It tried very hard to climb out from the suppression of the trees, but it was very laborious. The frost severely hindered its mobility, and it tried several times without success!

Right at this time!

I saw a flash of ice blue light!

A figure suddenly jumped up, and then, slammed into the body of the big steel snake!


At the moment when the two collided, a huge sound came out!


I heard a tragic howl of the big steel snake!

At the moment when the ice elf hit the big steel snake, powerful ice energy burst out, causing great damage to the big steel snake!

The ice elf that has absorbed the ice crystal core of Tianguan Mountain has reached the top of the leader-level elf in strength. In this case, the big steel snake is not its opponent, it is almost inevitable!

If it weren't for the steel elf, the defense is very powerful, and the ice elf probably wouldn't have to entangle with it for so long!

At this time, the ice elf finally came to launch the most thunderous blow on the big steel snake!

When the power of the ice charge broke out, the floating ice blade suspended beside the ice elf on the other side also acted on the big steel snake in turn, causing damage to it again and again!

at the same time!

And the skills that the ice elf used before the battle!

Frozen aura!

(Li De's) You must know that this is an upgraded version of the frost aura. Compared with the frost aura, its effect is more powerful, and the damage is also increased a lot!

The frozen aura can be said to cause damage to the enemy elf shrouded in it every once in a while!

At this moment, at the moment when the ice elf bombarded the big steel snake, it was just in time for the damage burst of the frozen aura!

In this case, the big steel snake was severely damaged in an instant!

Almost without any resistance, the big steel snake lost its fighting ability directly, and at the same time, it also declared the victory of the ice elf in this battle!

Victory without injury!

Facing the ice elf with a flexible body, the big steel snake had no way to do anything at all, without causing any damage to it, it was directly defeated! .

Chapter 1050 New Encounters

The poor big steel snake had been attacked by the frozen aura all the time, at the same time, it was bombarded by the ice flashing skill like a machine gun, and finally, because of its own attack, it was flashed by the ice elf and hit the big tree. Above, suffered two damages in succession!

At this time, even if the defense of the big steel snake is very amazing, it has reached a limit!

And under this circumstance, the last wave of the ice elves' offensive came brazenly.

The damage burst for three consecutive stages, and the big steel snake was taken away in one breath!


The ice elf stood beside the big steel snake, watching the huge body of the big steel snake fall to the ground, its body proudly, standing in place!

Qianxia and the cute night cat have been watching the battle. At this time, when the battle is over, the ice elf successfully defeated the big steel snake without taking any damage. Qianxia is okay, after all, her temperament is more restrained, but she just showed a smile. Talking, but the cute night cat doesn't have so many scruples, and directly shouted excitedly: "Ice Elf, great! You are really good!"

The ice elf's eyes fell on the 680 cute night cat, and he also revealed a rather cute scene.

Lin Wen turned his gaze and landed on Qianxia and the cute night cat, and then said, "Let's go, let's move on."

Afterwards, Qianxia and the cute night cat nodded!

Then, the three moved on!

After the first journey, at this time, the journey of Tianguan Mountain has become very difficult. There is no real road to be found between the mountain peaks, and it can only be left to players to explore by themselves!

However, to be able to become such powerful high-end players, the personal qualities of Qianxia and Duomeng Yemao are not bad at all. Therefore, without any hindrance to the forest pattern, the speed of the three of them is almost the same, and they are climbing towards the peak of Tianguan Mountain. on!

At this time, there are almost no other players around, and only two vague figures can be seen in the distance!

The difficulty of climbing Tianguan Mountain is really high. Therefore, except for some players who come here with a heart of challenge, few ordinary players will choose to come here. Therefore, (bjaf) The three of them climbed a distance in Linwen. Afterwards, as their height rises, there will naturally be fewer and fewer other players that can be seen around!

This is something that has long been expected.

Three people, three elves along the rugged mountain road, continue to move up!

Just as they were advancing, an attack suddenly came from the front!

A ray of light that flickered like a gem, suddenly bombarded the sun elf!

Power Gem!

This attack is a power gem attack!

Lin Wen and the others kept their eyes fixed on the front, and the moment the attack came, they had already discovered it!

Then, Qianxia reacted in an instant!

"Sun Elf, dodge!"

Following Qianxia's commanding voice, the sun elf's body suddenly turned around, and the elf's alertness made it aware of the presence of the attack one step ahead. Don't be in a hurry, easily dodged the attack!

The sun elf dodged from the spot!

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