Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 69 - Ranks in Pride

Ranks in Pride

The next day,

Bruno continued to train his Pokemons. Zubat was learning 'Hypnosis', Pidgeotto was practicing 'agility', Scyther with 'X-scissor' and Slakoth was training its moves. The training was going quite well considering that they just started yesterday. The same routine went on for the whole day. After some time, Slakoth took its much-needed rest. It was now 5 p.m. and he was in the great hall again.

Althea started to tell the pass rate of these young people. Now they were young trainers. Only 25 out of 50 had passed the test. 5 of them were seriously injured yesterday, 10 of them were not very capable and the last 10 of them chose Honedge. None of the trainers managed to subdue Honedge. This was quite expected. It may seem quite cool to have a sword-type Pokemon which was considered as a Royal sword for the Kings but it was equally hard to get it. Honedge unlike others doesn't submit due to greed or power. It had an innate ability to know, whether the trainer is right for it. If the trainer didn't have the character of a King or good leadership abilities, it would not follow the trainer.

"Now, the results are in. I am quite disappointed in this batch of youngsters. Only 50% of you passed. You! yes you, What were you thinking choosing Honedge. The name of our organization is Pride, not arrogance. Anyhow, I would like to congratulate those who have passed this test. You are now an official member of Pride. So take pride in it. Your duties and rights would be explained to you. As for those who could not pass the test, don't feel disheartened. We are not heartless to throw you out. You would be in the ranks of 'Cleaners'. But first, let me tell you about the ranks.

They are:

1. Cleaners

2. Member

3. Elite member

4. Executive

5. And Boss.

Cleaners are not an actual members of Pride. They would not have any Pokemon, and would do menial jobs like those of inner guards, cleaning the place and many more. You would get a minimum amount of points for this, and when your points reach 200, you would again be given a chance for this test. If you pass it you would be a member of Pride

Those who passed are now in the 2nd rank, 'Member'. The difference between 'member' and 'elite member' is not much. You could choose a hard mission, make your own team and have a say with 'Executive'.

As for 'executive', there can only be one in each branch. Here, I am the 'executive'

And there can only be 1 boss in the region.

Now as for the rights and duties of members. You would be..."

And she went on and on for an entire hour. There were lots of things about Pride that he found out today. After the speech, all of them disbursed to eat. There was a big canteen where all the members ate. Bruno took his food, found an empty table and started to eat. The news that Bruno became first in the test was already known now, as Althea told it in the speech. When he was eating his food, a couple of boys came to his table to join.

"Hey are you Bruno?" asked the tall one. Bruno stared at them for 10 seconds and said "Yes" and continued eating the food. The boys were already feeling uncomfortable with this situation, but the tall guy continued "Hi, I am Rajesh and this is my friend Subash. We were thinking if you would like to join us in our team"

"What team?" "Hunting team, at least that is what I would like to call it. We are thinking of creating a team to do missions. It would be a lot easier if you would join us. So, what do you say" saying that the boys sat across the table with their trays.

"No" "Huh!!…what? But why? It is a good deal for you" said Subash the small one. "I work alone. I don't like teams and I would also not like to be disturbed while eating. So please" saying that Bruno didn't even look at them and started eating the food.

The 2 boys didn't know what to do and just left Bruno alone with his food on the table. The way they talked by saying 'I would like' or 'we are thinking' made him angry. 'These boys are so innocent. They would be cursed by the world. Where are their dominance and power? They are so useless and weak.' he thought.

Bruno may have changed his thinking about his Pokemons but that didn't apply to humans. He despised who they were at cellular level. His hate for humans was not something that could be explained in words. So why would he team up with them? He had already suffered from almost every human in this world and now he didn't have the heart to turn a new leaf again. Cause he was not stupid.

He knew that it may affect him in the long term and it was not the best way to handle such a situation as humans are social animals and he may need their help at some point. But he didn't care about it. He would be so strong that he would not need anyone. He would be a one-man army. And besides, he would get more points if he worked alone. Pride appreciated those who work alone. It was due to their objective, pride.

As he was eating his food, he heard some talk from the next table. "Hey can I ask what a cleaner is?" "Oh, are you a cleaner?" "Yes" "Dude!! Then you are in for a long ride. Let your big bro tell you about it…."


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