Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 43 - Meeting with Elder Adam 1

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At this point, Axel was thinking that he had made the right decision of joining the Venu family. He had only been here for 2 days, and he had learned so much.

"If you want to know more about the 6 Pokeballs limitation, you could ask Mark. It is his subject." Said Adam

"But before I end my lecture on your process to becoming the Champion, I would have to add one little thing," Adam said. But Axel was sure, this was not anything little.

But after thinking for a bit Adam said "Hmm.., let's end our lecture on this topic. I don't think I should say more about it. You will just lose focus. Don't worry you will come to know of it when you are ready"

Axel wanted to refute that and wanted to know more, but he knew he could not change Adam's mind. So he also thought to end the topic.

"Since the first 2 gyms are the easiest, I think we should focus on getting your Pokemons to rare ranked first. Now let me tell you the difference between an uncommon ranked Pokemon and rare ranked Pokemon." Saying this he sat on the ground and also told Axel to do the same.

"On the surface, uncommon ranked Pokemons are those who are fully evolved. And the rare ranked are those, whose total base stats are above 500. Most of the Pseudo- legendary Pokemons directly jump to rare ranked as their base stats are higher. But if we go deeper, it is more complicated. For example, a Pikachu is also an uncommon ranked Pokemon, though it is not in its final evolution. It is cause, Pikachu needs an external factor, a thunderstone to become Raichu. I just said, rare ranked are those, whose basic stats are above 500 but you might be thinking, how to get there? Of course, you could battle with trainers and wild Pokemon and increase your experience and also your Pokemon's stats. But that would take years if you ever want your Pokemon to be an elemental ranked (Step above rare ranked) and above."

"This is also the truth, 90% of the trainers could not increase their Pokemon's rank to elemental rank. It is not only cause it is too hard. But it takes a lot of time too. If you want your Pokemon to increase its rank to elemental, you will have to solidify its base"

"It's base…?" Asked Axel being confused. "Yes, it's base. You see, elemental Pokemons are those Pokemons who could use their elemental powers at an exceptionally large capacity. Not only the Pokemon have to master its elements, but it also must have the capacity to hold such power. Meaning, it must have a strong body. It must have a strong body and mindset, if it wants to be an elemental Pokemon. Almost all of the trainers in the world do not care about it."

"To be an elemental ranked Pokemon, It should have good body stats. Agility, dexterity, vitality, its muscles, and bones should be at the peak level. If a Pokemon train on this since the beginning then the improvement would be great and it would be easier for it to rank up to elemental. There are 2 ways to increase your body stats. One is with nutritious food. There are different kinds of food for each and every type of Pokemons. And the second is with hardcore training.

After you train it to the d.e.s.i.r.ed level, the Pokemon could grasp its elemental Powers easily. The elemental Powers are at first blocked inside Pokemons. After you train its body, the energy slowly starts to unseal and then it improves. And finally, an elemental Pokemon is born"

"Our time is short. You only have 3 months to train. Even though our young trainers in this generation are not very powerful, but to the outside world, we are the most powerful family there is. So the leader had decided to train you to a certain level. In these 3 months I can only solidify your basics and improve your battle tactics for a bit.

So, let me tell you, what you are going to learn in these 3 months. There are 4 things we would concentrate on. They are:

1. Abilities and nature of Pokemon

2. Experience

3. Aura training

Of course, there are other things to look out for, like team composition. But unfortunately, I can only give you some advice on it on a theoretical level. It takes time to make the balance."

Axel was not very fond of getting a lecture. It was always boring for him. But the things he was learning from Adam right now were huge. He felt, if he could improve on those 4 fields then it would help him a lot in the future.

"Before I say anything about these 4 things, let me tell you something about type advantage and disadvantage, team composition and potential of the Pokemon.

First : Type advantage and disadvantage

It is a basic thing which I think you are already aware of. But type advantage and disadvantage play a vital role in winning the battle. It would not make much of a difference in the early stage, but when the ranks of Pokemon reach elemental and above, it will be very helpful. When a Pokemon ranks ascend to elemental, its body and resistance to attacks are very high. Only then it could evolve to elemental rank. So, type advantage and disadvantage play a vital role at that time. Of course, you could also win if you have type disadvantage but it would take a lot of battle strategy and coordination to do it.

Till now there is only one Pokemon who does not have any type-disadvantage. And that is "Eelektross". Eelektross has no weakness. It has an ability called 'levitate' which makes it immune to ground type. It is found in Unova region. So if you ever found this Pokemon, make sure to catch it.

Second: Team composition

Team composition is a vague topic. Frankly, perfect team composition does not exist. You will start to learn about it in the latter days when you battle other teams. But if you want to make a good team composition make sure that your team's Pokemon would have no weakness. Meaning, make such a team that one of your Pokemon weakness is canceled with another. It is all about the experience.

Third: Potential of Pokemons

There is not much to say about this. There are 5 potential of Pokemons. Low, normal, advanced, monstrous and divine. Pokemon having a divine potential has still not been found out but it is believed that Arceus has that potential. People make a big deal about the potential of the Pokemon. A good potential helps in moves mastery and body stats. But in the long run, it doesn't make much of a difference. It helps Pokemon to gain power fast at the initial stage, but in the latter stage like Pseudo-king and above, there is not much of a difference. So make sure when you think about adding a new one in your team."

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