Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 82 - Beedrill



Pokemon's name :- Beedrill (Age- 5 months)

Pokemon Nickname :- None

Ability :- Swarm*

Hidden ability :- Sniper*

Potential :- Purple*

Health :- 350/350

Attack :- F Agility :- F

Defense :- F Sp. Atk :- F

Sp. Def :- F

Moves: Poison Sting (Lvl 6)*, String Shot (Lvl 4), Bug Bite (Lvl 4)*, Electroweb(Lvl 2), Harden (Lvl 10 max)*


Beedrill had become a fine Pokemon. The thing that surprised Axel was its potential. Its potential had increased from 'Red' to 'Purple'. Beedrill did took a lot of resources and the surrounding was ideal for it. But he was happy about it nonetheless.

Its ability changed from 'Shed skin' to 'Swarm' and it gained a new hidden ability 'Sniper'. 'Swarm' increased the power of its buy type moves by 50% when its health decreased bellow third of its maximum. Since it just gained this ability, Axel didn't expect the power to be increased by 50%. If it was 10% now, Axel would be happy.

As for Sniper, it increased the power of critical hits by 2 times and also increased critical hit ratio. In games, sniper didn't increase critical hit ratio but in real life it did. This means a critical hit would deal 3 times normal damage.

What made Axel really happy was that both of those abilities were unlocked. So, he could train Beedrill on those abilities instantly. Axel reminded himself to make a training plan to train his Pokemons ability as he had not done so in the past.

Besides ability, potential and Beedrill's size, all the other factors of Beedrill made Axel disappointed. All of its stats were F-ranked as expected. But Axel knew that Beedrill's stats were far lower than Nidorino. This was because none of Beedrill's stats were S ranked before its evolution. Axel could not do anything about it as the evolution extended condition of Beedrill was different from Nidorino and Charmeleon.

The final thing that Beedrill lacked the most was move mastery. Since it was on the evolution process for so long, Beedrill didn't have any time to master its moves. It had great potential and was already an uncommon ranked Pokemon, but training in moves and battle strategy took time. It took Nidorino 3-4 months of constant training to be what it is now.

However, Axel calmed down and thought long and hard. If it takes time, he would not mind. Beedrill may be late compared to its peers but it had its competitive advantage. Axel had already thought of a training plan for Beedrill and he would start it by tomorrow. Today, it needed to stabilize its evolution energy.

There were many additional moves he wanted Beedrill to master. Beedrill is a fast Pokemon with good attack power. That was what he always imagined. He wanted Beedrill to have a high speed with critical attack power.

So, he decided that Beedrill would focus on these things:

1. Electroweb: It is an electric type move that would be effective against flying and water type Pokemon. Especially, flying type Pokemon. It also decreased the speed of the target which was a nice bonus for a high-speed Pokemon like Beedrill.

2: Poison jab: It dealt damage and had a chance to poison the target. 'Sludge bomb' also had the same effect with better damage percentage but Axel chose poison jab. Axel wanted Beedrill to be a close combat fighter and poison jab fits the bill. Poisoning its target with its drill would be deadly.

3. Fell Stinger: It was a bug type, physical move. Beedrill attacks would dramatically rise if it knocks the target with this move. It was a perfect counter for psychic type as psychic Pokemon normally had a low physical defense. All in all, this move was a combination of support type (For increase in attack) and physical damage type

4. Roost: Though Beedrill would have high speed, it may receive damage since Axel thought to train it in close combat. That is where Roost comes in. The description of Roost was different from games. It did increase user's health by half (if mastered fully) but after the effect vanishes, it would have a severe weakness for the user for a certain time. That is why trainers normally didn't train their Pokemon in this move. But Axel wanted to train it. Because if it is mastered, the weakness would have a negligible effect on the user. However, it takes a long time for this move to master as Roost is a complicated move.

5. Drill run: Drill run is a ground type move that increases critical hit ratio. The user crashes into its target while rotating its body like a drill. For any other Pokemon, it would be a normal move with many disadvantages. However, Beedrill was different. This would be the most powerful move of Beedrill among these 5 moves that Axel wished to train it.

Why? In normal cases, a Pokemon would have to literally rotate its body like a drill and smash the target. This had many disadvantages. A drill, any drill would move on a straight line, so the Pokemon would have to sacrifice its flexibility. If the opponent dodged it and counters it from another side, it would be venerable. However, it was different for Beedrill. Since it had 'drill' on its name, it didn't need to rotate its whole body for the attack. It only needed to rotate its 2 pointy drills to stab the target. Thus not sacrificing its flexibility.

When using drill run, its critical hit ratio would increase. Since Beedrill has a hidden ability 'Sniper' which increases critical hit ratio and damage on critical hit by 2 times, Drill run would be a monstrous move. As per Axel calculation, if Beedrill mastered drill run and sniper, then the chances of drill run having a critical hit would be 90%. This is what makes Beedrill's drill run a broken move if it is mastered fully. And sniper also increased normal damage by 3 times if it hit the move critically.

As per games, drill run has 80 attack power. So a fully Drill run and sniper mastered Beedrill could deal 240 damage to the opponent which makes this move pretty broken. Of course, attack power could not be quantified in real life as it depends on various factors like body stats, mastery and many more.

And the final reason what makes Drill run an OP move is, it is super effective against, poison, rock, steel, fire and electric type Pokemon.

Beedrill is weak against flying, rock, fire and psychic type. This move is effective against 2 of the 4 weaknesses of Beedrill. Fell Stringer and Electroweb handled the other 2 weaknesses.

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