Pokemon - A Real Story

Chapter 83 - Aura Unlocked

The place was surrounded by lush grass, trees. The sound of Pidgey chirping could be heard from the trees. Right across the tree, a boy with light silver hair up to his shoulders to be seen, cross-legged, meditating with his eyes closed.

He was so deep in the meditation that he had almost become part of nature. Normal people would not have notice him if they didn't look carefully. This boy's name was Axel Blaze.

Axel had been doing this routine for more than 2 months now. He was is Aura training time. But after some time, something peculiar happened, that gave a smile to Axel's face. He could slowly sense the surroundings; the trees, the flowing grass, small pebbles on the ground and also a number of Pidgey on top of those trees.

When he focused on a particular Pidgey, he could feel its life force, its infinity energy inside it, and also it's feeling. The Pidgey seemed relaxed and lazy with no immediate tension inside its head. Axel could know what that Pidgey was feeling. Slowly he opened his eyes and tried to be normal.

Axel had finally learned Aura.



Ding! Congratulations, you have learned Aura (Initial mastery). Aura tabbed has been unlocked.

Ding! A new active ability is learned, 'Aura sense'. You could now sense the surroundings and feel if the Pokemon is hostile or not.

Ding! A huge achievement. Your intellect has increased by 20

Ding! Your passive skill Identify has leveled up by 1


Axel was shocked when looking at the notification. He had finally learned an active skill. There are many uses of aura like reading minds and preventing mind control, but he believed that he would learn it at the later stages.

He was right with his intellect stats. Intellect had stopped increasing after reaching a certain threshold so he guessed that it would increase after he learned Aura.

Leveling up 'Identify' was a nice bonus. Since he learned Aura, his sensing capabilities have increased, thus leveling his 'identify' skill.

He had finally learned Aura, so, now he didn't have to be a permanent member of Venu family. He had also fulfilled his second last condition of getting a Bulbasaur. Now, he only needed approval from the leader of Venusaur, it's family and the Pokemon itself.

That day, the group had a huge party. Elder Adam and Mark, with the 3 brothers were invited.

Now only 5 days were left before he left Venu family.

Over these 3 months, he had been very attached to Venu family. Its guards, elders, the 3 brothers, training fields, and the forest have now become a part of his life now.

Axel was now comfortable with this. But he knew he had to change this lifestyle and go outside to explore the world.

Another good news would be Mark submitting their research paper to the league. It was been done 2 weeks ago and the league had approved their research field.

Axel may not know the ripple that was caused by these research papers, but the league was shocked. This was 2 new evolution of Eevee and the head researcher was not even 14 years old. Axel research has yet not been published on the public platform. It would be done after the league rewarded Axel for his appreciable work.


As Axel was celebrating his achievement, he felt a tap on his shoulder. Axel turned around and found elder Adam smiling. Axel was a bit shocked by this sudden encounter.

Axel had learned 'Aura sense' but he still could not sense elder Adam right behind him. 'Seems like Aura could also hide your sense' Axel thought.

"Good morning elder Adam" Axel greeted with a smile. "You have become quite a celebrity, huh Axel. The leader wants to see you now" said Adam.

"The leader wants to see me? But for what reason?" "Oh, I don't know. Maybe she wants to reward you for your research. You have done a great service to Venu family. Venu family's influence would rapidly increase with your work. So, don't hesitate to ask for a better reward."

"Oh, thanks elder Adam"

"Mention not. But don't tell the leader I told you this. The leader would kill me." said Adam with a low voice.

"Haha, ok." "Come on, I will escort you to the leader's house"

Axel and Adam walked to the leader's house laughing and talking about their daily life.

This was the 3rd time he would be meeting the leader. The first 2 times were when he decided to join the Venu family.

He had met the leader in the meeting hall not in her house. So this would be the first time he would be meeting her in her house.

Unlike what Axel had imagined, the leader's house was ordinary like any other members of Venu family. There were 5 colonies in Venu family, with 5 different designs. So, houses in one colony would have the same design.

The leader's house was 3 stories tall, with a small garden with a dark green and purple gate.

Axel and Adam entered the house and greeted the leader. The leader seemed to be a single mom. Her husband had died in battle. She had 2 siblings, a son and a daughter. The son was around Axel's age and a good trainer.

After serving tea and exchanging pleasantries, Angela (the leader) said "Axel, Adam may have already told you why I called you here today"

"Yes, it is about the rewards," said Axel. "And to give my heartfelt gratitude for your service" added Angela with a smile.

"I don't think you know the impact you have made in the world. Discovering 2 new evolutions is a phenomenal achievement. Your research has not been published to the public yet, but after it does, you would be famous, very famous.

With this Venu family would step up the ladder and come out of its cocoon like a Butterfree. This is the first influence that the family would have, and a huge one. The resources Venu family would get, the trading business of the family, the impact of the family in the region and in the world would be on the next level.

Kanto region had always dominated other 7 regions and your research would cement that position now.

You should give yourself some credit."

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