Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 44 - Power of an Elemental

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The lecture took almost 4 hours. Axel wanted to learn more, but elder Adam was busy with other work. He was told that elder Adam will meet him again tomorrow at the same time to continue the lecture. So he had free time today!. He didn't want to train his Pokemons today. He knew he had to start doing it for 3 months straight, so he decided to take a break and explore the new place. Though he may not be very rich but he still had 1.3 Million Pokedollars with him and he wanted to spend some of it.

He was searching for items or resources that could improve his Pokemons. He mainly wanted to buy food recipes for Charmander line and Weedle line. Those were the only 2 left without a recipe. He had looked for Charmander's recipe before and it cost around 1 Million Pokedollars. Last time he didn't buy it cause, he thought he would need the money for other things. But now, 3 months of his time has been decided. While living inside the Venu family, he would only have care about his food and his Pokemon's food. Almost everything was free. So he thought to buy it today.

He even thought that the price would be lower here. 'Since, Charmander line is from Zard family, and Venu family hates Zard family, the price may be lower of Charmander's recipe cause the Venu family hates them and wants to ridicule them' he thought. Thinking about it he was in a very good mood.

There were many places that sold such items here. But he was interested in one particular shop. It was 2 storied building and its name was 'The Chamber of….'

'The chamber of what? The chamber of secrets? What a weird naming sense. Well, let's see what it has' thinking about that, he entered. But what Axel didn't know was that he had been one of the many victims of the shop's name. One of the prime reasons people visited the shop was cause of its name. They wanted to know what was the Chamber of?

There were no distinguishing features of interiors in the room. It was like any general shop. But aside from the interiors, everything about it was different. The customer could sit on one of the many chairs with a table next to it. Axel was given a personal attendant and a device what looked like an ipad. In the ipad look-alike thing, there were many items listed with their price. There were almost all of the items that he could think of. From Pokeballs, evolution stones to antidotes including many rare items. General items cost money but rare item cost points ?

"Excuse me, what are these points and how do we get them?" asked Axel. "Oh hello dear customer, my name is Ken and I will be in your service. Points are something you could earn here by doing various things. From cleaning the floor to doing important mission, battling and participating in competitions. Of course, if you don't have point you can exchange it for money but I suggest you not do it."

"Ohh. Why is that?" "cause the ratio is truly pitiful. It takes a lot of money just to gather 1 point."

"What is the ratio then?" asked Axel. "The ratio depends on the item you are purchasing. The more valuable the item, the more costly it is"

Getting that brief explanation, Axel started to browse and he was shocked. There were lots of valuable items here. Like, Life orb, Assault Vest, miracle seed, Dragonair Egg, Larvitar Egg and freaking leftovers. But the price was in points so he didn't think about it cause he knew he could not buy it now.

So he started looking for the recipe and it shocked him.

1. Charmander line Food recipe: 1.5 Million Pokedollars

2. Weedle line Food recipe: 1.6 Million Pokedollars

"What the f.u.c.k!!! Why are the prices here so high? Normally Charmander line cost around only 1 million Pokedollars. And 1.6 Million for Weedle recipe. Are you f.u.c.k.i.n.g kidding me?" roared Axel.

Weedle is a bug-type Pokemon so all of the things related to it are very cheap. But the price of Weedle line was more than Charmander. He could not believe it.

But ken said pacifying his customer "It is cause of the quality of the product, customer. This Charmander line recipe was stolen from Zard family. They have done extensive research on this recipe, hence the price. Looking at its quality, it is actually cheap. As for the Weedle recipe, the price of it is high cause this recipe is made by Venu family itself. Hundreds of years of substantial research have been done on it. Food recipe from Venu family mainly focuses on grass and poison type. Since Weedle is also a poison type, its price is a bit high"

Hearing about this, Axel calmed down a bit. If what this Ken guy said was true then, he might have hit a jackpot. The cost may be on a larger scale but the benefits, in the long run, are very high. It is a one-time investment, cause Weedle line or Charmander line also has their evolution's recipe in it. He was actually thinking to buy another Nidoran's recipe from here too, cause it was also a poison type.

But now he didn't have the money to buy any of those. "Then I guess I have to come again. I don't have enough money" said Axel.

"How much do you have right now, customer?" asked Ken

"I can only give you 1 million Pokedollars" said Axel. "Then why don't you pay the difference with points." Said Ken.

"I don't have any. I am actually the first outsider of Venu family" "Oh, that I know customer. But I think Venu family must have also given you some points like a starter pack. Why don't you check it in your Pokecard if you have some?" said Ken

Axel then put the card in paying machine and it had 700 points which made Axel very happy. But he could only buy one recipe. After thinking about it for some time, he decided to buy Weedle recipe. Charmander was still a baby and was still drinking milk. So he didn't need the recipe right now. But Weedle was already 3 months now and not a baby.

"Ok, I want to buy Weedle recipe, how much additional point would it cost me?" asked Axel "how about 500 points?" "No, I can only give you 100 points"

After haggling for a bit, Axel spend 1 million Pokedollars and 300 points to buy Weedle recipe.

Then he walked outside to eat something delicious in a restaurant. He still had 300000 Pokedollars left.

Next day,

Axel and Adam were again in that same quiet area as last day. "Today is the last day of our lecture. From tomorrow, you would start your training. You would also join the group that consists of 4 young trainers and 1 elite trainer who would give you guidance." Said Adam

"Ohh, I thought you would be the one who would be teaching me." "I wish I could, but there are lots of other things I have to take care. Being an elder is not an easy job" said Adam

"Yesterday, we talked about 4 things that you would be focusing on for these 3 months. Before I explain those things, let me first show you the difference between the rank of Pokemon." Saying that there was a Pokeball in his hands.

This was Adam's style of teaching his students. Before the training began, he would show them different ranks of Pokemons so that they could understand the power of Pokemons of different ranks. Only by knowing this, they could understand how much they have to train. This was also done to show his superiority among the students. Of course, he never admitted the last point.

"You already have a rare ranked Pokemon with you so you must already know its power," said Adam. He was right. Though Gogoat never wanted to fight and Axel only bought it for the milk, he knew Gogoat was powerful. Its defense and agility were very high.

"But you may not have seen an elemental ranked Pokemon. So let me show you" saying that he threw the Pokeball high in the air and with a white light a Pokemon came.

It was an avian Pokemon with large wings, sharp talons, and a short, hooked beak. Its glossy plumage was mostly brown with cream-colored underparts and flight feathers. Its head had a decorated crest that was nearly as long as its body. The center feathers of its crest were yellow, while the outer feathers were red. The fan-like feathers of its tail are red or brown. Its beak and legs were pink, and there were three forward-facing toes and one backward-facing toe on each foot. Behind each eye was an angular black marking.

"Kurrrr…" roared the Pokemon. It was a Pidgeot. The pressure it was releasing was something to note of.

"This Pidgeot of mine is an elemental ranked Pokemon. You may not see much of a difference but just keep watching. Pidgeot! Show the little guy your moves."

"Kurrrr…" it said and moved very fast. It was said that in ancient times, there was a Pidgeot who could fly with a speed of Mach 2 which is 2469.6 km/hr. Of course, this Pidgeot does not have that capability. But it was still fast.

It flew high in the air at an impossible speed. Axel could barely see the Pokemon. Then It came vertically down and then, it disappeared! !. After what seemed like a second, a tree was cut in half, and the half that was cut flew in the air and smashed down in the ground and then the Pokemon became visible again. That move was 'Aerial ace'. The Pokemon goes to a height, then comes vertically down and then turns and sweeps horizontally and attack the opponent with its beak.

"After being an elemental Pokemon, its stats are dangerously high. Why don't you move 50 meters further. I want to show you something interesting." Said Adam with a little smile on his face. "Pidgeot , get ready 'Wind slash'!"

Hearing that, Pidgeot roared and flew high in the air. Slowly its wings started to glow white and then its whole body was glowing. From Axel point of view, Pidgeot was now just a ball of light. Then the wind started gathering around it. It was like, the Pokemon was s.u.c.k.i.n.g all the air towards itself like a black hole. And then Pidgeot started to move its wings. More than 100 white slashes came rushing down the ground. When the first white slash touched the ground, there was an explosion. The white slashes continued and the ground was devastated. The trees, bushes, and rocks were sliced and scattered all over the place and there was a huge hole of around 20 meters in diameter in the ground when the attack finished.

Dust arose and the place was not visible for at least a couple of minutes. When the dust settled, Adam was expecting a shocked expression on Axel's face. But on the contrary, his face showed a calm demeanor. It was like he was thinking something hard. 'Hmm.. The attack was much more powerful than I expected. I guess he would also lose even if he goes all out.' Thought Axel.


The world-building will be few more Chapters. And then....

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