Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 26 - Scizor the Prideful, Bruno the Ruthless

A/N: There are lots of confusion that you my readers have over the course of this novel and I want to clear it. Some of them are confused with system. IVs and EVs were mentioned before but not now. it will be mentioned as the story goes on. the thing about elemental cores and potential of Pokemons will also be mentioned in later chapters.

Some of you are asking if the novel will move towards, cultivation, Chinese like novel. no it won't.

Lastly, I know that plural of Pokemon are also called 'Pokemon' but I use 'Pokemons' because It never really fit with me before. How can singular and Plural be the same. it is like 'why is building called building when it is already built?'


Afternoon, Viridian forest

One of the most famous forests in the Kanto region. It houses many bug-type Pokemons which includes Caterpie line, Weedle line, Pidgey, angry Fearows and even rare Scyther. There were lush green grasses and bulky trees. The road from Viridian forest to Pewter city was small and rocky with many annoying obstacles like fast-flowing rivers and dangerous wild Pokemons. In the forest, laying on the back of a tree and eating lunch was a blond coloured hair boy around 13 years age with his 2 Pokemons Pidgey and Zubat. This trainer's name is Bruno Welts.

The same Bruno Welts who lost the Pokemon battle with Axel and left his Shedinja. One of the most striking features of his little guy was his eyes. It contained lots of hunger. Hunger for power and status. Hunger to be the best Pokemon trainer. And hunger for vengeance. Burno's childhood was not as normal as one would expect. It was filled with thrones and disappointed faces.

Bruno came from one of the poorest families in the region. He does not remember from what city he belonged to and frankly, he didn't even care. His mother used to clean other people's houses and his father worked at a bakery. The pay was very less to even put food on the table. They had 2 sons, Bruno being the youngest, which made the financials even harder. His father was an alcoholic and there use to be multiple fights in the house at night. Every night Bruno would pray to Arceus that he would live another day cause of all those beatings that he and his brother had to go through. One day in a fit of drunken rage, his father drove a knife to his mother's heart. His father was sent to jail and his brother and him to a separate orphanage. Bruno was only 4 years old at that time.

Life in the orphanage was also not a good cookie. As Bruno was not literally an orphan, he was discriminated… by his peers. The constant bullying in the orphanage and the beating of this father in the past made him believe that, 'oh, so this is how life really is'. He didn't even know what a normal life was. What would you expect from a kid who is not even 10 years old. Until he figured it out one day.

One day, when he was around 7 years old, the bullying was very extreme to the point that his rib cage was broken. He then got sent to a hospital, where a doctor by the name Alice took care of him. Alice checked him, she found out that, the boy was badly abused with multiple wounds, cuts and bruises. She complained to the orphanage and took care of him for a month until he was healed fully. The love she showed, shocked him. At first, he could not even understand what she was doing.

'Why is she making me food? Are food suppose to be this warm? It tastes better this way…. So this is how it feels to wear clean clothes…. Wow, now my stomach does not hurt, I guess eating a lot of food does that to you'

Multiple things startled him at first. Then he saw other patients and how their parents and relatives treated them. And finally, he realized, that he had been treated like shit. He was treated worse than slaves. He was abused, physically and mentally. He then started to hate. Hate the world and all the people. The first spark of vengeance ignited within him.

Though the doctor complained to the orphanage but due orphanage having a good connection to higher places, there were no punishment. Alice the doctor wanted to adopt the boy but she was not able to. Bruno was sent back to the orphanage and the bullying continued. Since the complaint was registered due to Bruno, the caretakers also treated him like crap. But he endured. He endured so that he could unleash it all at the same time.

He had already thought what he wanted to do. Through his suffering he knew that only power matters. Only powerful people could do anything they want. There is nothing like black and white or equality or human rights. Those things are only for people with power to decide. So, he wanted to become powerful. He wanted to have a high social status. And there is only one way to get it that he knew of. That was becoming the best Pokemon trainer there is.

Fast forward to the present,

"Pidgey, Zubat, it is time for Pokemon battle now. We fought with 5 Pokemon trainers in this forest but only managed to win 3. This is not bad but I want to be the best. And I know you guys want the same. So we will train more, crush those peasants" Bruno said. "Piii!" "Zubat" .

When they were walking, Bruno started thinking about the first battle he had with a silver hair boy named Axel. He lost that battle terribly. At that battle, he also left Shedinja. He didn't feel bad about doing it even one bit. He wanted to be the most powerful trainer there is. He had to show to the kids that bully him, the caretaker that treated him like shit and the whole world how an orphan who came from a broken family with broken bones could dominate the world. He cannot do that with a weak-willed Pokemon like Shedinja. Shedinja was never good at battle and when he looked at Shedinja he felt pity. He didn't want to feel that for his Pokemon so he left him. He also remembered that he didn't pay Axel after he lost the fight. He thought he would pay him if he gets a chance to meet Axel in future.

After walking for half and hour, they found something..or some one.

It was a bipedal, insectoid Pokémon. It was primarily green with thin, cream-colored sections between its head, thorax, and abdomen. It had narrow eyes and three points on the back of its somewhat reptilian head. Its forearms consist of large, white scythes, which it uses for hunting as well as fighting. On its t.h.i.g.hs are spikes of fur, and it had three clawed toes on its large feet. Two pairs of cream-colored wings extend from its back.

It was Scyther.

When Bruno came near him, Scyther immediately noticed him and became ready for fight. Scythers are proud warrior Pokemons. They talk with their fist and they have their warrior honor. This is what Burno always liked about Pokemon like Scyther.

Bruno immediately said, "I need a strong Pokemon like you to dominate the world. If you lose this battle, you will have to follow me. Will you accept?" "Scy.." Scyther nodded.

"Since you look so powerful, you don't mind me using 2 Pokemons right?… let's do it, Pidgey, Zubat" Bruno said smiling… Scyther didn't care about that. It had its warrior's pride. Even if hundreds of Pokemons came, it will fight.

"Pidgey, use whirlwind, Zubat you use wing attack" said Bruno. Pidgey started to flap its wings rapidly and a huge wind came to be. The wind was moving at a rapid pace and Scyther who was in the air was having difficulty flying. Taking that advantage, Zubat came sneaking, with its wings shining with white light. It was 'Wing attack'. But Scyther countered the move with 'Protect'. Scyther whole body glowed and the move didn't have any effect.

At the mean time, Scyther use 'Furry cutter'.

Its scythes slashed at Zubat and Zubat was hit. "Pidgey, quickly use gust on Scyther" Bruno said immediately. 'Gust' came flying toward Scyther and the Pokemon dogged it. At that time, 'Furry cutter' had hit 2 times already.

'Furry cutter' was an attack that increases its power, the more successive hit it lands. Though it only connected 2 times, Zubat was hurt cause this Scyther seemed to be on much higher level.

Bruno seeing Zubat changed his strategy. "Zubat use confuse ray till it hits and Pidgey continue with Whirlwind"

"Pii" "Zu.. Zubat!"

This was a deadly combination. 'Whirlwind' made Scyther difficult to fly and if 'Confuse ray' hits, the battle will be difficult. Scyther could have flew away and hidden behind tall trees but its pride didn't let it do so. It started dogging 'confuse ray' and rapidly advance towards Zubat.

After some time it was hit with 'confuse ray'. This move of Zubat was very well trained by Bruno and it affected Scyther badly.

Pidgey then used 'Wing attack' and Zubat used 'Swift' on Scyther. Both of them connected perfectly. Scyther was hit and fell to the ground. But it stood right back up. It was still confused. These 2 duo were frustrating Scyther.

It then did the most amazing thing. It closed its eyes and then started 'sword dance'. Pidgey and Zubat continued to attack, but this time Scyther dozed it while using 'sword dance'. 'Sword dance' raises the attack of the user by 2 stages. If used effectively it could be very dangerous. When Pidgey came with another 'wing attack', Scyther used 'frustration'. It used all of its frustration on Pidgey. Seeing that the attack would connect, Bruno said "Pidgey use bide". 'Frustration' hit Pidgey when it was using 'Bide' with 'Sword dance'. This move critically injured Pidgey.

Though Scyther had closed its eyes, it was still confused. So it used 'gust', a long range attack. It also hit Pidgey. But before that, Pidgey had already used Roost to recover some of its HP. After that, Pidgey finally used 'Bide'. The double reversal of 2 attacks of Scyther with 'sword dance' on was a game-changing move.

And it fell to the ground with a thud. Dust flew out and nobody knew what was its condition. Pidgey immediately fainted after it used Bide. Taking 2 attacks was too much for it. After the dust cleared, you could see a green silhouette still standing with heavy breathes. Yes, Scyther was still not down. At the final movement, it had learned 'Endure'. Pidgey had already fainted, so Zubat finished it with 'Wing attack' and Bruno caught it with Pokeball.

After catching this Pokemon, Bruno had a smile on his face.

Who would have known that the story of this partnership will echo as 'Scizor the prideful, and Bruno the ruthless' one day.

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