Lin Wen's eyes swept across the contents of the file on the communication device, and his eyes gradually lit up!

Soon, he read the contents of the entire document, and then raised his head.

As soon as he looked up, he saw the staring gazes of Meng Ye Mao and Qian Xia on the opposite side of him. Anticipation and doubts flickered in their eyes, and they were obviously waiting for his explanation!

Lin Wen smiled lightly, and then handed the communication device in his hand to Qianxia and the cute night cat, and said, "Let's see for yourself."

The two girls had been waiting impatiently for a long time. After Lin Wen handed over the communication device, they immediately lowered their heads to check!

Soon, the two of them scanned the entire contents of the document and raised their heads.

Afterwards, both of them showed quite excited faces.

"Brother Yangyan... This is most likely the location of the Frost Ruins!"

"That's right!" Qian Xia said from the side: "Here, it is very likely that the Frost Ruins are located!"

Lin Wen nodded lightly.

"I think so too," he said.

This information, which was purchased by the Lingxi Guild at a high price, was discovered by a professional climber!

In the age of elves, there are many players who pursue the strength of combat power and insist on cultivating various powerful elves, but at the same time, there are also many players who do not want to drink alcohol to join in!

For example, some players join because of the beautiful environment in the wizard century. Therefore, in the wizard century, there are also life players!

This professional climber is a real rock climbing enthusiast. When he came to the Elf Century, he challenged the famous mountains in the Elf world!

In this information, this professional climber accidentally fell into a place full of Pokemon while climbing Tianguan Mountain, was attacked by countless elves, and was sent back to the city for free!

This doesn't seem to be a problem, it's a normal thing, but it's not a small discovery for Lin Wen, the cute night cat, and Qian Xia, who have meticulously studied the Elf Century!

Everyone can see the deep meaning of it!

In the elf century, there are special life players and tourist players, and these life players and tourist players are generally not attacked by elves!

In the face of these players, the elves generally do not take the initiative to attack!

But now, this climber, after falling into the place full of Pokémon, was attacked by the elf!

In this case, there is generally only one possibility!

The place where he fell is likely to be said by those elves, or there is something important there that is worth guarding by these elves!

Only in this way, these little elves will take the initiative to attack when facing professional climbers!

After reading the information, Lin Wen immediately thought of these!

Obviously, the cute night cat and Qianxia also thought of this, so they were looking forward to it!

"In that case... Brother Yang Yan, let's set off immediately!"

The cute night cat said first, she is also a short-tempered person, she is fine when she has no information, and now that she has a more accurate target, she naturally issued a proposal for action immediately!

Lin Wen and Qian Xia looked at each other, and without any hesitation, agreed directly!

In the report of this professional climber, he clearly explained his route location at that time, providing enough information for Lin Wen and the others!

After a detailed discussion, the three of Lin Wen immediately took action!

Several people left the City of Fate directly and headed towards Tianguan Mountain!

The location of Yuanzhi City is not far from Tianguan Mountain, which is why Lin Wen initially chose to gather in Yuanzhi City. Now, on the way to Tianguan Mountain, he has already arrived at Tianguan Mountain with extremely fast speed. at the foot of the mountain! .

Chapter 1046 Elves Accompanying

Looking around, the entire area of ​​Tianguan Mountain can be described as extremely huge!

Here, it is equivalent to Mount Everest in reality. It is eye-catching. It divides the entire Shenno area into two sections. It can be said to be a very huge mountain range!

at this time!

At the foot of Tianguan Mountain, you can also see the figure of the player!

The elf resources here are very rich, so it has attracted many players to come-!

However, they obviously did not expect that Lin Wen, who had just won the double champion of the Carnival Competition, would come here with the cute night cat and Qianxia, ​​the three celebrities, so they did not bet too much on the three of Lin Wen – yqqlm !

After all, none of their signature sprites have been released, and their strength has not been revealed. In this case, players in places like the Shenao area will subconsciously ignore Lin Wen and others!

After all, the three of Lin Wen are from the Guandu area, and their popularity in the Shenao area depends entirely on the rumors of previous battles. Compared with the local players here, their reputation is undoubtedly worse.

The three of them are also happy and comfortable, otherwise, if the news of the three of them coming to Tianguan Mountain comes out, then how much trouble they might encounter!


After arriving at the foot of the mountain, Lin Wen, the cute night cat, and Qianxia officially started to follow the mountain road to the top!

The topography of Tianguan Mountain is complex, and the road up the mountain is also very difficult, so the speed of several people is not fast!

The road is rough!

At the beginning, the three of Lin Wen could still see the figures of some other players from the surroundings, but as time went by, the distance of the three of them accelerated, and there were fewer and fewer figures of other players around!

Tianguan Mountain is a very rugged and large mountain range with difficult roads and difficult climbing process. Therefore, although it attracts many players who are full of challenges, many players who want to challenge the limit come here, but in the same way, come here Ordinary players are also very rare!

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