Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 28 - Pokemon Stats 1

A/N: I felt that the previous chapter was not very interesting for you viewers. But I want this novel to have a good story line and world back ground. so not every Chapter will be hard battles and catching new Pokemon. if I do that, the story will not be interesting at all. but these chapters will build a good story line which will be helpful.


Pokemon name :- Charmander (Age- 1 month)

Pokemon Nickname :- None

Ability :- Blaze (Locked)

Hidden ability :- Solar Power (Locked)

Potential :- Black

Health :- 90/90

Attack :- E IVs :- 4 EVs :- 0

Agility :- F+ IVs :- 0 EVs :- 0

Defense :- E IVs :- 8 EVs :- 0

Sp. Atk :- E++ IVs :- 5 EVs :- 0

Sp. Def :- F IVs :- 4 EVs :- 0

Moves :- 1. Dragon dance (Egg move) (Lvl 2)

2. Dragon rush (Egg move) (Lvl 2)

3. Dragon Energy (Egg move)

5. Ember (Lvl 5)


It had 3 egg moves which were all dragon type moves. This was very beneficial. Charmander could learn 'dragon dance' and 'dragon rush' but 'dragon energy' was something new. 'Dragon energy' is a type of move that has higher power if the user's Hp is more. This move converts the user's life force and attacks the opponent. Axel didn't train Charmander on this move cause it could be very deadly and since it is still a baby, he thought to train this move after some time.

Besides that, the improvement on Charmander was very high. It should be noted that it had only been 2 weeks since Charmander started his training. And it didn't even train seriously like Nidoran or Shedinja. Since it is still a baby, it doesn't like to train. It just liked to sleep, eat and pull pranks on its fellow Pokemons. This was one of the downsides of having a baby Pokemon. They don't take training seriously. And Axel could not even blame the poor bastard since it was still a baby. Axel had the same problem with Nidoran before.

But its stats have increased massively. This shows the difference between the potential of a Pokemon.

Now coming onto Weedle



Pokemon name :- Weedle (Age- 3 months)

Ability :- Shield Dust

Hidden ability :- None

Potential :- Red

Health :- 45/45

Attack :- E+ IVs :- 5 EVs :- 0

Agility :- E IVs :- 0 EVs :- 0

Defense :- F++ IVs :- 0 EVs :- 0

Sp. Atk :- E+ IVs :- 7 EVs :- 0

Sp. Def :- E IVs :- 2 EVs :- 0

2. String Shot (Lvl 4)

3. Bug Bite (Lvl 3)


This was something new that he didn't realize. Though Weedle had only Red Potential, its stats grew faster. Its body stats grew at an alarming rate including its moves level. This was manly cause Weedle was a bug type Pokemon. Bug type Pokemon grows faster than other Pokemon. Axel had not thought of that before. It looked like Weedle could evolve after some days, but Axel wanted to hold on to its evolution for a bit.

There were 2 reasons for it. The first reason was for its body stats to grow. As Mew had said before, increasing the body stats were important. Pokemons stats grew faster at first and after the evolution, it takes time for them to grow. So Axel wanted to capitalize on this.

The second reason was, Axel wanted Weedle to learn 'electro web'. This is the move that, Weedle can learn only in its pre evolution stage. Axel also noticed that, this Weedle of Axel was a bit powerful than other Weedle Axel had encountered in the wild.


'Knock… knock.. Knock'.. "Wait a second… I m coming" said a man. After few seconds "Just give me a minute.. I am packing things of" said the voice again. After a couple of minutes, which Axel felt like an eternity, the door opens. A fat man, with uncombed hair wearing a white lab coat with round spectacles, came into view. "And who might you be young man. I don't think that I have met you before" said the man.

"Hello, Dr. Akihabara, my name is Axel Blaze. Nurse joy from Gringey city might have told you about me" said Axel raising his hand for a handshake. "Oh!! Yes, Clarie did told you about me come in.. Come in.. Make yourself at home. Though this is my lab, not my home.. Haha" said Dr. Akihabara shaking Axel's hand.

Dr. Akihabara invited him to seat and offer him a drink. Axel only wanted to drink water as he was thirsty with his adventure from the forest. After some small talk, Dr. Akihabara asked, "So Clarie told me, your Nidoran had some problem. She sent me the details of the report. Would you mind me checking him again." "No problem. That is the region that I came here actually. Though Nidoran looks fine to me. I just want to make sure, that all" Axel said, calling out Nidoran from his Pokeball

"Hmm.. Your Nidoran seems very healthy. It seems a bit bigger than normal Nidoran." Said Akihabara observing Nidoran closely. Yes, due to Nidoran's diet from the recipe, it had grown healthy and it had become a bit bigger than normal counterparts. Nidoran's normal height is around 0.5 meters but now its height is around 0.7 meters. This is definitely a good improvement.

After checking Nidoran for about 30 minutes, Akihabara put down his stethoscope and said "Your Nidoran doesn't seem to have any problem. I double-checked just to make sure. It is very healthy. Seems like the problem Nurse joy mentioned seem to settle on its own. I feel bad for you to come all the way here."

"Oh, I m just glad that it is okay. It is worth the trip. After all, Nidoran is my first Pokemon." Axel said. "Well, I think you will gain something coming to this part of the region. Matcha city may not be a high valued city but it is a peaceful one. Why don't you stroll around the city in the afternoon? There is a hotel near the lab so you could stay there." Replied the doctor.

"Oh… I forgot something. Mr.Koga sent a message to you. He tells you to head to Pallet town. He wants you to meet Prof. Oak there. He said you know the reason for it. And yes… he also advised you to challenge a gym down the road. At your level, you may not win the battle, but it will be a valuable experience for you." Said the doc again.

'So, he wants me to meet Oak to get his approval. This will be hard. Oak is the Pokemon master. It will be hard to get his approval. I need to speed up the training of my Pokemons' thought Axel.

"Thank you doctor for the info. .. I will be going now. I want to explore the place" said Axel. Akihabara also said his goodbyes and they separated.

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