent, the fighting spirit is high, and the fight is hard!


Tianhai City, inside the zoo.

"Ma Ma, you see that brain axe looks so fierce!"

A little girl with pink jade and ponytails took a beautiful woman's hand and pointed at a brain axe in the zoo.

The brain axe rests on the rock with its bright coat color and black stripes all over its body. The black horizontal stripes on the forehead are slightly conspiring, resembling the word "king".

"Well, this is my country's first-class protected animal, the Siberian tiger!"

"But this Siberian tiger is really big, it looks three meters long!"

The beautiful woman smiled and gave the little girl science.

The average adult male Siberian tiger weighs 250 kilograms, and the body length is about two meters three. It can reach three meters, which is almost the largest!

at the same time.

The Siberian tiger, leaning against the rock, got up.

"Fuck! Am I a tiger?"

"I didn't dream, did I?"

Wang Hu looked down at his body and then at the audience across the tempered glass, his eyes were full of confusion!

"Nima! Can this be met by Lao Tzu?"

"Why don't I let Lao Tzu cross into a giant panda..."

"Where is my beauty breeder?"

Wang Hu complained in his heart for a while. Could it be that in the future, he would find a tigress, give birth to a litter of tiger cubs, and become a tiger father?

"Woo, I still like human beauties!"

Wang Huhu looked at the mature and beautiful woman outside the glass, feeling that the future was dark, and he couldn't be alone and beautiful...

He couldn't help but think of all kinds of Xiao Hi articles he had read before.

It seems that after he became a tiger, the murder weapon is very stalwart, and he has barbeds. It is not impossible to send and receive at will...

"Hey, can't think about it anymore..."


I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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