Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 81 - A Shiny Evolution

Time Skip, after 5 days,

Today was the day, Kakuna would evolve. It was going to happen in 2 hours, so Axel was excited. He would have another powerful uncommon Pokemon in his team.

However, relating to successful research on eeveelution, he was disappointed. When Axel asked what are the benefits that he would receive, the answer was None. At least not now.

5 days before,

"None!!, what do you mean none? We worked so hard for this and now you are saying we cannot get any benefits?" raged Axel. "When I say none, I don't mean we would not get anything. It is just that it would not be now. Our research is still not complete. We have found 2 new evolutions but there are a lot of things to do first"

"And what are those things?" "First of all we have to prove it" "But we already proved it by evolving them!" "I mean we have to prove it on paper. I have to formally write a paper and present it to the league. Then the league would investigate if our research is true. Then we would get the benefits"

"Ohh, and what benefits we would get?" "That I don't know" "What? But how can you not know?" "This is the first research of mine that is being sent to the league. And the internal things like getting the benefit have never been revealed to the public. But don't worry, we would get some rewards. Venu family would also give you a reward. What is it? I don't know. But I except a lot of points, some rare materials to your liking."

"So, how much time do we need to write the paper?" asked Axel. "We have documented most of our things, so I expect around a week. I know you are busy, so I would do it myself"

"Why do we need a week for that? Can we finish it in a day?" asked Axel. "Axel, we have to write a perfect paper with no mistakes. There may be some hidden things that could get us in trouble if we write it causally. So I think we need to check it and recheck it multiple times before we finalize our paper"


As per Mark's estimate, the whole process would take almost a month. So now he had nothing to do in the research field. The group was in Kakuna's training field watching it closely. As per Axel's 'feeling', Kakuna would evolve today at any moment. And almost all of Axel's 'feeling' come true. So they were excited, especially A. He was the one who had given Axel multiple advice on training Beedrill.

Many trainers are not so fond of Bug-type Pokemon. There were many reasons for it. First of all, the Pokemons were bug-type so most of the trainers find them ugly. And the most important reason would be the bug-type Pokemon itself. They considered the Bug type to be the weakest Pokemon typing.

Of course, it was wrong. This seemed to be like a trend. The older generation never thought that bug types were weak. Axel didn't know how this prejudice spread. But any prejudice, like asians cannot drive or canadians are afraid of the dark, this also must have spread through rumor.

But he was going to show the world how powerful a bug type Pokemon could be.

While he was thinking about it, He heard the 'ding!' sound of the system



Ding! Evolution extension condition has been met. Kakuna would start to evolve in 30 seconds


Axel went near to Kakuna and stared at it. Kakuna was normally 2 feet in height. But his Kakuna was almost 6 feet. Even Mark had said that this is the biggest Kakuna he had ever seen. So he was excited about how powerful it would become after it evolved into Beedrill.

A colorful combination of green and purple glow surrounded Kakuna. The glow was extremely bright and beautiful. Slowly the glow extended to a massive height. From 6 feet to 7 feet, then 8,9….. And finally to 11 feet. The glow slowly dimmed as if all the colors were being devoured by the Pokemon inside. And then the glow sparkled enough for the group to close their eyes and then it vanished.

The evolution took almost a minute. And the group could hear a huge buzzing sound from the Pokemon.

It was a Pokemon that mostly resembled a bipedal, green wasp; however, it only had four legs instead of six and lacks pigmented pigs. Its head was round with a slightly pointed mouth, large, blue eyes, and grey antennae with a sharp bend in the middle. Its forelegs were tipped with long, conical stingers. It stood on its other two legs, which were long, segmented, and insectoid in shape. It had two pairs of rounded, veined wings, and another stinger on its green-and-black striped abdomen.

It was Beedrill. A shiny Beedrill.

Beedrill seemed to be closing its eyes, as the evolution energy seemed to be too huge for it to handle. It didn't want to hurt others but due to the huge amount of energy, it got suddenly it started lashing out randomly. The group stayed back, with Axel trying to pacify it. Nidorino was ready to subdue it if it went out of hand. Axel had learned his lesson with Charmeleon. So he had instructed Nidorino to handle these situations.

After 5 minutes, it was slowly gaining control over it.

It took almost 15 minutes for Beedrill to be normal. Axel was surprised by its control. Normally a Pokemon would start to get arrogant when it evolved. Beedrill had consumed a lot of resources and energy from the environment around. So, Axel had excepted to its post evolution to go disastrously wrong. But Beedrill held it in.

As for Beedrill, Axel gave it a new life, new friends, and family. The respect and love it had for Axel were sky-high. Axel had already told it about the evolution of Nidorino and Charmeleon. So, it tried its best to control and it had succeeded.

Now, Axel had 3 Pokemon who were uncommon ranked. Things would get interesting from now on.

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