Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 45 - Pseudo-King ranked Pokemon

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"You have now seen the power of elemental Pokemon. Now tell me, what do you think about it?" asked Adam. "It is very strong. It has great stats and speed and that move was deadly. But the last move, 'Wind slash' takes a lot of time to charge and your Pokemon seems very tired after that move." Said Axel

"Correct. Though 'wind slash' was powerful, it has many drawbacks. It takes time to charge. In a real battle, your opponent will not give you much time. And it is very consuming for Pokemon. Ok, now for the next rank."

"Come out! Scizor"

It was a bipedal, insect Pokemon with a red, metallic exoskeleton. It had gray, retractable forewings and hind wings with simple, curved venation. Its head was kite-shaped with three blunt horns extending above its forehead, and dark yellow eyes.

The pressure it emitted was deadly. Axel was a bit far from the Pokemon but he could still feel the pressure. It looked like a warrior that been to countless battles.

Scizor is a battle-hungry Pokemon. It only respects power. If you want to subdue it, you will have to win against it. It only submits to pure power. It is a very proud warrior-type Pokemon.

"This Scizor of mine is a Pseudo-king rank Pokemon. It has been with me for a long time. You could already sense the presence it creates. It's suffocating, isn't it? Well, then let me show you how powerful it is"

"Scizor,….. 'Bug domain'"

Instantly, the surrounding started to transform. A large part of the ground started having a greenish color. The grass rose a bit higher, covering half of the Scizor's body. Its 4 limbs signed with grey, steel color. Then it started showing its moves. It would punch and kick in the air, it would dodge its head and body like an experienced martial artist. The power of whose punches and kicks were so high that, each of those attacks created grey colored air cannon. It was like Might guy punching Madara Uchiha using 8 gates (Naruto reference). Of course, the punches were not as powerful as Might guy. It was at least 100 times weak. But it was still something.

But it didn't end there. Axel could see Scizor teleporting here and there inside the domain. After some time it stopped and the domain was gone.

Thinking about Scizor, Axel was very surprised. He didn't know the power of those punches but it certainly looked very powerful. If any Pokemon was inside that domain, there is no way to win. Scizor could teleport, and punch hard inside it.

"This move of Scizor, covers around 20 meters in diameter. Inside the domain, it increases the speed and power of Scizor. The domain also put a lot of pressure on the challenger. So, have you noticed the difference between the 2 Pokemon?"

"Yes, that move of yours, it was fast" said Axel. That 'bug domain' was very fast compared to 'wind slash' of Pidgeot. It was done almost instantly.

"Correct again. Wow, you are 2 for 2. If elemental Pokemon could use elemental power, Pseudo-king Pokemons have mastery over that power. It is not only in the speed of the move but also in power. You could also see that Scizor is not very tired after using that move. Scizor could use the same move many more times. Of course, with the increase in rank, its body stats also increase."

"Now, for the next ranked Pokemon, I have to ask your permission." Said Adam "huh? Why is that?" asked Axel being confused.

"You see, the next rank is King ranked Pokemon. The name, 'King' is not given lightly. Most of them are practically the kings of their forest. But what separates them from the last rank is their pressure. The pressure that it emits could literally kill a normal person who does not have good mental strength. So do you want to continue or not?" said Adam.

Axel was a brave young man. But not so much brave that he would risk his life. If the next Pokemon could possibly kill him, he didn't want to see and he knew that he didn't have good mental strength. But today, at this moment something sparked inside of him. He wanted to face the challenge. How could he be afraid of seeing such Pokemon when he wanted to be the Pokemon master. If he wanted to be the Pokemon master he would have to fight with Champion and even Master ranked Pokemon and now he wanted to back down from only seeing King ranked ? No, he had to face it.

"I want to continue," he said thinking hard about it. "Haha, you are a determined lad. Ok then, come out my friend"

It was a large, bipedal, dinosaurian Pokemon with a green, armor-like hide covering its body. It had two pairs of pointed teeth: one in the upper jaw and one in the lower. Several spikes of varying size protrude from the back of its head, neck, and shoulders. Both sides of its c.h.e.s.t, the center of its back, and its knees have two triangular holes. There is a gray, diamond-shaped patch of scales covering its belly, and a smaller one on its back. It had three claws on its feet and hands. A ring of spikes surrounds the tip of its tail.

"Roarrrr…" it announced its presence. The surrounding immediately started to change. It became a bit dark, not the kind like a setting sun, but literally dark. Spiky rocks started to emerge from the ground and a heavy stand storm emerged. Axel could barely open his eyes. He didn't know why but he instantly became nervous. The pressure the Pokemon discharged was vastly huge than compared to Scizor, but he knew his life was not in danger. Then he realized that even his mental strength was lower, his life would not have been in danger. 'Damn! Adam tricked me' Axel shouted in this mind.

After some time the sand storm disappeared. "Hahaha!!, kid, you are brave. Not many people would risk their life like you."

"So, you tricked me!!?" Axel asked in a raged voice.

"Yes and No. I was right when I said, the pressure emitted by a King ranked Pokemon could kill you. And it still would. But when I came here to teach today, I told Eve to control its aura. But remember King ranked Pokemon is not something to joke about. If you are not ready, you should immediately run"

"Adam is this the kid that you were telling me to meet? Well he looks stupid like you, haha"

"Shut up Eve. How many times have I told you not to disrespect me in front of students" shouted Adam

"Huhhhh!!, that Pokemon could talk ??????" said Axel


Please Post lots of comments and what you think about it. I read the comments from chapter 1 today. Made my day. Thanks, guys for the support. From the bottom of my heart.

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