Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 68 - Increasing Move pool

The first thing he did after waking up, was to buy all the ingredients for the food recipes. Normally, you would expect that a grass-type Pokemon would never eat meat. But you would be surprised that is not the case. Even Bulbasaur would not mind occasional steak. It may prefer vegetarian foods but it could eat meat.

Pidgeotto would prefer to eat Weedle, Caterpie and other small insects. Zubat must be based on vampires cause it prefers blood to any other thing. Scyther also prefers meat. And Slatkoth, now this was the first vegetarian of Bruno's team. It eats grass and leaves. Mind you, it also loves to eat meat. But the reason it doesn't was cause of its nature. It's incredibly lazy to hunt for meat. So it just satisfies itself with grass around it.

The ingredients for Pidgeotto and Scyther mostly consisted of meat, blood for Zubat and a mixture of meat and veggies for Slakoth. Bruno prepared breakfast for him and his Pokemons and then started to get ready for training. He didn't have new instruction from Althea or other seniors as 2 days has not passed, but he didn't want to waste time.

He reached the training field. The field was nothing special like that in Venu family. It was big, had sands and some small patches of grass all around. He threw all this Pokeball and all of them came out. Except for Slakoth who was still sleeping, all of his Pokemons were awake and ready. This was their daily routine. He didn't want to wake Slakoth up now, cause it could only train for 9 hours at its maximum.

He started thinking about his Pokemons and their moves

1. Pidgeotto- whirlwind, gust, wing attack, Bide, Roost, Aerial ace

2. Zubat- Wing attack, confuse ray, swift, toxic, leech life

3. Scyther- Protect, furry cutter, sword dance, frustration, gust, Endure, agility

4. Slakoth- N.A

Most of Pidgeotto moves were of flying type. At first, he didn't give much of a thought to his Pokemons move. He just wanted them to get stronger. But now Bruno had started to think strategically. He would continue Pidgeotto to practice 'gust'. 'Gust' is a basic move for it. This move will train its wings and make it stronger. It would also be useful for its future moves like 'hurricane' or 'ominous wind'. Both of these moves use the same concept of flapping of wings.

For now, Bruno will train it in 'substitute', 'agility' and 'steel wings'. It would give it a lot of defense and variety. He decided that Pidgeotto would not concentrate on 'whirlwind' now as it already had a lot on its plate.

Zubat's move pool was the worst. It was a flying/poison type Pokemon, however, it had only learned toxic as its poison move. Bruno decided to cancel 'swift' in its training plan. As per ancient history books, Zubat were the descendants of Vampire. It loves to drink blood and it hates sun rays. Bruno thought of training it as a vampire. Maybe Zubat could activate its ancient bloodline and be powerful. This had never happened before but it was just his theory. 'Leech life' was its basic move. It normally was a bug-type move but for Zubat it was different. With this move, it would drink the blood of its opponent and increase its Hp by a little. Zubat always used this move after defeating the opponent, cause the mastery of this move was not high.

For now, Zubat would learn 'poison fang', 'Venoshock', 'Nasty Plot' and 'Hypnosis'. Those were the perfect vampire moves he could think of. 'Hypnosis' would make the target, 'poison fang' would let it bite the opponent's neck drinking their blood and badly poisoning the target, 'Venoshock' would drench the target in a special poisonous liquid and the move deals double the damage if the target is poisoned and 'Nasty plot' would stimulate itself by thinking bad thoughts and sharply raises its sp. Attack.

Thinking of Zubat's training plan, he had an evil grin on his face.

Scyther's moves were the most balanced in his team. It was a warrior Pokemon. It was fast, deadly and like a warrior, it never gave up. All its moves reflected its personality. He canceled 'gust' from his mind as its evolved form would not be a fighting type but a steel type. It could still use the move after it evolved but he would not be effective. Besides, Scyther doesn't fly at high altitudes, it just glides low in the air.

Bruno decided to increase its move pool by a massive amount. He decided to add 'X-scissor' for obvious reasons, 'Steel wing' and 'iron head' to increase its steel type moves as its evolved form would be bug/steel type and 'iron defense' for some good backup.

After planning on it, he woke up Slakoth to train all of them. He came to know that, Slakoth knew:

Slakoth- Slack off, Yawn, Play rough and shadow claw.

He had not thought about its training plans he just got it yesterday. But he was surprised that it knew 'play rough'. It was a fairy-type move and anything related to fairy was very rare.

He just gave them their breakfast made from food recipes. It costed him 200 points for all the ingredients. These ingredients would be enough for 2 weeks. And then he started to train them as per their plan.

5 p.m.

It was now time for Althea's little speech in the great hall. It was announced by the speaker and after 15 minutes all of the young people gathered. Bruno noticed that many of them had bruises and some of them were injured. Althea seemed to be angry at them. She once again clapped multiple times until all of them gave their attention and started her speech, "I am really disappointed in you. 5 of you are seriously injured and would surely fail the test. They are now in the infirmary. What did you expect, that this would be the walk in the park? Those are all wild Pokemon. Obviously, they would attack you. 10 of you have passed the test on the first day. And you are already a member of Pride now. For the rest of you, if you even have a brain in your head, use it to think and pass it till tomorrow. If not, you would be in the lowest rank, 'The cleaners'


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