There was a question mark in Lin Wen's mind, the situation here... But it doesn't quite match his initial expectations!

Frost ruins, as the name suggests, is actually a relic-style area, and there will definitely be all kinds of buildings!

But now!

The space in front of me, as well as the previous environment, are all showing like a forest pattern. This is clearly a space formed naturally!

A naturally formed cave!

You must know that in Lin Wen's expectation, in the Frost Ruins, battles are inevitable!


Looking at the number of low-evolved elves in front of him, it was impossible for Lin Wen to relate them to the battle.

In Lin Wen's heart, an idea suddenly popped up!

Could it be that... this is not the Frost Ruins?

While Lin Wen was thinking about it, Qian Xia's eyes swept around, seeing the huge natural space in front of him, and the same thought rose in his heart!

19 Her eyes turned to Lin Wen, and she asked, "Lin this place really the Frost Ruins?"

Her eyes met Lin Wen's, and the two understood the meaning in each other's eyes.

There was a wry smile on the corner of Lin Wen's mouth. He shook his head gently and said, "This place shouldn't be the real Frost Ruins."

He spoke his mind.

Because, apart from the fact that this location is really secret, there is absolutely nothing like the Frost Ruins here!

Whether it is outside the naturally formed environment or these cute low-evolved elves, they have nothing to do with the Frost Ruins!

In this case, Lin Wen can almost be sure that this is not the Frost Ruins!

Hearing this, Qianxia and the cute night cat also fell silent.

Both of them are very experienced players, and naturally they can basically confirm this.

Looking at each other, the two couldn't help shaking their heads, feeling a little depressed in their hearts.

After all, when they didn't enter it before, they all felt that this was the Frost Relic, because they found the Frost Relic that many players had not discovered in their exploration, and their excitement was inevitable!

But now!

After actually entering here, I found that it is completely different from what I imagined!

Compared with the real Frost Ruins, this place can also be called a semi-hidden area, but compared with the Frost Ruins, there is undoubtedly a big gap!

Therefore, this makes the hearts of the three inevitably a little depressed.

After a little adjustment, Lin Wen said, "At least it's not without gain."

There are many ice-type elves here, which can be said to be a good birthplace of elves, allowing players to capture good elves very well!

However, compared with the legendary Frost Ruins, it is a world of difference!

As a frost relic in a hidden area, it must contain something very important. Otherwise, how could it be sought after by countless players?

However, no frost remains were found, but such a good area was found, which was considered a gain.

However, Lin Wen smiled bitterly, what he wanted was not these!

For him now, the items inside the Frost Ruins are the second most important. What Lin Wen needs is to find the Frost Ruins, so that he can proceed to the next step, so as to complete the lord level promotion task of the Ice Elf!

Finding this place, Wuyi is very different from what he originally thought!

However, it is not a loss at all!

There are abundant elf resources here, and there are many elf with good potential, but you can inform Lingfeng and send someone here to harvest a lot of high-quality elf.

On the contrary, it can further enhance the strength of Lingxi Guild.

Let's take this as feedback on that information.

All kinds of information flashed in Lin Wen's mind.

His eyes turned to Qianxia and the cute night cat beside him, and then he said a little depressed: "Let's go, let's get out of here."

The two girls nodded in frustration.

I came here with great interest, and found that this place is not a Frost Ruins. This blow is indeed a bit big.

For the guild, these high-quality and low-evolved elves in front of them can well fill the guild's elves reserves and improve their strength in disguise.

but!For high-end players like Lin Wen and the others, these low-evolved elves are very tasteless!

At this point, they basically don't need to capture some new elves for cultivation, but need to concentrate on improving the elves in their hands!

Of course, if they meet that kind of elf with really amazing potential, they may have this idea!


Although the 570 spirits of the Earth-evolving Spirits in this Bingjie cave have some good potentials, in the eyes of the three of them, it is obviously not worth what they charge!

Therefore, this area is very tasteless for them.

However, fortunately behind Lin Wen, there is the Lingxi Guild. As a large-scale guild, the Lingxi Guild will have new people joining all the time. At this time, some low-evolved elves with good potential can play a role. Think about it this way. In that case, the Lingxi Guild that paid a high price to buy that information is not a loss.

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