Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 77 - Arrogant Charmeleon

A/N: Hello guys, I am back. I apologize for staying out almost a month but what can I do? I got infected with corona virus. I am Ok now and in full health. what? you thought that I gave up on you guys?

As a bonus, there are 12 chapters that I would be releasing today. So enjoy!


Those 2 'everstones' were for K. All of A's and B's Pokemon had already evolved to their final evolution so there was no need for them. 'Everstone' was rare. Not because of limited supply but it was hardly used. So, not many of them would have a stock of high-quality 'everstone'.

The stone arrived the very next day. Mark seemed to have worked hard on it. It was in a form of a locket just like Axel had imagined. The stone was covered with some bluish crystal. K put those lockets in Shandshrew's and Pidgey's heads. The group had decided to use the bath that Axel had done for Charmander and Nidoran for this theory.

Coming to Charmander, it was close to its evolution. Most of its stats were already A-ranked. But from A to S was difficult to improve. The same thing had happened to Nidoran. The system also mentioned SSS rank before, but it seemed like, S was the maximum rank for the first evolution.

Pokemon POV

Nidorino was showing its awesome evolution to its group. "Nidorino, you have taken your revenge on that Nidorina just as you said. I respect you, bro." Said Charmander. "Yeah, but I didn't mean to hurt her so badly. I feel sorry for her now" replied Nidorino. "Oh, are you in loovveee?" asked Charmander.

While Charmander was teasing his brother, Shedinja intervened "What Nidorino did was not good. But remember Nidorino, hate the sin, not the sinner"

Nidorino nodded its head. Marcus was the one who gave mȧturė advice to the team. So the team always listened to its words.

"Charmander, now only you are the weakest of our group. Evolve fast so you could be stronger like me" said Nidorino. "Yeah, from tomorrow, I will work as hard as I can"

Nidorino, smacked its head. "Ouuch! What gives?" asked Charmander. "Not tomorrow, but from today. You always procrastinate"

Pokemon POV end

Time Skip, 15 days later,

2 months have gone by since Axel first stepped into Venu family. A lot of things have changed since then. Nidoran and Weedle have evolved. Axel had met the trio and Bulbasaur, and research on Eeveelutions was close to completion. Axel had improved, leaps and bounds. But he still could not fully manipulate his aura. He was getting close to it. He liked Venu family but the idea of being a permanent member didn't sit well with him.

As he was having a daydream of his accomplishment, suddenly a system notification disturbed him.



Ding! All of Charmander's stats have reached S rank. Evolution extension condition met. Charmander would evolve in 30 seconds.


Just as the glow disappeared, Axel and the group could hear a roar from a reptilian Pokemon. The roar was frightening but it lacked some essence compared to Nidorino's evolution.

It was a bipedal, reptilian Pokemon. It had dark red scales and a cream underside from the ċhėst down. It had blue eyes and a long snout with a slightly hooked tip. On the back of its head was a single horn-like protrusion. It had relatively long arms with three sharp claws. Its short legs have plantigrade feet with three claws and cream-colored soles. The tip of its long, powerful tail had a flame burning on it.

It was Charmeleon.



Ding! Congratulation, Charmander had evolved


Charmeleon had an arrogant look on its face. It was the side effect of evolution. Axel slowly walked close to it and said with a happy face "Congrats, Charmand… I mean Charmeleon. You have evolved. I know evolution has affected your mental state. But calm down and it will all be ok"

But Charmeleon turned to Axel and gave a huge roar. It then fired a flamethrower towards Axel. The flame went right past him but he knew that it was a warning to stay back.

'I took care of it for the past 3 months, now it is showing its fangs to me? I should teach it a lesson now' thought Axel.

"Charmeleon! Control yourself, otherwise, I would have to teach you a lesson" said Axel with an angry tone. But Charmander started to laugh. In its head, it was the most powerful Pokemon now. That's what evolution does to a Pokemon. Charmander fired another flamethrower towards Axel and this was not a warning shot.

Before anyone could even block it, Gogoat came rushing down and stood in front of Axel. The flames hit Gogoat and dust flew. After the dust settled, everyone could see Gogoat in its full glory without any damage.

A, moved to control the situation as it was way out of hand now. "Stop, let him handle it," said Roman. He was also present today as it was lecture day. "But Axel could get hurt. We should help him" "No, we should let him be. This is something every trainer has to go through. If we help him now, Charmeleon would never respect Axel as a trainer. So sit back and relax for now"

Pokemon POV

"What is the meaning of this Mama? Step aside, I don't want you to get hurt" said Charmander to Gogoat. Since Gogoat was the one who gave its milk to Charmander, Charmander called her 'Mama' and it called Axel 'Father'. Yeah, it was a weird concept. Nobody could understand it.

"The evolution has wreaked your brains, my child. Take a deep breath and see, these are your father and your boss and your friends. Don't you love them?" said Gogoat.

"Haha, you are wrong. Evolution has made me intelligent. For years, I have been treated like a slave and told how weak I am"

"Bro, you are only 3 months old. How could you suffer for years?" said Nidorino.

"Years, months, all are the same thing. Now I am the strongest one here. I challenge the boss for battle. I want his position. Now I will be the boss" declared Charmander.

Nidorino stepped in front of Charmander defending Marcus. Charmeleon had become powerful but it was equally stupid too. It didn't even know that fire type attacks were super effective against Marcus. That is why Nidorino defended Marcus.

"You would have to go through me," said Nidorino. "Haha, the more, the merrier. I don't mind" said Charmander getting ready for battle.

But Marcus came from behind and blocked Nidorino's view and said "It's okay Nidorino. I am not so weak that I could not even handle a small child. Come Charmeleon, let me show you why I am the boss" said Marcus with authority.

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