Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 27 - Pokemon Stats

A/N:- I was going to publish this chapter on Tuesday but I did it in Monday. so the next chapter would be released on Thursday or Friday depending on the country you are residing.

My Patreeon would be activated from Sunday, so I hope you guys donate and help me. There will be additional chapters for those who pay in patreeon so you are gaining something from it.


It had been a month from the day he met MEW. He had an appointment to meet Dr. Akihabara from Matcha city but the problem was already solved by MEW. So, he had no reason to visit Dr. Akihabara now. But he still planned to meet Dr. Akihabara. There were 2 reasons for it.

1. He could not really reveal that he met MEW and the problem was solved. If he did then, many problems may appear. He wanted to keep the encounter with MEW a secret.

2. He didn't really have anything to do now. He could not challenge gym leaders as of now. Gym leaders in anime and games are very much weaker than compared to real life. Every Gym leaders are at least master trainers (see ranks of trainers in auxiliary volume for more info). It is not like you could challenge Brock with level 12 Pidgey. The most powerful gym leader of Kanto region now in existence is Cerulean gym headed by Kaiyo kasumi who is Misty's dad (Misty is not even born yet).

For a trainer to challenge at the Indigo League, a trainer must have 8 badges.

A. 2 badges in which gym leader will fight as an intermediate trainer (using 3 rare ranked Pokemons)

B. 3 badges in which gym leader will fight as an advanced trainer (using at least 1 elemental ranked Pokemon)

C. At least 3 badges in which gym leader will fight as a master trainer (using at least 1 Pseudo- King ranked Pokemon)

Axel now only had 1 rare ranked Pokemon which was Gogoat and it was not even a fighting type. This Gogoat does not like to fight and just want to chill as f.u.c.k by giving milk. So, it would take a lot of time for him to challenge his first gym badge.

So, now his focus was to train his Pokemons as hard as he could and he had already come with a training plan for them. He now had 5 Pokemons.

1. Nidoran

2. Shedinja

3. Gogoat

5. Charmander

Gogoat does not fight so he had only 4 Pokemon that could battle. Nidoran had learned around 12 moves and Shedinja had learned 8 moves. He now wanted to just increase their proficiency in these moves and level those moves up. For Weedle and Charmander, he came up with a different plan. But more on that later.

He also wanted to increase their proficiency in battling together. In the wild, there are many hidden dangers and combining their powers with the best moves could come in handy.

It took him nearly a month to reach Matcha city and he trained all of his Pokemons. After a month of training in the forest with multiple Pokemons every day, the powers of his Pokemons have increased exponentially. Nidoran and Shedinja are at least 3 times stronger than before.

Their stats are as follows:



Pokemon name :- Shedinja (Age- 1.6 years)

Pokemon Nickname :- Marcus

Hidden ability :- None

Potential :- Red *

Health :- 20/30 (Hp cannot be increased in any way)

Attack :- F* IVs :- 3* EVs :- 7*

Agility :- E IVs :- 10* EVs :- 10*

Defense :- F IVs :- 0 EVs :- 0

Sp. Atk :- E* IVs :- 6* EVs :- 8*

Sp. Def :- F IVs :- 0 EVs :- 0

Moves :- 1. Hypnosis (Lvl 6)*

3. Harden (Lvl 10 max)

4. Shadow sneak (Lvl 4)*

5. Endure (Lvl 3)*

6. Dream eater (Lvl 6)*

7. Tackle (Lvl 2)*

8. Agility (Lvl 3)*

9. Gravity (5%)*

Cores :- 1. Ghost (1%)


This change in Shedinja was very good. One of the things that surprised Axel was that Shedinja's potential increased from Orange (Normal) to Red (Advanced). He had heard about the increase in potential about Pokemons but they are very rare occurrence. His sp. Attack increased and his moves also level up a bit. Axel focused on Shedinja move 'agility' more, but its level was only 3. The reason for that was 'Agility' is a psychic type move. Though Shedinja learns it, Shedinja is not a psychic-type Pokemon.

'Agility' is a god-level move. Of course, if it is practiced and used well enough. The concept of agility is to relax and lighten one's body to increase speed. One interesting thing about agility is it is the only move that only increases speed and does not effect the user negatively in any way.

Moves like 'dragon dance' increases attack and speed. Moves like 'Ominous wind' increases all of the user stats. But 'Agility' only increases speed. The advantage of that is, it put very little stress on Pokemon's body. Moves like 'Dragon dance' and 'Agility' are temporary boost and it put pressure on Pokemon's body. Since 'Agility' only increases speed, the pressure is far less and more concentrated on only speed. So 'Dragon dance' may increase both speed and attack, but as 'Agility' only increases speed, the increase is way higher than the former.

'Agility' also does not negatively affect Pokemon. For example, moves like 'Autotomize' increase speed but the user had to shed a part of its body to do it.

So, in terms of speed, 'Agility' is a god-level move. But not many trainers use it. Cause first, 'Agility' is hard to train. Since it is a psychic move, it is extra hard. And the result of 'Agility' does not show until the Pokemon fully masters the move (Lvl max). So not many trainers prefer this move. The opportunity cost of it is very high. But Axel wanted to capitalize on this.

Another shocking thing about Shedinja was, it started to learn 'Gravity'. Now, very few Pokemon could learn it and Shedinja is not one of them. 'Maybe one of its parents could use the move' Axel thought. Gravity is also a psychic type move so it is hard to master. And since Shedinja normally does not learn it, it would be extra hard. But if Axel could max out, 'gravity' and 'agility' , with its 'wonder guard' ability, Shedinja would be untouchable.

Now looking at Nidoran status



Pokemon name :- Nidoran (Age- 5 months)

Ability :- Poison point

Hidden ability :- Sheer force (Locked)

Potential :- Purple

Health :- 140/140

Attack :- D* IVs :- 19* EVs :- 13*

Agility :- C* IVs :- 9* EVs :- 10*

Defense :- C* IVs :- 5* EVs :- 0

Sp. Atk :- D* IVs :- 15* EVs :- 10*

Sp. Def :- E+* IVs :- 3* EVs :- 0

2. Sucker punch (Egg move)

3. Venom drench (Egg move) (Lvl 2)*

4. Tackle (Lvl 10)*

5. Poison sting (Lvl 3)*

6. Peck (Lvl 3)

7. Focus energy(Lvl 6)*

8. Horn Attack (Lvl 7)*

9. Rest (Lvl 4)*

10. Bite (Lvl 4)*

11. Quick Attack (Lvl 2)*

12. Sludge Bomb (Lvl 10)*


Now this improvement was very interesting. This showed the difference between potential. Though Nidoran trained less than Shedinja, its improvement was more than the latter. Shedinja still trained at night, though it never revealed it to Axel. But Nidoran slept at night.

All of Nidoran's moves have leveled up except for 'Sucker punch' and 'Peck'. The reason for that is, Nidoran could not stand on 2 legs now so training 'Sucker punch' would be useless now. Axel didn't know how it had learned this move. Maybe it was cause, it was an egg move. Axel trained Nidoran in 'Horn attack' so he really didn't care about 'Peck'.

Listening to Mew's advice, Axel focused on Nidoran's body stats too. So, all of the Body stats of Nidoran had increased. If he wanted Nidoran to learn from the book 'ancient way to power' by refining their muscles, then their bones and finally their blood vessels, then its body stats first must be raised to an acceptable level. Axel thought to raise Nidoran's body stats at least to B before cultivating poison core. He didn't want to take the risk.

IVs and EVs are 2 of the many things that add to Pokemon power. IVs, or Individual Values, help determines a Pokemon's stats. A Pokemon with high attack IVs will end up doing more damage than a Pokemon with lower attack IVs, even if they're the same level. IVs could be increased through training. EVs, or Effort Values, are bonus stats that your Pokemon will gain from defeating specific types of Pokemon.

The highest IVs that a Pokemon could reach on each type of Body stats is 31 for each of them and the highest total EVs stat that a Pokemon could reach is 510 with the highest of 255 in one stat.

But Axel found out that it differs depending on the potential of Pokemon. For example, no matter how hard he trained Shedinja in IV for Agility it didn't increase from 10. Since Shedinja had a Red potential, that was its limit. But Nidoran didn't have the problem for increasing its IV on sp.attck up to 15 and it was not even the limit for it.

But the most shocking increment of power of any of his Pokemon would be Charmander. Since, Charmander's potential is at the top (Since Axel assumes that Void (Divine) potential would be only of Arceus, cause Mew's Potential was only Semi-Void) with Black (Monstrous), its increase in power is way more than Nidoran.

Its stats are….

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