At the other end, the power gems attacked!

The light flashing with dazzling rays of light suddenly bombarded the position where the sun elf was just now!


Accompanied by the intense explosion sound, the light suddenly burst in place, causing unimaginable damage to the place!

The gravel splashed, and a pothole appeared in place!

The eyes of the three of Lin Wen fell silent here, then raised their heads and looked in the direction of the attack!

Not only them, but the three elves, the ice elves and the sun elves, also set their sights on the past!

Then, they saw the initiator of this attack!

That's one!Big nose to the north!

A very common elf on Tianguan Mountain!

Because of the strange electromagnetic waves on Tianguan Mountain, there are quite a lot of elves like Dachai Beibi and the self-exploding magnetic monster. Therefore, they are not surprised when they encounter such an elves!

Lin Wen's eyes focused on the body of Dachao Beibi. Through his Wisdom Eye skill, he could tell at a glance that this Dachao Beibi was a leader-level elf!

Although in the carnival competition, a lot of lord-level elves emerged in the hands of the players, especially with the progress of the ranking battle, the last remaining players basically have the existence of lord-level elves in their hands!

However, in fact, the lord-level elves in the wild are still very rare!

Therefore, it is actually very difficult to meet a lord-level elf in this situation!

The eyes of the three looked at each other, and Qian Xia's eyes showed a hint of war, and she looked at the opposite Da Chao Beibi, and then said: "Let me do this battle!"

Lin Wen and the cute night cat nodded lightly!

The first attack target chosen by this big north nose is the sun elf, so it is not surprising to have Qianxia come to fight!

The sun elf has long understood the intention of his master, and immediately stepped forward to prepare for battle!

On the other side, Dachao Beibi couldn't hold back his fighting spirit for a long time, and immediately launched an attack on the sun elf!

Afterwards, the Sun Elf and Dachao Beibi started a fierce battle!

Then, in a very short period of time, the battle was over!

Sun Elf, Victory!

And this big north nose, who took the initiative to send to the door, was directly defeated!

In Qianxia's hands, the sun elf is not the most powerful elf, but it is also not to be underestimated!

As a female player, she was able to make it to the top six in the carnival competition. Qian Xia did not rely on her beautiful face, but her real strength!

Each of her elves can be called the elite of the elite!

Therefore, in the face of this boss-level big north nose, Ye Elf didn't bother, and easily defeated his opponent! .

Chapter 1051 Frost Ruins Appeared

The strength displayed by Ye Elf is extremely powerful!

After that, it naturally attracted a burst of praise from the cute night cat!

Moreover, there is such a certain gap in the strength of the elves that are also bosses and the wild elves compared to the boss-level elves that have been cultivated by trainers!

Therefore, in the face of this sun elf, Da Chao Beibi has almost no resistance, and has been easily defeated!

Then, the three of them continued to climb up!

As their height increased, the surrounding environment gradually became complicated, and at the same time, more and more elves came to attack!

The variety is also enriched!

The most popular ones on Tianguan Mountain are ice-type, steel-type, and magnet-type elves!

Therefore, the three Lin Wen encountered quite a few of them!

Blizzard King, the self-exploding magnetic monster, facing the north nose!

In the next battle, the cute night cat also showed his strength!

The three of them are all players who have appeared in the carnival competition. They already knew some of the opponent's strength. Now they are fighting with the elves who are not the most powerful, and they have undoubtedly demonstrated their strength once again!

At the beginning, the elves who came to attack were all one by one, but as time passed, the elves that attacked gradually increased!

Therefore, the three of Lin Wen had to deal with it together!

After all, for the reason of training the elves, the elves released by the three are all boss-level elves. In terms of one-on-one battles, as the best in the carnival competition, their boss-level elves The elf will not be afraid of any elves, and it is definitely the most advanced level in the range of the boss-level elf!

but!Fighting alone is not afraid of anyone, but when faced with several times more than himself, the strength they show is incomparable to the lord-level elf.

Therefore, the three of them fought side by side and continued to advance towards the upper end of Tianguan Mountain!

Because of the information acquired by the Lingxi Guild at a high price, the three of them never got lost and had a very accurate goal!

at last!

After a hard journey, after defeating an unknown number of elves blocking the road, the three of Lin Wen finally arrived at the final location instructed by the intelligence!

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