Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 78 - Marcus VS Charmeleon

Seeing Marcus and Charmeleon ready to fight, Axel was confused. He knew what was going on, Charmeleon had challenged Marcus, but he didn't want them to fight. But Charmeleon's behavior was already out of hand, so he knew that it should be done. So, he steeled his resolve and let it happen. But he could already guess the result of the fight.

And his guess was right.

5 minutes earlier

"I will be the referee of this battle" said Roman. Both of the Pokemons got into their position. They both had arrogant faces like the battle was in their bags. Axel would not be instructing them in battle.

"Let the battle, Begin!!" shouted Roman.

Pokemon POV

Charmeleon immediately used 'dragon dance' to power up itself. Meanwhile, Marcus started running towards few trees. The dragon dance was completed 1 time and it didn't use again. Charmeleon started chasing Marcus. "What happened boss? Already scared? You know, you could just give up the fight." It laughed out loud like it was finally going to have its revenge. It then started using 'flamethrower' over Marcus. None of the moves connected as Marcus was using a combination of 'agility' and 'shadow sneak'.

There were now over 5 trees making a 'V' line pattern and Charmeleon was in the middle of it. By this time, Marcus had already disappeared in the shadows. "Come here and fight. You always called me a child. Now, who is hiding like one?" roared Charmeleon and started using 'flamethrower' all over the place.

It was midday, and the flames added heat in the field. Marcus came from behind and used 'hypnosis' on Charmeleon. But it didn't seem to have any effect on it. Due to the evolution, its body was energized, so 'hypnosis' only seemed to irritate Charmeleon. But Marcus didn't stop. It would come out from one place using ' hypnosis' and disappear. And then it would come out of another place.

The trees may be on 'V' line pattern, but due to midday, the place was covered with shadows. Marcus had purposely run to this place to get the advantage. Charmeleon didn't know about this or maybe it simply didn't care.

It was the most powerful Pokemon now, or so it had thought. But it was unable to even land a single hit. This was making it frustrating.

Charmeleon used 'dragon rush' 3 times and due to the speed of the move with 'dragon dance', Marcus was hit one time. But anyone could have guessed that it did zero damage. Because Marcus was immune to it. This chase and run went for 3 minutes.

"I always told you, child, never to underestimate an opponent. You need to listen more" said Marcus. "Then why are you hiding boss? Fight me face to face" roared Charmeleon. By this time, Charmeleon was huffing and puffing. It had already used 'dragon rush' 3 times and the move consumed a lot of stamina. It may have evolved and improved but the move still made it tired.

"Ok then, let's fight head-on" shouted Marcus showing a fearless expression. Charmeleon came running. Its right-hand claw was glowing and getting bigger now. This was 'dragon claw' that it had learned before. But it fell to the ground. The fall was not natural and Charmeleon was trying its best to get up. It was succeeding slowly.

This move was 'gravity' that Marcus had learned before. Immediately after that, a peculiar sound wave came towards Charmeleon and almost destroyed its eardrum. It was 'bug buzz', Charmeleon had use its hands to cover its ears, but it hurt itself as the 'dragon claw' was still active. Marcus didn't miss this chance and continued using 'bug buzz'. The move affected it more. Marcus would alternate between 'shadow sneak' combined with 'tackle' and 'bug buzz'.

After some time, Charmeleon was almost going to faint. Before it fainted it looked at Marcus. It still could not believe that it was losing. None of its moves were connected or had any damage. 'Maybe that is why he is the boss' it thought. But Marcus said "You have anger and hate in your eyes, but you are still family. And family should live in peace. Because the more you sweat in peace, the less you bleed in war"

Hearing this, Charmeleon finally fainted.

Pokemon POV end

The battle may have looked extremely easy for Marcus, but only it knew how hard it was. Marcus had planned this battle for weeks. Axel had told it, Charmeleon's nature could drastically change after it evolved and it may become arrogant. So, Marcus had deduced that it would directly challenge the boss, a.k.a itself.

So, Marcus had been thinking of Charmeleon's moves and ability and planning its battle. And finally, it had won. If only a single 'flamethrower' among dozens of it had somehow hit it, it would have been a goner.

The battle went exactly as Axel thought. He thought that Charmeleon would lose terribly and it did happen. He noted down all the problems of Charmeleon's training and thought to improve it in later stages.

First, Charmeleon had a habit of using its moves as it was instructed by Axel. So, it never planned its moves. 'Dragon dance' at the beginning was unnecessary. It increased attack and speed. Charmeleon didn't have any direct attack move that could hurt Marcus (it only had ember and flamethrower that could hurt Marcus. Both are sp. Attack moves). And as for speed, Marcus was insanely fast, and the increase in speed was not going to affect it much.

The second thing was Charmeleon's knowledge. It didn't even know that Marcus is immune to dragon-type moves.

The third would be that it was not observant. Marcus purposely led it to the trees where it could use its 'shadow sneak' better.

One of the many strategies which impressed Axel was Marcus using multiple 'hypnosis' in the beginning. It didn't have any direct effect on Charmeleon, as its body was energized with evolution energy but it broke Charmeleon's balance. It had just evolved. Its stats and move powers may have increased but it was not stabilized. It was wild and haywire. And 'hypnosis' just affected its energy balance even more.

Axel was surprised at Charmeleon's stupidity. It used 'dragon rush' 3 times. It was a stamina-draining move and it had no effect on Marcus.

But when Marcus used 'gravity' and put Charmeleon to the ground he knew the game was over. 'Gravity' had now destroyed, the already disturbed energy balance of Charmeleon. 'Bug buzz' was just the cherry on top. It had further contributed to energy imbalance. And before he knew it the game was over.

This battle was not like a battle of equal, or battle of a powerful monster and a smart one or even like a rookie with experienced. This battle was like a battle of a mortal against a god. The difference between them was like heaven and earth. Like a son and father when it came to the matter of sėx. Or like a frog in a well with an eagle in the sky.

Charmeleon was not very hurt. It just needed to cool down for some time and take some rest.

But this was the first battle that Charmeleon ever lost.

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