Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 48 - Shedinja, a Legendary Pokemon?

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Axel walked to the designated training field. When he reached, he noticed that there were 3 young trainers out there. They looked very similar. All 3 of them had blond hair, a small nose, a similar height of 5 feet 10 inches. However, one was a bit small. Axel thought that they might be brothers and have the same parents.

By seeing him, one of them started raising his hand. Axel also waved giving a polite response. "Are you the last member of our group?" asked one of them. "Is this group number 49?" asked Axel. "Yes" said the second one. "Then I am the one" said Axel

Axel then Handshaked 3 of them. "The teacher seemed to be late. I guess we will have to wait for some time" said the third one. The last one, looked young compared to others.

"Ok then, why don't we introduce ourselves, my name is Axel Blaze, and this is my Pokemon Nidoran" Nidoran still preferred staying outside the Pokeball. "Hi, we are brothers from the same parents." Said the first one. "And what are your names?" asked Axel

When Axel asked that, the 3 of them were awfully quiet. After some time the first one started introducing "I am A, he is B, and the youngest one is K"

There was a second of silence and then,

"Hahahha!!, really, why is the other one not 'C'.. Haha" Axel laughed.

Axel was on the floor, with his hands on his stomach laughing. The tension he had felt for 2 days was gone. ' who names their kids like that? A, B, and K?. Hahah. Their parents must have some weird naming sense' thought Axel.

The 3 brothers were getting embarrassed and angry by the second. They had always hated their name and they hated it more when someone laughs at it.

When the laughter stopped, the teacher could already be seen walking towards them. Axel felt a bit guilty that he laughed so hard, but he could not help it.

"Hi, my name is Roman. I am an elite trainer and I will be your teacher for the next 3 months. Normally, a group consists of only 3 young trainers but today we have 4. Why don't you guys introduce yourself and then we can get started"

All of them introduced themselves and then Axel asked a question. "Sir, I wanted to ask you something. Why am I not admitted in the school but taking group classes with you?"

Hearing that question, Roman smiled and then said "There are actually 2 reasons for that. The school is more about theoretical knowledge than practical ones. There are practical battles and competition but the knowledge will be on a basic level. After the school completes, we do group sessions like this to further improve your battle powers. The elders have deducted that you are already above that level. And the second reason for that would be your request to not be discriminated against as an outsider. The leader could only do this by putting you in the group."

"Alright, there would be a tournament after 3 months, you guys better prepare for it. The 3 of you are brothers and know each other battle powers. Since K also just started his journey, he and Axel will battle. The battle will be 1VS1. I want you to give the best effort."

Then they created a distance between, K and Axel. "First formally introduce yourself and start the battle. I will be the referee on this" said Roman.

"K Venu, 13 years old" K introduced himself. Axel also copied him "Axel Blaze, 13 yrs old"

"Go, Sandshrew"

A small bipedal Pokemon appeared.

Since Sandshrew was a ground type Pokemon, Axel decided to play with it a little. Since this is his first battle, he wanted to dominate the field and make a good impression.

There was a grin on his face when he said in a low voice "Arise.."

Slowly, a Pokemon with a shed exoskeleton Pokemon appeared from Axel's shadow. "Shedinjaaa" it said with a domineering voice.

"Woww! That is so cool" shouted A in excitement when Shedinja came out of the shadow.

There was a massive change in Shedinja's nature in these past couple of months. The weak, pitifully, and powerless Shedinja who just wanted to survive and be treated nicely has changed into powerful, domineering Pokemon. Shedinja was also the only one who was serious about his training. He still continued the night training. He was still using his 'shadow sneak' inside Axel's shadow at day. This seems to be the most likable move for Shedinja.

So his 'shadow sneak' has leveled up 2 times to level 6!. His agility and Sp. Attk has also increased to 'E++'

K has never seen such a Pokemon, but since it looked like a bug, it must be easy, he thought. Shedinja is a Pokemon that originated from Hoenn region, so it was given that he had not heard of it before.

"Ok, Begin!"

"Sandshrew, use Dig" shouted K, and Sandshrew immediately dug the hole and went inside. Axel noticed that the mastery over 'Dig' was better than he expected. It was fast. Shedinja was just flying at a low height and was doing nothing.

'Hehe, idiot' thought K and then Sandshrew came out of another hole and Shedinja was hit at a close range. The dust settled, but K could see that Shedinja was not harmed even a little bit.

Seeing that, it had no effect K told Sandshrew to use 'sand attack' and 'scratch'. The 'sand attack' was used and it lowered the accuracy of Shedinja, at least that is what K thought.

And Sandshrew used multiple 'scratch' on the opponent. Shedinja took all the hits but it seemed that it was not having any damage.

K was shocked by this. How could it not have any damage? It is not a rare-ranked Pokemon and the difference between common and uncommon ranked is not that high.

Sandshrew used multiple combos of 'scratch', 'dig' and 'sand attack' but nothing was happening. ' What kind of Pokemon is this' thought K

K had only taught 4 moves to Sandshrew but he didn't want to use the 4th move cause it was very consuming for the Pokemon. But he thought to gave it a try. 'It seems normal and ground type attacks are ineffective. So let's try this' he thought.

"Sandshrew, use 'sand attack' and 'dynamic punch'"

Dynamic punch was a fighting-type move that deals damage and confuses the Pokemon. It had an attack power of 100 and was destructive. K taught this move to Sandshrew cause it would give him more options. So, he used all of his saving and bought a TM of 'dynamic punch' cause Sandshrew will take a lot of time to learn it.

'Sand attack' was used, cause he wanted to lower the accuracy of Shedinja. Sandshrew crumbled his fist, and move at a fast speed, jumped and ruthlessly punched Shedinja on its face. The move was powerful. Shedinja was flown high in the air but it stabilized.

It slowly went down and then flew again at a low height. Seeing his, K was devastated. 'What kind of Pokemon is this?' shouted K in his mind. 'Nothing is doing any harm to it. Is it a legendary Pokemon?' thought K

Axel now had enough of the fun and he decided to end this match now. "Marcus, use 'hypnosis' and then 'Dream eater'"

Sandshrew was already huffing and puffing due to the last move. It could not even dodge and 'hypnosis' made it sleep. Shedinja used 'dream eater' 4 times and its health was already getting low now.

"Marcus, use gust 2 times and end the match". And that is what Shedinja exactly did. After using 'gust' only 1 time. Roman declared Axel as the winner.

"Lie down for now. You did a good job" said Axel in a rude, strict voice. Shedinja nodded and went inside this Shadow again.

"Nice battle. Hey can I ask you something?" asked K. "Yes, go ahead" said Axel.

"Is your Shedinja a legendary Pokemon?" asked K.

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