Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 29 - Notice Again.. I know.. But this is Important

Something has happened in my life. I am going to resign from my job to start my own new company... relating to accountancy, consultancy, and audit.

So, I would not be writing this novel for at least up to the time my company comes to a stable position, at least financially, which will take up to 3-5 months. I would be starting my company after 1 month. I could have opened a patreeon account and posted chapter for a month and then stopped but that won't be fair to you guys who will be donating me.

If I really had to earn money from Patreeon on this, I could have updated the chapters regularly even after this, but their quality would not be good. I am not satisfied with the last couple of chapters myself cause I could not give much of my time. It takes me 3-4 hours to write a chapter. I could simply write one within 30 minutes but the quality would drop down and it won't be fair to you guys or me. I just don't believe in publishing half-assed chapters.

My hands are shaking as I am writing this message (figuratively). Writing this novel has been an amazing experience for me. I know I do not have that many readers compare to other ranked novels cause I do not update chapters that much regularly, but, I feel that we have created a sort of a community or friendship during this time.

Writing a Pokemon fanfic had always been a bucket list for me. I watched this show growing up. It has always been a hobby of mine. But now I am giving up my hobby, my secure job income for my Dream..... No cross that.... for my 'Goals' not 'Dream'... I never liked that word 'Dream'... always hated it.

But HEY!!,, I am postponing it, not giving up on it. You guys may not remember but I had promised you that I will complete this novel and by the blessing of Arceus, I will.

Took a $15000 (around 1500000 Nepalese rupee) loan for this business. So yeah, I m further down on money now. First the new home and now this. But hey, high risk, high gain, right?

We are starting the company relating to accountancy, consultancy, and audit, so, if you guys want any service regarding it, just email me at [email protected] Support your brother in need.

So wish me luck on my new journey.... although I do not believe in luck. I think the universe is rarely so lazy to create luck. (Readers, "There he goes again...")

Meet you after 3-5 months.

And Please if you have any thoughts, comment on this chapter. I love hearing your thoughts.

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