Please Stop Talking

Chapter 300: Become a bull demon

Jilei Mountain, Moyun Cave.

"My lord, what is going on?"

The Jade Fox King fanned Ye Feng away, but he was full of doubts, and asked, "Who is that human king? What is he doing?"

Even if the human king, he will not provoke them easily!

"Sister-in-law, I'm not good, I'm causing you trouble!"

Sun Yuan scratched his head and said with a little embarrassment: "Today I was resting in the cave mansion. I don't know what happened, the thief sneaked into my cave mansion, and then I fought him..."

The rest need not be said by Sun Yuan, everyone knows what's going on!

Sun Yuan was not an opponent, and fled here.

Then the Bull Demon and the opponent moved their hands.

"Well, a human king, nothing, today is a great day, everyone let go of eating, letting go of drinking, humans have enough wine!"

The Bull Demon made a round and greeted the fierce beasts.

Yuhu looked at Sun Yuan with a cold and charming voice, and said, "Xiao Sun, don't worry, if the human thief dares to come, I will slap him to death!"

With the experience just now, the Jade Fox King, who was originally not strong among the Beast Kings, grew in confidence.

There is a kind of pride that "the banana fan is in hand, I have the world".

Not long after she got the banana fan, she has not refining it, so she has this power. After she refining it, the power will be even greater!

At that time, who is the opponent in the world?

"Thank you sister-in-law!"

Sun Yuan looked at the jade fox king with confidence, with the appearance of a big sister, the cold, charming, mature, and enchanting Jade Fox King, his heart was burning with flames!

Sister-in-law is so charming!

What do you say...

Don't say the younger brother is not human, just blame the sister-in-law for being so charming!

After an episode, the atmosphere became more lively.

The fierce beasts above the seventh order flattered and flattered.


After half an hour.

Ye Feng returned to Mount Jilei again.

He did not choose to escape into the ground, but was ready to try the magical powers he had just obtained-the seventy-two changes.

He turned into a mosquito and flew to Moyun Cave.

at this time.

A crowd of fierce beasts were sitting on the ground, drinking wedding wine, and the robbed human women sang, danced, and performed shows. It was so lively.

"These fierce beasts are still playing this one!"

Ye Feng guessed that this should be the Jade Fox King’s idea. How could the muscular and simple guy like Bull Demon King do these things!

Bull Demon King is not Sun Yuan, there is the soul of a traverser in his body!

"Congratulations to the king and the jade fox lady, today we are married, and we will always be together!"

"Today is double happiness. Not only did the great king and the jade fox lady get married, but they also defeated a human king!"

"Yes, the king and the jade fox are a perfect match, who is the enemy in the world?"

"The prestige of the king and the jade fox maiden will surely shock the world and shock the world!"

Hundreds of fierce beasts of rank 7 and above are sitting together. Although they can't transform their form, they can speak words, and their wisdom is no different from that of humans!

With flattering smiles on their faces, they racked their brains to say compliments.

Ye Feng looked at the wild cats, leopards, brown bears, wild boars, or foxes...the beasts were flattering and flattering, and almost couldn't help laughing and crying!

This picture is... so happy!

"My lord, you drink slowly. I feel a little unwell. I will go back to the room first!"

King Jade Fox drank a glass of wine, then got up and returned to the cave.

It was Sun Yuan's fiery eyes that made her very upset!

Although this proves her charm, she doesn't like it very much either!

It's just that Sun Yuan is a brother of the Bull Demon King and a beast king of the king state, and she hasn't done anything to her, so she is not easy to have an attack.

"Yu'er, are you okay?" Niu Demon asked concerned.

"I'm fine, it's just that I urged the banana fan just now, which consumes a lot of spiritual energy and is a bit tired!"

King Jade Fox shook his head.

Hearing the words, the Bull Demon immediately felt relieved and cared: "Then Yuer, go and rest!"

"Lady Jade Fox, go and rest, don't worry about us..."

"That's right! The king and the empress still have to work tonight, now hurry up and rest..."

As he said, the fierce beasts laughed.


Only Sun Yuan was mad with jealousy in his heart. After watching the charming and graceful figure of the Yuhu King enter the cave, he felt a sense of loss.

Especially when I heard-tonight when the King and Niang Niang had to work, they were even more jealous, picking up a large jug of wine and pouring it down suddenly.

He really wants to kill the bull in front of him now and enter the bridal chamber instead of the bull devil!

"Second brother, what's the point of drinking alone, come and drink together..." The Bull Demon raised a wine jar and said with pride.


Sun Yuan raised the wine jar and touched it again, as if to drink all the envy and jealousy into his stomach!

"good chance!"

Ye Feng, who was hiding by the side, saw King Jade Fox returning to the cave alone, his eyes lit up, and he flew in.

The Bull Demon King and the fierce beasts were immersed in joy, while Sun Yuan was immersed in the beauty and enchantment of the Jade Fox King, jealous and frantic. Naturally, no one would pay attention to a humble mosquito.

Following the faint fragrance left by the King of Jade Fox in the passage, Ye Feng flew into the cave. Inside, there were lights and colorful, red carpets, exquisite and luxurious.

Avoiding the maid, came to the bedroom and confirmed that there was only King Jade Fox inside.

Ye Feng changed his body into a burly man with a pair of horns.

It is the Bull Demon King!

"The appearance and breath are the same, there should be no problem!"

Ye Feng looked at himself and nodded in satisfaction.


He swaggered and walked towards the inner bedroom. As he approached, a refreshing fragrance of a woman pierced into his nose, shocking people.


King Jade Fox heard the movement and said with caution.

"Yu'er, it's me!"

Ye Feng learned the title of Bull Demon King and walked into the bedroom, and looked at the Jade Fox King up close. He had to say that he was really a fox!

Too attractive!

That charming face!

That water snake-like waist!

Those two shining snow mountain monsters!

Those slender, long legs!

No wonder Sun Yuan and Niu Demon are so fascinated!

The Bull Demon King even took a treasure like a banana fan as a betrothal gift, which shows his love for the Jade Fox King!

"The King!"

Yuhu Wang Meimu was slightly surprised, but she didn't expect the Bull Demon King to come in so soon.

But she was just a little surprised!

No doubt!

I just thought that the Bull Demon couldn't wait to do that with her!

"This cow is really impatient!"

Thinking of this, the jade fox king's delicate and charming face showed a blush, as red as blood.

A heart was pounding, making me nervous.

"My lord, why did you come in so soon?"

King Jade Fox walked to Ye Feng with a gust of fragrant wind, his pretty face was red, and although his mouth was asking, his hands were not slow.

Very considerate to help Ye Feng undress!

Ye Feng only glanced, and didn't understand what the Jade Fox King was thinking. He grabbed her white jade hand and smiled:

"How can you accompany Yu'er when drinking with them? The beautiful scenery on the good day and the day of your wedding, how can this king be willing to keep Yu'er alone in the empty room!"

"The King's mouth is so sweet, it will make people happy!"

The jade fox Wang Jiao is full of style and style.

Unexpectedly, the old bull, who usually looks reckless and incomprehensible, would be so coaxing today!

She was sweet in her heart, and there was no doubt.

The slender jade hand stretched out, exposing Xue Bai's wrist, and then he hooked Ye Feng's neck with a little toe, and took the initiative to send a sweet kiss.

The Bull Demon hurriedly followed her back to the room, again with sweet talk, isn't it just for this?

She listened comfortably, and did not hesitate to give her some rewards!

after all.

They are married today!

The refreshing woman's fragrance came to her face, feeling the soft and moist lips.

Ye Feng bowed his head and responded enthusiastically.

So as not to expose flaws.


I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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