Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 64 - TMs and eeveelutions

14 days of training had improved Axel and his Pokemon's stat. One of the interesting fact he discovered was, his intellect stat increased to 40 while training his Aura. He still could not feel Aura or manipulate it. His Pokemons too have developed as per his estimation, except for Shedinja.

Granted Shedinja's had low potential, but it was developing very slowly and that was not what he had expected. It trained a lot more than others but the results were sub-par at best. Axel felt bad for Shedinja and the worst part was, he knew the problem but could not solve it.

Unlike his other Pokemons, Shedinja didn't have any food recipe. Shedinja was a hollow Pokemon and it did not eat anything because it didn't need it. So there was no food recipe for Shedinja. He asked this to Mark but he too didn't have any answer for it.

Coming to Mark, the research on Eevee was going well. Axel wanted to introduce to eeveelutions; Espeon and Umbreon. Eevee evolves into those if there is a high friendship and love between the trainer and Eevee. If it evolved on day, it would become Espeon and if it evolved during night, it would be Umbreon. So they selected 2 trainers who had good relations with their Eevees. Just to make sure, they gave food and food recipes relating to psychic energy to the Eevee that was to be evolved to Espeon and food and food recipes relating to dark energy to Eevee that was to be evolved to Umbreon.

After 14 days, Axel and Mark noticed some peculiar changes. Both the Eevees seemed to have more tuned to infinity energy and had some properties of psychic and dark energy. Mark was ecstatic with this discovery. This proved that, they were going to the right direction.

"How did you know that, the friendship and love between the trainer and Eevee would spark something? I mean that is some imagination. Where did you get these stuff?" asked Mark.

Axel had already thought long and hard about this and had already prepared for the answer. He knew Mark would ask this question sometime. "Listening about infinity energy from you, I had something in mind. It seems that infinity energy is not so simple like we thought. I believe it can not only manipulate all types of energies but also the fundamental human relations, i.e. Friendship, love and hate and sorrow.

Friendship and love affects psychic of Pokemon and with the nutrients relating to psychic type and Eevee being more s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e to infinity energy, it is not wonder that we are getting some progress."

"But how about dark energy? If your theory was supposed to be true, don't you think that, a dark type Pokemon should be filled with hate, sadness and loneliness?"

Hearing this, Axel gave dark smile and then replied, "That is where you are wrong. Even if you shower your Pokemon with love; hate, sadness and loneliness will still be in its heart. Didn't you notice something about that Eevee? The 2 trainer are good friends and that Eevee seem to be weak compared to the Eevee we want to evolve into Psychic type. I believe it is filled with hate for that reason and due to its trainer love and support it would evolve into a dark type. Besides, I don't want it to suffer hate and sadness from its trainer. I think it would evolve into some kind of abomination if that happens."

"Yeah, Shadow Pokemon. They are quite an abomination. I have never seen one before but I have heard that they are powerful and evil Pokemons" said Mark. Mark could see Axel was sad when he heard this, but he seemed to be extra sad with this. But he didn't give it much thought and asked again.

"And what it is about one evolving on day and other at night?" "Oh.. that, I just wanted to have some fun. Don't you think that it would be cool if a Pokemon that evolves at night would be a dark type Pokemon. "

They were having celebratory drink with their initial achievements.

On the very next day,



Ding! Evolution conditions have met. Do you want to evolve Charmander now?


"It really is the one who have superior potential" sighed Axel. "No, I don't want to evolve it now"




He had decided the same for Charmander that he had done for Nidoran. He would not evolve it until all of its stats are S. With its high potential, it would grow faster than Nidoran so he was not in a time crunch.

The training was very boring. Axel knew that he was getting stronger but he needed a break. So he talked with the 3 brothers and decided to go on a quest. Axel had already given his Aura book to K and he too had started training on it.

K seemed to be completely different compared to 15 days ago. He was set on getting a Bulbasaur. He would train himself and his Pokemons like Axel. Unlike his lazy brothers, he had dedicated almost all of his time on training. His Pidgey was getting stronger. In fact, Pidgey had even won against his Sandshrew yesterday. It was showing its dominance of higher potential.

The 3 brothers agreed with Axel's request and went to league association. There they found a familiar quest;


Quest: The group of Mankey had been creating an uprising on the south side of the forest. They are now in Venomoth's area. The group consists of 3 Primeape and one of which is a rare ranked Pokemon. Control the Mankey

Reward: 400 points


"Damn those Mankey." Grumbled B. This was tending to be a frequent quest. The Crazies had already dealt with Mankey group, 3 times. This was now the 4th time. "But the reward seem to be a lot higher for it" said A with questioning gaze.

At that time the receptionist replied "Venomonth's area is close to Venusaur's area. We suspect that the group had also fought with Venusaur group as well. Hence the higher reward"

"Why are these Mankey so suicidal? Don't they care about their lives" said A again. Fighting with Venusaur's group was like a death wish. Venusaur are the overlord of the forest as the most powerful Pokemon in the forest was Venusaur.

The group then went on their mission. Axel didn't have to discuss the tactic with the group as they always followed the same tactic while fighting Mankey. A and B would deal with Primeapes, and K and Axel would deal with the group of Mankey. Soon the Crazies reached the place. The battle was on full scale.

The look of Mankey's group seemed serious and m.a.t.u.r.e. Venomoth's group was winning the battle. Mankey were fighting like they were sacrificing their lives for the better tomorrow. Their expression showed like they were some kind of freedom fighters.

While Axel was trying his best to control his laugh, he saw a small green Pokemon. The Pokemon seemed to be tied with rope and had some scratches and bruises on its body. At that moment the Pokemon's eyes also fell into Axel.

It was a small, quadrupedal Pokemon that had blue-green skin with darker patches. It had red eyes with white pupils, pointed, ear-like structures on top of its head, and a short, blunt snout with a wide mouth. A pair of small, pointed teeth were visible in the upper jaw when its mouth was open. Each of its thick legs ended with three sharp claws. On its back was a green plant bulb, which was grown from a seed planted there at birth. The bulb also concealed two slender, tentacle-like vines and provides it with energy through photosynthesis as well as from the nutrient-rich seeds contained within.



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