After seeing the two girls nodding, Lin Wen turned around and prepared to leave here!

These low-evolved elves here have no attraction for the three of them at all, so the three of them are ready to leave directly!

Right now!

Because of the arrival of Lin Wen and the others, the low-evolved elves who were playing around stopped playing and instead stared at Lin Wen and the others with great vigilance, for fear that they would do something!

And now, when these little elves saw Lin Wen and others making a move, they didn't know who was the first to tweet!

As a cry sounded, the other elves around seemed to be awakened, and many elves present made a sound! .

Chapter 1054 The Guardian of the Ice Cave

For a time, the originally quiet space was suddenly filled with the voices of countless elves!

The three of Lin Wen looked at each other with some doubts in their eyes!

They were about to turn around and leave, but after hearing the chirping sounds of these elves, they subconsciously stopped!

Right now!

I saw that the ground suddenly shook!

The roar came from not far away!

Lin Wen and Qianxia, ​​the cute night cat looked at each other and saw the cautiousness in each other's eyes!

Something is coming!

The shaking of the earth became more and more intense, and the gazes of the three of Lin Wen looked towards the direction of the shaking at the same time!

Then, they saw quite a shocking scene!

I saw that not far away, a group of elves were rushing towards here!

They are not the elves with low evolution and low combat effectiveness in front of them!

It is a large group of elves that seem to be very powerful and have evolved to the top!

At this moment, Lin Wen and the others showed incredible in their eyes!

Blizzard King, Tundra Bear, Difang Sea Lion...

The silhouettes of the elves gathered together into a team, like an army pressing down on the realm, rushing towards the three of Lin Wen!

at the same time!

The fierce roar also came over, warning the three of Lin Wen!

Lin Wen's eyes were stunned for a short time, and then he immediately realized what had happened!

These elves are likely to regard the three of them as invaders, so they are very dissatisfied, and they will attack so violently!

You must know that the provider of that information, as a professional climber who has no ability to hurt, was also attacked by countless elves after he came to the Bingjie cave and was sent back to the city for free. !

Then, the three of them can see at a glance that they are players of the trainer, how can these elves not fight?

Lin Wen's eyes swept over the many elves that rushed over, and in an instant, he had already figured out everything!

These elves are probably the parents of these low-evolved elves playing freely in front of them!Because of the intrusion of the three of them, they were discovered by these low-evolved elves, and a warning was issued. These more powerful elves will appear violently and attack!

In Lin Wen's mind, he thought of a lot of things in an instant. Looking at the two girls beside him who were still a little confused, he said, "Quick! Prepare to fight' ¨!"

The incoming elves in front of them are different from the low-evolved elves. Each of them has a good strength and has evolved to the top. Moreover, there are not a lot of them!

Under such circumstances, Lin Wen did not dare to keep his hand, and did not dare to let the Ice Elf fight outside alone. After a flash in his hand, two elf balls had already appeared in his hand!

"Leaf Elf, Lucario, go!"

Bang bang two lights flashed!

Then, in front of Lin Wen, two figures appeared on the spot!

It was the Leaf Spirit and Lucario!

A lord-level elf, a powerful boss-level elf that can evolve MEGA!

After being reminded by Lin Wen, the cute night cat and Qian Xia also came back to their senses. Looking at the group of elves that suddenly attacked in front of them, they understood that everything was useless. , once again released a wizard!

"Come out, Pikachu!"

"Elloredo, come on!"

Accompanied by two light shouts, the figures of two elves appeared on the spot!


These two elves can be said to be the ace elves of Qianxia and the cute night cat. They are very powerful, and it is difficult for ordinary people to imagine!

Two lord-level elves!

Before, when they climbed Tianguan Mountain all the way, the three of Lin Wen did not use the lord-level elves, because the incoming enemies were only boss-level elves, and the number of each time was not large. With the help of the ice elves and the other two The strength of the elves can be dealt with completely!

But now!

But now!In front of this turbulent attack, the number of wild elves attacked together brazenly, so that the three did not dare to care!

Although the three elves such as the boss-level elves and ice elves are considered top-notch existences, but!Don't even think about winning when facing opponents several times more than you!After all, the physical strength of every elf is not unlimited!

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