Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 46 - King-Ranked Pokemon

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"Huh! you think I am an idiot human?" saying that Tyranitar roared. The roar was so powerful that Axel was flung a couple of meters in the air. The attack didn't hurt Axel but he was surprised by the power of that roar.

Putting his hand in his head and sighing Adam said "This is my King ranked Pokemon, Tyranitar. Its name is Eve." Adam introduced his Pokemon.

'Adam and Eve huh, what an irony' thought Axel.

"There are lots of changes when a Pokemon ranks up to King-ranked. Its power in the elements improves, its body stats improve too. Besides that, it could talk in human language. Don't think of it as a shallow development. Its intelligence could now be compared to a human. This is a huge development. And finally, it could change its surrounding by its presence alone."

Axel thought this improvement was too nice. Having intelligence compared to humans will give you a high competitive advantage. Normally, Pokemons only have intelligence relating to their training, battle and eating foods. But a King-ranked Pokemon changes that. And the changes in surroundings made his body perk up. This was another development that he didn't expect. When Tyranitar came out of the Pokeball, the surrounding became dark with sharp rock all over it. It is cause Tyranitar is a rock and dark type Pokemon. And a huge sand storm came to be which was cause of its ability, 'sand stream'. And the 'sand stream' was a lot stronger than he expected.

Adam then continued "I have already told you the 2 advantages of a King ranked Pokemon. But there is one more advantage left. You might be surprised by hearing this. When a Pokemon finally ranks up to King-ranked Pokemon, its ability gets a boost. Basically, its ability improves. How much it improves, depends on the training, mindset of Pokemon."

Hearing this made Axel stupefied. Improvement in ability is a huge thing.

"Let me give you an example. Dragonite has an ability called 'multiscale'. This ability halves the damage taken from the direct attacks while the user's HP is full. But after ranking up to King ranked, the ability improves. The ability could withstand 60% or 70% of the damage. How much the ability improves will depend on the Pokemon itself."

Ability is a vague topic. Let's take this 'Multiscale' ability as an example. This is an ability that Dragonite learns after it evolves from Dragonair. The ability blocks 50% of damage taken from direct attacks with full HP. This does not mean that the moment it evolves to Dragonite, it could withstand the 50% blow. At first, it may withstand 10% or even 5% of the blow. When mastery over the ability improves, the percentage improves and finally, it could withstand 50% of the power. After that, no matter how much you focus in the ability, the percentage won't increase."

So an improvement in ability, where Dragonite could withstand, more than 50% of the damage would be a game-changer.

"Ok, this is it for showing the ranks of Pokemon. Unfortunately, I cannot show you its moves, as the move of the King-ranked Pokemon is very deadly and affect a very large area."

"Ohh. Ok then" said Axel not thinking much about it.

"Now let's start about the 4 things that you would be focusing on in these 3 months. I would be telli-" "hey, what about Pseudo- Champion ranked and Champion ranked Pokemon ? Are you not going to show me those?" asked Axel.

"Hmmph. You think that Pseudo- Champion and Champion-ranked Pokemon grow on trees? Now focus on the lecture. !" Said Adam

'So, he doesn't have pseudo- champion ranked and champion ranked Pokemon. Are they that rare? He must be one of the most powerful members of Venu family.' Thought Axel

"So let's focus on those 4 things. Let me tell you once again if you have forgotten. The 4 things are :

1. Abilities and nature of Pokemon

2. Experience

3. Aura training

4. Choosing certain moves and versatility

First: Abilities and Nature.

Let's go with nature first. The nature of the Pokemon changes constantly. Nature when it is on baby stage or in puberty stage or in a.d.u.l.t stage or even when they evolve, could be different. You should have to understand the nature of Pokemon first and treat them thinking about its nature. Only then can you get your Pokemon powerful at a faster rate. Cause not every Pokemon want power and are battle-hungry. Just look at your Gogoat.

Now about the abilities of Pokemon. Nowadays, a lot of young trainers just focus on the moves of their Pokemon and do not care about their ability. But if used wisely, the ability can gain you a huge competitive advantage. For example. Let's talk about my Tyranitar, Eve. Eve has 2 abilities, one is a normal ability and other one is a hidden ability. They are 'Sand stream' and 'Unnerve'. 'Sand stream' creates a sand Strom in the battle and increases the special defense of Rock type Pokemon by 50% whereas 'Unnerve' makes the Pokemon nervous. So, with those 2 abilities, it takes some time for the opposition to make a move. Due to 'sand storm' the visibility of the challenger decreases, its max Hp also decreases little by little. And due to Unnerve, the Pokemon would not be able to move effectively due to its nervousness which is very handy in battle.

So if I tailor the moves of Eve, according to its abilities, then its power will increase. Like if I use a full power 'Hyper beam'. Charging 'hyper beam' takes time and after using the move, the Pokemon is tired for some time. But it would make perfect sense in this situation. Because of 'unnerve' and 'Sand stream', the Pokemon has low visibility and is nervous and because of the situation, it is confused. So there is a high chance the 'hyper beam' will hit. 'Hyper beam' makes Eve tired and even if the challenger survives the ordeal, it would not affect much. Cause 'sand stream' increases the defense of rock type Pokemon by 50%"

Hearing such a tactic, Axel was surprised by the potential of Tyranitar. If used well, Tyranitar could be a monster.

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