Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 42 - Road to Pokemon Master

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"Ok, before we start our lesson, show me all of your Pokemons. I want to see how well they are trained." Said Adam. Axel then threw out five of his Pokeballs. All of his Pokemon came out. Shedinja, Nidoran, Gogoat, Caterpie and Charmander. They all showed excited faces.

Adam went and checked them one by one. He would check one of them, think for some time and go to another. Sometimes, he would tell his Pokemons to show all their moves. After contemplating for around 25 minutes he was finished. And then he came to conclusion.

"Ok, the training of your Pokemons is not good. Don't get me wrong, if you compare it with normal trainers, you have done exceptionally well. In some cases, it is much better than those silver-spooned children. But if you want to be the most powerful trainer, many things are lacking. But the damage has not been done so we could repair it" said Adam

Axel was a bit shocked when he heard that. He knew he had lacked in many areas when training them, but he didn't expect Adam's comment to be negative.

"Like take your Nidoran for example. It has good potential. But you have trained it in many moves. So it has no specialization. The training of your Charmander is good. But what you have forgotten is, about its nature. It is a playful Pokemon, so training it seriously would not get you any result. I would not be going on each and every one of your Pokemon for now. You will learn it yourself. As every person is different, every Pokemons are also different and only their trainer would know them the most"

"I have heard that you want to be a Pokemon Champion, is that true?" asked Adam. "No, I want to be the Pokemon Master," said Axel in a resolute voice. "Ohh, pretty c.o.c.ky, I see, I do see your determination in it, but let me ask you why? And don't tell me it is your dream or you want to be famous, or rich. That is pretty shallow."

"You don't need to tell me now. Finding the reason is not easy, it takes experience, incidents and many more. But I advise you to search for that reason. Only then you would give 100% in it." Said Adam. Adam thought he may have been pretty hard on the young boy, so he tried to console him a bit.

"I could not tell you the reason you want to the Pokemon master, but I could tell you how to become one. You need to gather 8 badges from 8 cities of Kanto region and challenge Indigo Plateau. In the Indigo Plateau, after you defeated all the participants, you will challenge the elite 4. After you won against them, you would finally get the authority to challenge the Champion of Kanto region. The time of that challenge, the stage, all of it will be decided by you, but if you lost the Challenge then you again have to battle the elite 4 to get the authority"said Adam

Axel already knew about this, but he still kept quiet and listened.

"First, the 8 gym badges.

1. For the first 2 badges, the gym leaders will challenge you as an intermediate trainer (they will use 3 rare ranked Pokemons)

2. For the next 3 badges, the gym leaders will challenge you as an advanced trainer (they will use at least 1 elemental Pokemon)

3. For the last 3 badges, the gym leaders will challenge you as a master trainer (they will use at least 1 Pseudo-king ranked Pokemon)

Then comes the elite 4. All the Pokemons in their team are King ranked or higher. And finally the Champion. A Champion will at least have 1 Champion-ranked Pokemon. Right now, the Champion of Kanto region is Charles. And surprise surprise! !, he has 3 Champion ranked Pokemons"

Axel gulped his saliva. He knew all this information. How could he not? He had searched for this information on the net. But listening to Adam summarize all this, he felt how far he was from his dream. 'And I don't know why, but Adam is releasing a certain kind of pressure, the kind which makes your mental state unstable' he thought.

But Adam was not still finished. He continued "The gym leaders will use 3 Pokemons and the elite4 will use 6 Pokemons. The Champion will obviously use 6 too." And this point Axel raised his hand to question something.

Seeing this Adam laughed a bit and said "Haha, you don't have to raise your hand to ask a question. You are not in the kinder garden"

"This may come out of the blue but why do the maximum number of Pokemons are always 6. Would it not be interesting to have 7 or 10 Pokemon battle challenges?" Axel asked. This dawn on him just now. In the game and in anime, a trainer is only allowed to carry a maximum of 6 Pokemons. However, that was not the case here in real life. A trainer could carry any number of Pokemons but the maximum number for the battle had not changed from 6.

"It is not out of the blue. There is actually an interesting history behind it. At first, there were no such limitations. But of course, the process of challenging the gym, then the elite 4 and finally the Champion also didn't exist. At that time, if you are the most powerful, you would be the Champion. But when the Pokeballs were invented and people started catching Pokemons, the balance was disturbed. Those who had malicious intentions, thieves and murders became active and started carrying out their deeds. They had Pokeballs so, they would steal Pokemons, money and do worse things cause they could carry any number of Pokeballs."

"So, the maximum number of 6 Pokemons were made. Everyone could only carry 6 Pokemons, if the number exceeds, it would directly go to their PC. Even the leagues followed the example. But that was also not good. Young trainers became a victim of wild Pokemons due to this limitation. So it was lifted again. If the trainers or any people are outside the vicinity of the city or town where Pokemon center exists, then they could carry limitless Pokemon. But if they are inside it, then the number would be only 6."

"However, the league still followed the example of 3 and 6 Pokemons. There are no specific reasons for it. It is just they are following the tradition" said Adam concluding his short speech.

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