Please Stop Talking

Chapter 301: I got a banana fan and became a divorce

He searched up and down with both hands pretending to be impatient... Banana fan!

He did not ask directly.

So easy to expose!

"My lord, you are really anxious!"

The King of Jade Fox looked at Ye Feng with glaring eyes like silk, covered in a mist of misty eyes, looking at Ye Feng, as if tender and angered, but did not refuse!

"Grass! Where did this vixen hide the banana fan?"

Ye Feng started searching from her slender waist and even searched her arms, but no trace of the banana fan was found!

Is it in your mouth?

He remembered that the banana fan of Princess Iron Fan in the previous Journey to the West was spit out from his mouth, and he didn't seem to find it just now!

Do you want to probe again?

Ye Feng is an actionist!

Just do it!

The big hand squeezed the smooth waist of King Jade Fox, bowed his head and kissed hard!

a long time.

Lip points.

Ye Feng was deliberately disappointed. He went back and forth and searched hundreds of times inside and out, but he still didn't find it!

He also thought of Sun Wukong's positioning of the sea needle **** needle iron.

In the pierced ears.

Is the banana fan in which hole?

of course.

It is also possible that these magical treasures can be refined into the body!


He didn't have a magic weapon, and he didn't know if he could get it inside.

Anyway, ordinary weapons, even with the strength of his king realm, can't be contained in the body!

If the banana fan is really included in the body, he would have some trouble getting it!

Kill the Jade Fox King directly?

The fierce beast of the king realm is so powerful that even his five-element divine thunder can't do a single blow!

How about getting into her body and forcing her to submit?

"My lord, what are you thinking?"

The long fox fur skirt on the Jade Fox King had slipped off at some point, revealing a thrilling beauty, and Ye Feng's breath was stagnant after seeing his mind.

follow closely.

With a tender body in his arms, Ye Feng's heart moved: "Would you take both the baby and the people?"

This thought surged, as if it had taken root and sprouted in his heart, it grew quickly and uncontrollably, occupying his consciousness!

at this time.

The King of Jade Fox has been aroused by him, leaning in his arms and asking for what he wants.

It's a man.

Go ahead!

How can you shrink back!

this moment.

Ye Feng's eyes are certain, like Zhao Zilong who is seven in and seven out of the battlefield, holding a gentian and bright silver spear, charging into the battle, killing the enemy screaming and wailing for mercy!


Outside the cave.

The fierce beasts drank alcohol and ate big pieces of meat, so happy!

Only Sun Yuan was absent-minded, and the more he thought about it, the more jealous he became. Looking at the bull devil who was drinking and drinking in front of him, a crazy thought grew in his heart.

"How can an indigenous stupid cow have such a beauty!"

Sun Yuan was mad with jealousy in his heart. He came across and had the Great Sage System. In his heart, he was the son of destiny, luck pig's feet.

All babies should be his!

All beauties should be his!

Thinking of his seventy-two changes, his eyes suddenly became firm, and he said to the Bull Demon King:

"Big brother, little brother, I can't beat alcohol, plus it’s been so long since I’ve been out for so long, the kids in the family should be heartened, I’m going back first, you guys drink delicious!"

"Second brother, you can't drink enough, practice more in the future!" The Bull Demon King laughed, patted Sun Yuan on the shoulder, and said:

"You were chased by that human kid today. You should go back soon and see if you have anything to do. Come directly to Jilei Mountain to find me, and Big Brother will call you the shots!"

"Thank you brother!"

Sun Yuan's eyes were full of ‘moved’, and gratitude was tearing down, and then he reluctantly left Jilei Mountain and returned to Huaguo Mountain!

It's just that Monkey King didn't really return to Huaguo Mountain, but after leaving the Cow Demon King's sensing range, he condensed his breath and returned to Jilei Mountain cautiously!

"Big brother, don't blame the little brother for not being human, just blame the sister-in-law for being so charming!"

Sun Yuan sneered, his eyes filled with fiery eyes, looking at the Bull Demon King who was still drinking and eating meat, performing 72 transformations, changing his body, turning into a mosquito and flying into the cave!

After flying into the cave, he turned into a bull devil again, swaggering, and walked towards the bedroom!


Moyun Cave, in the bedroom.

With Ye Feng's low roar, he killed the enemy...

"My lord, you are so amazing!"

The jade fox Wang Chaohong's delicate body is tightly clinging to Ye Feng's arms, exhaling like blue, and his blurred eyes are filled with endless excitement and satisfaction!

"Yu'er is amazing!"

Ye Feng stretched out his hand and squeezed his blushing pretty face, thinking of his various magical skills.

She took over the eighteen powers of Ahwei, the sky with a stick, the smashing of the river, the broken soul finger, the two-finger probing hole, etc., all by her!

Jade Fox King deserves to be the king, he is strong!


Yuhu Wang's beautiful eyes whited Ye Feng shyly, and his perfect body shrank into the quilt!

"Where is it?"

Ye Feng looked ignorant, serious, and said, "Isn't it amazing that Yu'er is flying the human king with a fan today?"

"Hmph, the king knows to bully people!"

The jade fox king Yushou pinched Ye Feng's chest lightly, thinking of the banana fan the Niu Devil had given her, he was in a good mood, and said modestly:

"It's not the treasure given away by the king, thank you, king!"

"Yu'er, I didn't observe this banana fan carefully before. Can you let me take a closer look?" Ye Feng felt a little nervous and finally said the purpose of this trip.

The jade fox Wang Jiao's body tightened instantly, a little alert in her heart.

Could it be that the Bull Demon King eats it thoroughly, and sees the powerful power of the banana fan, wants to take it back?

Who is Ye Feng?

He is not the silly bull of the Bull Demon King. He can see the jade fox king’s worries at a glance. He gently stroked the smooth jade back of the jade fox king with his big hands, and assured him:

"Yu'er, don't worry, this king has kept his promise. There is no reason to take back the betrothal gift given to you. If you don't believe it, this king swears in the name of the bull devil..."

"My lord, what did you say, of course I believe you!"

Jade Fox King's little hand quickly covered Ye Feng's mouth, and said: "The concubine is now the king's person, how can I not believe the king!"

"It's not easy for the king to see banana fans!"

As he spoke, the jade fox Wang Yu flipped his hand, and a small emerald green fan appeared in his palm.

"Yu'er, can this fan fit inside?"

Ye Feng picked up the fan to observe carefully, and asked curiously.

"Baby of this level can indeed be incorporated into the body, but it needs to be completely refined. I just put it in my jade face space!"

King Jade Fox said.

The jade face space in her mouth is her own talent and magical power when she became the queen of beasts, it is a space of one hundred cubic meters!

"That's it!"

Ye Feng suddenly, just as he wanted to ask something, suddenly he felt someone approaching. It seemed that he was the bull devil!

"Sister-in-law, thank you for your baby, the old grandson laughed!" Ye Feng suddenly turned into the appearance of Sun Ape and said with a smirk.


King Jade Fox's eyes widened, his mind was blank, like a bolt from the blue.

However, before she could react, Ye Feng slapped her on the back of her neck and knocked her out.

Although the Beastmaster has a strong physique, it is difficult to kill it, but it is not difficult to stun.

If Ye Feng wants to kill her, Jade Fox King will wake up soon!

Looking at the fainted Jade Fox King, Ye Feng quickly wrapped her clothes, then pulled up the quilt to cover her, and finally escaped into the ground to observe the people in secret.

Seeing the Bull Demon King Sun Yuan disguised, Ye Feng knew something was wrong at a glance.

"Huh? It doesn't seem to be the Bull Demon King..."

Because Sun Yuan hasn't come to the bedroom yet, his expression on his face is not disguised, with strong personal characteristics!

"It's not the bull demon king, the beast king with such a strong transformation technique must be that monkey!" Ye Feng turned his thoughts and guessed in his heart!

Looking at the blazing heat in Sun Yuan's eyes, don't think about it, it must be the body of the greedy jade fox king or the banana fan, or both.

"It's just right!"

Ye Feng sneered. Naturally, he couldn't just watch Sun Yuan bullying the Jade Fox King. After all, he just took the other's FirstBlood.

He came outside in an instant, disguised as a captured human woman, came out of Moyun Cave, and saw the Cow Demon King who was drinking with a cow and exclaimed:

"My lord, why are you here?"

His eyes are full of doubts, puzzles, and vividness.

"What's here? Isn't this king always here?"

The Bull Demon stared at his huge bull eyes, dissatisfied.

"No, I just saw the king, you hurriedly walked towards the Jade Fox Empress's bedroom!" Ye Feng's human beauty turned into a panic, said in confusion.

"What? Did you see me walking towards Yuer's bedroom?"

The Bull Demon licked and stood up, then rushed towards the bedroom.

He believes that this human woman dare not lie to her!

That being the case.

That is, someone pretended to be him and went to Jade Fox King's bedroom!

No matter what the other party does, it is unforgivable!

In the bedroom.


Sun Yuan walked into the bedroom and saw the King of Jade Fox at a glance. At this time, the face of King Jade Fox was still red with joy, which was particularly charming.

Especially the breath of spring love in the bedroom can evoke the most primitive instinct of male creatures!

"Unexpectedly, this vixen is so showy, alone in the bedroom..."

Sun Yuan turned into a Lingming stone monkey, and he was also in the state of kings. He was very sensitive to aura. He didn't think much about it, and naturally thought that King Jade Fox was hiding in the blanket...

Now I must go to sleep after being satisfied.

"That stupid cow really doesn't understand style, let the little brother help you treat your sister-in-law!"

While talking, Sun Yuanhou anxiously rushed towards the Jade Fox King lying on the bed!

"Damn Hohen, this king is going to kill you!"

The Bull Demon King just came in and saw a figure exactly like him. Needless to say, it must be fake!

Moreover, this transformation technique is so powerful that among the beast kings and human kings he knows, Sun Yuan’s 72 transformations are so powerful!

Especially Sun Yuan’s self-talking, although the voice is not loud, but the Bull Demon King of King Realm heard it clearly!

The deafening roar rang out, and the bull devil called an anger!

He only saved Sun Yuan before and promised to cover him, but Sun Yuan returned him like this?

He changed into his appearance and wanted to bully his wife!

"Grass! Bad luck!"

Sun Yuan also cursed in his heart, but he didn't expect the Bull Demon King to come in so soon!

What a bad luck!

"Big brother, they are all misunderstandings, listen to the little brother to explain..."

Sun Yuan was seen through, so he had to restore his original appearance and wanted to explain.

He has now become enemies with Ye Feng. If he offends the two beast kings, the Bull Demon King and the Jade Fox King, even if he has a system, he will be Alexander.

The Bull Demon frowned and saw Sun Yuan's sincere expression. Is there a real misunderstanding?


At this moment, a scream sounded, and the Jade Fox King was awakened by the roar of the Bull Demon King. When he saw Sun Yuan, his eyes instantly turned red!

"Dead monkey, I will kill you!"

The jade fox king's fluffy foxtail drew towards Sun Yuan like a steel whip rope. Without the banana fan, her tail is her strongest weapon.

"You Hohen, still want to quibble!"

Seeing that the King of Jade Fox was furious, the Bull Demon King could hear the explanation from Sun Yuan, thinking that the King of Jade Fox had been bullied, he immediately furious and killed Sun Yuan!


I beg you to stop talking about it, please collect it: ( I beg you to stop talking about the fastest literature update.

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