"Oh." Qianxia nodded lightly.

Although the relationship between the two is not very close, but as strong female players, there is a natural sense of intimacy, and since they have known each other, there is no sense of strangeness between the two at all. !

Just after Qianxia passed, the cute night cat excitedly patted the seat next to him, and then said, "Sister Qianxia, ​​you sit here!"

Qianxia smiled, then shook her head and sat down beside the cute night cat.

"I thought this mission would be very boring."

After Qianxia sat down, the cute night cat said: "But it will be very interesting to have Sister Qianxia, ​​you come to participate."

Qianxia pursed her lips and shook her head, and said, "No way."

"Why not."

The cute night cat obviously has a tendency to talk: "Sister Qianxia is so beautiful, just looking at it is very pleasing to the eye, how can this task be boring?"

The two have known each other before, although they are not familiar with each other, but at this time, the cuteness of the cute night cat has allowed the little night cat to take the initiative, and Qianxia has become the one to be attacked.


Lin Wen sat opposite the two of them, watching the two of them chatting very happily, and watching the little lucky star, the cute night cat, he finally gained some confidence in this mission!

You must know that although Lin Wen's lucky value is innate and looks very lucky, he has always felt that in some perspectives, the cute night cat is never inferior to him!

Otherwise, ordinary players, who can easily discover a hidden map like Meteor Lake and enter it very easily?

Lin Wen followed the cute night cat, but gained a lot of benefits in Meteor Lake!The strength has improved a lot!

Under such circumstances, Lin Wen felt that the luck of the cute night cat must not be inferior to his own in some respects!An absolute little lucky star!

Seeing Zhenghuan who was talking between the two girls opposite, Lin Wen coughed twice, interrupting their conversation.

cough cough.

With the sound of two light coughs, the eyes of the two girls opposite all turned to Lin Wen.There was a look of questioning in his eyes.

"."Since our people are all together." Lin Wen said, "Then...it's time to discuss this mission!"

The cute night cat and Qianxia sat next to each other, while Lin Wen sat opposite.

Afterwards, the three discussed the situation on Tianguan Mountain!

Because after receiving the invitation from Lin Wen before, they knew that the location of this raid is a hidden area on Tianguan Mountain, and both of them obviously collected relevant information about (Wang Qianzhao) during the process!

Qianxia and the cute night cat, each of whom can be regarded as high-end players in the game, will naturally be very prepared for these tasks!

After hearing Lin Wen's question, the cute night cat said, "Brother Yang Yan, where are you going to start?"

After thinking about it carefully, Lin Wen opened his mouth and narrated the information he had collected.

Most of the information that Lin Wen collected himself was collected from forums, and most of the information was obtained by former players after exploring Tianguan Mountain!

On the official forum, there are a lot of exploration notes related to Tianguan Mountain. The frost remains on Tianguan Mountain are not known to many players, so it has also caused the crazy exploration of countless players.

And Lin Wen got some information about Tianguan Mountain from it! .

Chapter 1045 Looking for Frost Ruins

Some players believe that the location of the Frost Relic is at the peak of Tianguan Mountain!


Because there is a time-space distortion of Dialuka or Palkia on the spear post on Tianguan Mountain, no one can go in at all!

Lin Wen briefly explained the information he had collected in the past two days to the cute night cat and Qian Xia.

Soon, he will be finished!

After Lin Wen finished speaking, Meng Ye Cat and Qian Xia did not hesitate, and directly collected the relevant information they found when they came to the Shenao area!

Soon, the three of them have finished sharing the information!

However, after the three of them finished sharing the information, they couldn't help but glance at each other, and then fell silent!


Most of the data collected by the three are similar!They all know about the same. They know the existence of the Frost Relic, and they know that it is on Tianguan Mountain. However, none of the three people know where the Frost Relic is on Tianguan Mountain!

After all, most of the information about the three people was collected from forums, so the information collected was similar, basically similar.

In this case, the three of them are a bit out of luck!

The frost ruins on Tianguan Mountain are known to many players, but no one has really entered it so far. The difficulty of finding the ruins is undoubtedly very difficult!

Just when the three were silent, Lin Wen's mind flashed, and then he took out his communication device from his backpack.

The cute night cat on the opposite side has been observing Lin Wen's movements. He was stunned when he saw that Lin Wen actually took out a communication device, and then said, "Brother Yang Yan, what are you doing?"

Lin Wen did not answer, but directly opened a document!

The communication devices in Spirit Century are still very rich in functions, not only for real-time contact, but also for sending messages, etc. The functions are very complete!

Before, Ling Feng contacted the Heart of Yang Yan and said that the information that the guild purchased at a high price was sent through communication equipment!

After taking out the communication device, Lin Wen directly clicked into the document and looked down.

The cute night cat and Qian Xia on the opposite side seemed to have realized something, and they also passed their eyes over, waiting for Lin Wen to speak.

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