And the most important point!

From the very beginning, Qianxia and Lin Wen explored the tree of the beginning of the world together. The two of them can be said to have a certain friendship and a good relationship.

And the cute night cat, not to mention!

When the two first met, they entered the Meteor Lake together. Later, in the Dragon Royal Trial in the Chengdu area, the two fought side by side, and their friendship was very deep!

At the beginning, Lin Wen also thought about pulling Lin Qi to come together, but finally decided that the environment of Tianguan Mountain was too hard, so it was not implemented in the end.

Long before he came to the Shenao area, Lin Wen contacted the two of them and told them what he was going to do to the hidden area of ​​Tianguan Mountain!

The relationship between Qianxia and the cute night cat and Lin Wen, whether in terms of friendship or strength, the two of them would not refuse, and naturally agreed with them!

The reason why Lin Wen did not go directly to Tianguan Mountain the first time he came to the City of Fate was to wait for the arrival of the two of them.

Just as Lin Wen carefully studied the information about Tianguan Mountain and quietly waited for the arrival of his two little assistants, the communication equipment suddenly rang!

Lin Wen took out the 123 communication device and saw that the name displayed above was Ling Feng!

Lin Wen smiled. Before coming to the Shenao area, Lin Wen had contacted Lingfeng and wanted the guild to help collect information about the hidden areas of Tianguan Mountain. Now, seeing that Lingfeng took the initiative to contact him in such a short period of time. He, then!It is very likely that something has been gained!

Thinking of this, Lin Wen immediately connected the communication.

"Brother Yang Yan."

As soon as the phone was connected, Ling Feng's hearty voice came over: "You asked me to live up to your expectations, and successfully found a piece of relevant information, and I will send him to you."

Lin Wen nodded lightly, and then said, "Thank you."

There was Ling Feng's hearty voice from the opposite side: "What else can I say thank you."

After speaking, Ling Feng took the lead: "I still have things to deal with, so I won't tell you."

Lin Wen hummed softly.

Then, the communication was hung up.

At the same time, the communication equipment received an intelligence.

Lin Wen didn't check it immediately, because the cute night cat and Qianxia were already coming, Lin Wen was going to wait for the three to check the information together! .

Chapter 1044 Expedition Team

Time goes by!

Lin Wen had already told the two of them where Lin Wen was, and when two hours had passed, the first team member finally arrived!

Cute night cat!

This little girl was very active. Following the location that Lin Wen told in advance, she came to a restaurant that Lin Wen had chosen to meet temporarily, and strode in directly.

The big eyes keenly noticed Lin Wen who was looking down at the information on the side of the restaurant. The cute night cat walked over. Before and after Lin tattoo, he suddenly raised the volume and said, "Brother Yang Yan!"

Lin Wen was taken aback!

After subconsciously raising his head, he realized that it was the naughty little girl, the cute night cat. Lin Wen couldn't help showing a smile that was both helpless and funny, and said, "You're here."


The cute night cat nodded lightly, and then smiled: "I came to the Shenao area as soon as I received your communication."

The two looked at each other with a knowing smile.

"You sit first." Lin Wen pointed to the seat opposite him: "We still have a teammate. It is estimated that he will be there soon."

"There's another teammate?" The cute night cat was stunned. In the communication, she hadn't heard Lin Wen mention it.

Later, the cute night cat came back to his senses and asked, "Brother Yangyan, who is it?"


Just as Lin Wen was about to answer, he saw a figure appearing at the entrance of the restaurant. He immediately smiled and said to Little Night Cat, "She's here."

When the cute night cat heard the words, he followed Lin Wen's gaze and looked to the other side.

At first glance, the cute night cat saw Qianxia's figure!

"It's Sister Qianxia!" Xiaoye Mao said.

The two of them knew each other!

Both are very well-known female players in the game, and the two women have long known each other!

Not to mention, because they both knew Lin Wen, when the two of them were in the player's seat, they had also communicated with each other. It could be said that they both had a certain understanding of each other!

"Sister Qianxia.〃!"

After seeing Qianxia's figure clearly, Little Night Cat immediately shouted!

the other side.

After Qianxia entered the restaurant, she was looking left and right. Now that she heard the sound, she turned her head and saw Lin Wen and the cute night cat sitting together.

Qianxia also showed a rather surprised look on her face, and then quickly walked towards here, looked at the cute night cat and said, "Little night cat, are you here too?"

"Of course." Duomeng Night Cat replied, "I have also done a mission with Brother Yang Yan before, but this time he directly contacted me."

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