Here, it is already a very high altitude place on Tianguan Mountain!

I saw that in a hidden place, a deep cave existed here!

It is very secret!

If it weren't for the support of intelligence, Lin Wen, the cute night cat Qianxia and the others would never have been able to find this area!

The surroundings are already full of frost and ice. In this high altitude area, the air is cold, and the hot air can be frozen in an instant!

However, the coldness here cannot hide the fiery mood of Lin Wen and others!

The three of them have been through thorns and thorns all the way, and now they have finally come here, the excitement in their hearts is naturally unavoidable!

The location of this cave can be described as very secret. If they want to find it, if it is not for the sign on the map, the three of them may not be able to find it at all!

You know, the reason why this place was discovered was that the climber came here by accident!

It can be said that this is indeed a place on Tianguan Mountain, which is extremely difficult to find, and no player has explored it at all!

This is definitely one of the hidden maps!After all, it is so difficult to find, and places where almost no players have been there must contain huge secrets!

At this time, Lin Wen and the other three all stared directly at the entrance of the cave not far away, with an excited look on their faces!

"Brother Yang Yan."

In the end, it was the cute night cat who couldn't hold back first. After carefully scanning the cave, he said excitedly: "It seems that this should be the entrance to the Frost Cave!"

"That's right!"

Qian Xia, who was on the side, followed closely and said, although her personality is much calmer than that of the cute night cat, but at this time, she couldn't suppress her excitement, and said quickly: "This place is so secretive, if you didn't take it The information that came here points the final location here, I am afraid we can’t find the existence here, if there is no accident, here should be the location of the Frost Ruins!!”

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????

"Yeah." Lin Wen nodded lightly.

Although it looks calm on the surface, Lin Wen's heart is also full of excitement!

Frost Ruins!

For ordinary players, the Frost Relic is one of the hidden areas that many people know, and many players know that the Frost Relic exists on Tianguan Mountain!

However, the exact location is unknown!

Therefore, there are many players who have explored and searched. After all, the existence of hidden areas is like a huge treasure, and there are countless things to explore!


However, these players have all done useless work!

Although countless players have come here to explore Tianguan Mountain, looking forward to finding the existence of the Frost Remnant, but none of these players have succeeded!No player has ever found out where this very well-known hidden area is hidden!

After a long time, it will be over in the end!

You must know that at the very beginning, Tianguan Mountain was also very popular, attracting countless players to come to explore. These players have only one purpose, that is to find the existence of the Frost Ruins!I want to know the exact location of the Frost Ruins!

However, these players have only gained a result!


In this case, as time goes by, more and more players give up here and give up looking for the Frost Ruins. In this case, Tianguan Mountain has been very popular from the beginning, and now, only some active players are left. , or players with a strong desire to challenge come, compared to before, the lively atmosphere is gone forever!

And now!

The Frost Ruins, right in front of the three of them!

It's no wonder that Lin Wen wasn't excited! .

Chapter 1052 Mysterious Cave

Frost Ruins

The hidden area that thousands of players have not found is about to open the curtain in front of the three of them and enter their sight!

Even with Lin Wen's calmness, his slightly excited mood surfaced on the surface!

At the same time, there is one more important point!

What is the purpose of Lin Wen coming here?

He came all the way to the Shenao area from the Guandu area for the Frost Ruins!

To be precise, in order to successfully promote the ice elf to a lord-level elf!

And the lord level promotion mission of the ice elf, the challenger of the iceberg, the first difficulty of the mission is to find the frost relic!

It seems that the task after finding the Frost Ruins is not easy, but, in Lin Wen's opinion, it is more difficult to find the Frost Ruins!

Because, there have been countless players verified!Countless players came to Tianguan Mountain to explore, but none of them found the existence of the Frost Ruins!

Under this circumstance, Lin Wen only has this month, which is very short. It is undoubtedly very difficult to find a hidden and deep hidden area that has been explored by countless players and has never appeared!

Because of this, Lin Wen was rather worried about this. He didn't care much about what he needed to achieve after entering the Frost Ruins!

And now!

The entrance to the Frost Ruins is right in front of them!

This is one of the fundamental reasons why Lin Wen is very excited!

Finding the Frost Ruins undoubtedly means that the ice elf's lord level promotion task has been completed halfway!

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