Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 63 - Another Evolution?

Sorry for the late update as I was busy with my work and was sick too. I will update 3 chapters today, compensating for 2 previous chapters. So enjoy the chapter.


The Aura training book didn't seem too profound. It talked about the history of Aura guardian and how close Pokemons and Humans were in the past. It also mentioned that humans were giants in ancient times with special powers. And one of those special powers was Aura. The instructions were not that hard. Basically, you would have to sit on a meditative pose where the infinity energy was higher like a forest and meditate. There was a couple of breathing exercise and you would have to try to feel the energy around you.

Simple right? But Axel was frustrated. This was basically meditation. And he would have to make a life-changing bet with Adam with this shit! And a person could feel Aura just by meditation? He found that hard to believe. Anyhow, he thought to give it a try.

Of course, nothing happened in a day. He also practiced his sword training with push ups, sit ups and crunches. From today he had decided to train his agility in the agility training field. There were lots of training filed for different purposes. Both for trainers and Pokemons. The training field for trainer cost less than that of Pokemon.

For the agility training field, there were lots of hurdles that he had to pass with great speed. For the strength training, there were a lot of leg exercises and heavy lifting… and so on.

After the agility training, Axel decided to buy TMs for his Pokemons. 'Gravity' and 'bug buzz' for Shedinja, 'Earth quake' for Nidoran and 'dragon claw' for Charmander.

The concept of TM was a bit different than that of anime and games. It's a type of disc that dissolves once you put it on the head of Pokemon. The said Pokemon would collect the data and train itself in the move. And after some time, it would learn it. The Pokemon would not immediately learn the move after getting TM. Besides, there are higher tier TM and lower tier TM. The higher tier had more knowledge about the move than lower tier. It was recommended to first use the lower tier. And after learning the move, you could use higher tier TMs for better mastery.

However, Axel only wanted to buy the lower tier TMs to learn the move. As per his philosophy, Pokemon should work hard to understand the move themselves. Besides he had the system for the help.

TMs didn't cost points but money. TMs were very popular and almost all of the trainers used it. So the production of it was high decreasing its cost. The reason Axel had never used it before was due to less money. And he also didn't want his Pokemons to depend on it.

Kakuna was still on the training field with all its treasures lined up. Axel didn't want to disturb it right now. He could of course tell it to train now, but that would hamper its growth.

And the training continued. Back and forth. It started getting pretty boring after some time, so Axel decided to battle with trainers and do some quest sometimes.

14 days have passed.

All of his Pokemons had learned their moves within 2 days. But it took Marcus 1 more day to learn 'gravity'.

When he first tried it on Shedinja, the disc automatically dissolved within 5 seconds. Axel was excited watching this. Shedinja then closed its eyes and started to comprehend the moves.

On the 7th day,



Ding! Nidoran sp.attack has been upgraded to B


"What!!! Nidoran is going to evolve?. No, not right now" Axel said standing on his feet.



Ding! Extended evolution condition: up till all of its stats are S ranked. Could be evolved at any time


"Yeah, I am going to evolve until all of its stats are S ranked. After all, it is my first Pokemon." Mumbled Axel. However, Axel was shocked. Shocked by Nidoran's dedication to train. Its nature had changed. Now it trained hard like Marcus. But what he didn't know was that Nidoran was in love.

Pokemon POV

"Hey Charmander, do you think that Nidorina likes me too. I could see her starring at me sometimes" said Nidoran. "Yehh… you wish bro. I think you are starting to hallucinate. Did boss's 'dream eater' rubbed upon you?" replied Charmander laughing.

"Hey what is wrong with me? Look at my long ears and pointy claws. Any girls would be head over hills for me"said Nidoran not believing Charmander's thoughts. "Bro, she is an evolved Pokemon. She is much more powerful than you. Why would she date a weak man?" said Charmander.

"Hmmph.. You are just a kid. You don't know. Now watch your big bro getting that s.e.xy Nidorina" said Nidoran moving towards Nidorina

Nidoran was talking about A's Nidorina. It seemed to have a crush on her. So it went talking bold steps, going to have a life changing talk.

"Hey, Nidorina, I love you. Do you want to go on a date with me?" there was a pause for a few seconds. Air and time seemed to have stopped for Nidoran. It could only see Nidorina's ear fluffing in the wind. And then Nidorina said "Hmmph…" like it was releasing air and walked away.

Nidoran seemed to be heartbroken. 5 minutes down the line, Charmander looked to be patting Nidoran's back while Nidoran seemed to be holding tears.

From that day, Nidoran had learned the lesson of life. Nobody gives a shit unless you are powerful. All those lectures of Axel saying it to train hard had hit it even more now. So, it decided to train and show that bitch what it was capable of.

Pokemon POV End

On the 14th day,




" Wow, it is evolving now? No, I want to extend the time" said Axel excitedly.



Ding! Extended evolution condition: up till 40 days: 3 hours: 12 minutes: 15 seconds. Could be evolved at any time


'So I would need more resources huh' thought Axel


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